Elite: Game talk

29 Oct 2021, 11:09pm
Ok that is actually pretty funny!
30 Oct 2021, 1:14am
SakashiroFortnite in space.

Never again tell me that you prefer Elite because No Man's Sky is too cartoony...

I’d just like to have the ability to change my cmdr thumbnail in EDO. Really want to wipe that sh*t-eating gormless smile off his face and get some proper colour hair again.
30 Oct 2021, 11:43am
wow.. blasted out of super cruise in front of coriolis star base. new glitch, engine exhaust overshooting my corvette. I thought i somehow fired missles on the station.. lol freaked me out.
30 Oct 2021, 12:26pm
MadBeachUSAwow.. blasted out of super cruise in front of coriolis star base. new glitch, engine exhaust overshooting my corvette. I thought i somehow fired missles on the station.. lol freaked me out.

We never get a new update without some new bugs, do we?
At least, this is something, I can totally ignore!

Did you experience the strange "SC-Assist rolling around" when approaching a station last month?!?
Dude, that was driving me crazy!
Glad we got rid of it again!
30 Oct 2021, 1:17pm
Just set off to my first booze cruise. More than 20k t wine on their way to Rackham's Peak for the party people. Should bring in more than 5B cr.

Edith: Oh no! RP entered a blight! Party canceled for the moment.
Good thing I've finished only one jump.

Last edit: 30 Oct 2021, 1:35pm
30 Oct 2021, 1:30pm
MadBeachUSAwow.. blasted out of super cruise in front of coriolis star base. new glitch, engine exhaust overshooting my corvette. I thought i somehow fired missles on the station.. lol freaked me out.

We never get a new update without some new bugs, do we?
At least, this is something, I can totally ignore!

Did you experience the strange "SC-Assist rolling around" when approaching a station last month?!?
Dude, that was driving me crazy!
Glad we got rid of it again!

dont use SC-Assist.. but before last update almost every time i accessed star or system map, game crashed. drove me crAZY i went back to playing horizons. so far after this upgrade no crash...YET
30 Oct 2021, 6:15pm
Everyone else got the feeling,
that EDOs "on-foot-combat-POI" are way out of balance?

I made more then a few on-foot-CZ now.
Even some on hard challange...
Let´s say it was "do-able"...

But now I just fought throu a level one (YEAH LEVEL ONE!!!!) POI!

Dude?!?! Are you kiddin´???

Only made in on my fourth try!

Damn, that was hard...

Last edit: 30 Oct 2021, 6:29pm
30 Oct 2021, 6:16pm
WaylongwayJust set off to my first booze cruise. More than 20k t wine on their way to Rackham's Peak for the party people. Should bring in more than 5B cr.

Edith: Oh no! RP entered a blight! Party canceled for the moment.
Good thing I've finished only one jump.

Hope you enjoy the trip up! If you decide to make a non stop trip from the bubble, it takes about 6 hours. I presently have 3 of my carriers up there now. Also if you have not already, I'd advise getting in contact with the Pilots Trade Network (PTN). They have Booze Cruises down to a science at this point. They are very well organized and great to work with!
30 Oct 2021, 7:05pm
Light-HawkHope you enjoy the trip up! If you decide to make a non stop trip from the bubble, it takes about 6 hours. I presently have 3 of my carriers up there now. Also if you have not already, I'd advise getting in contact with the Pilots Trade Network (PTN). They have Booze Cruises down to a science at this point. They are very well organized and great to work with!

Signed up on their Discord a while ago. I'm curious how the organization at the last systems will be handled. But perhaps it's not always congested?
I'm likely going to enjoy the view from the top once there. About the trip itself - if I had to look at the carrier walls for that duration, I would make the trip only once. But running E:D in the background and doing other things works well. One even doesn't need to pay much attention with the announcements and jumping sounds.

Do you only have the FCs there or did you go with them? In case of the latter, are you going to wait up there? Might take a long while until holiday now.
30 Oct 2021, 11:25pm
Sir-DukeEveryone else got the feeling,
that EDOs "on-foot-combat-POI" are way out of balance?

I made more then a few on-foot-CZ now.
Even some on hard challange...
Let´s say it was "do-able"...

But now I just fought throu a level one (YEAH LEVEL ONE!!!!) POI!

Dude?!?! Are you kiddin´???

Only made in on my fourth try!

Damn, that was hard...

It can be hard at first but once you get a suit and weapon upgraded it's not so bad. You can always kill them in your SRV if you wanted. The only time I die anymore is usually my own fault.
30 Oct 2021, 11:46pm
WaylongwaySigned up on their Discord a while ago. I'm curious how the organization at the last systems will be handled. But perhaps it's not always congested?
I'm likely going to enjoy the view from the top once there. About the trip itself - if I had to look at the carrier walls for that duration, I would make the trip only once. But running E:D in the background and doing other things works well. One even doesn't need to pay much attention with the announcements and jumping sounds.

Do you only have the FCs there or did you go with them? In case of the latter, are you going to wait up there? Might take a long while until holiday now.

The last couple systems do get very congested. Rackham's Peak is usually packed full. The PTN organizes it by trying to have as many of the carrier owners as possible be on their discord. There they have a couple players designated to run traffic control for the carriers going in and out of the systems. Once one carrier offloads, they help organize carrier movement to get it out and a different one in.

As for the FC's since you can only have one FC per account, it required that I setup multiple accounts to have my carriers. The CMDR's for each account are on their associated carriers. You have to be with your carrier as the trip is so long that you have to refill the tritium tank going up. Since the carrier won't automatically pull tritium from storage, you have to manually do that.

Also yeah, staring at the carrier walls for 6 hours straight sucks. Helps to pull up some shows or something and just set a 20 min timer to cycle the jumps. Maybe take care of some chores around the house, etc...
31 Oct 2021, 8:18am
"increase the payout significantly."

31 Oct 2021, 11:21am
Hope you enjoy the trip up! If you decide to make a non stop trip from the bubble, it takes about 6 hours. I presently have 3 of my carriers up there now. Also if you have not already, I'd advise getting in contact with the Pilots Trade Network (PTN). They have Booze Cruises down to a science at this point. They are very well organized and great to work with![/quote]

Give players an area that can be bottlenecked and what do they do? 'I presently have 3 of my carriers up there now'. They fuck it up, because, well, people.

Joking aside, note that if you get stuck there are no system activities to participate in near the bottleneck area. And despite being literally 'stuck', FDev customer service will not move your FC. Even if it sits there for 4 days. I should know because that's exactly what happened to me 2 months ago. The following month the system never went into the state of public holiday. I'm not sure their will be another public holiday for a while. I'm guessing I know the reason why now. Or at least 3 of those reasons lol.
31 Oct 2021, 2:17pm
Light-HawkThere they have a couple players designated to run traffic control for the carriers going in and out of the systems.

Yeah, read about it. But still interesting the first time to participate.
Light-HawkAs for the FC's since you can only have one FC per account, it required that I setup multiple accounts to have my carriers. The CMDR's for each account are on their associated carriers. You have to be with your carrier as the trip is so long that you have to refill the tritium tank going up. Since the carrier won't automatically pull tritium from storage, you have to manually do that.

The manual refill sucks big. Hope you still have another account in the bubble or somewhere else you can actually do something.
Multiple FCs per account would actually come in handy for trading. I don't think this will happen, though.

UmbrellaCorpJoking aside, note that if you get stuck there are no system activities to participate in near the bottleneck area. And despite being literally 'stuck', FDev customer service will not move your FC. Even if it sits there for 4 days. I should know because that's exactly what happened to me 2 months ago. The following month the system never went into the state of public holiday. I'm not sure their will be another public holiday for a while. I'm guessing I know the reason why now. Or at least 3 of those reasons lol.

I'm aware of the possible traffic problems and hope that the PTN traffic control can sort it out. I also read that a few months ago Fdev fiddled with the maximum FC capacity of HIP 58832 without notice. Perhaps, you were affected then.
Before the last public holiday at the beginning of Oct, there occurred a drought in Sep. So the public holiday certainly isn't guaranteed and the next will probably not happen before the end of Nov.
31 Oct 2021, 6:14pm
UmbrellaCorpGive players an area that can be bottlenecked and what do they do? 'I presently have 3 of my carriers up there now'. They fuck it up, because, well, people.

Totally understand this. At least I'm keeping contact with the PTN. Once the holiday goes live, those carriers will be emptied and pulled out of the system. But there are a few FC's up there that have been abandoned.

Last edit: 31 Oct 2021, 11:20pm

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