Elite: Game talk

03 Nov 2021, 10:10am
03 Nov 2021, 10:25am
i had a bug recently where i low waked into a station, but all there was was a ring and i decided i should fly towards it. when the station loaded in i had a great time trying to unwedge my cutter from the side of the station.
03 Nov 2021, 10:33am
Looks like somebody tried to Cut the station
03 Nov 2021, 10:46am
I'm asking for help or tips since I'm going crazy looking for a Thargoid probe.

I'v been searching in Delphi and Pleiades in tons of Non Human signals 4/5/6/7 (with and without salvage) for a week now......no luck
orbited many ammonia worlds..........no luck........
looked many times the Hercules Megaship cargo bays...........no luck...
looked around barnicles and thargoid sites......no luck.........

is the Milky Way thargoid probes free all of a sudden?
Ps I want to find it and not buying it:P
any suggestions?

Last edit: 03 Nov 2021, 10:56am
03 Nov 2021, 12:11pm
Did you check Pleiades Sector RO-Q B5-1 and Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-16?
03 Nov 2021, 12:46pm
Shg56Did you check Pleiades Sector RO-Q B5-1 and Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-16?

I will give it a go
Always looking for nhss?
03 Nov 2021, 3:36pm
Natsumi-ChanStill hunting for Arsenic or things easily traded down to it. Suggestions? My SRV hates me, and asteroids have that damned materials bug.

I don't have a remedy for your SRV problem, but crystalline shards are LOADED with materials you can easily trade up/down, assuming you're willing to make multiple trips.
03 Nov 2021, 4:13pm
Natsumi-ChanStill hunting for Arsenic or things easily traded down to it. Suggestions? My SRV hates me, and asteroids have that damned materials bug.

I don't have a remedy for your SRV problem, but crystalline shards are LOADED with materials you can easily trade up/down, assuming you're willing to make multiple trips.

Mine in Horizons, or generally farm everything (but Oddity goods) in Horizons. AFAIK the nodes with Crystalline Shards are still Signal sources in Horizons. When (if not already) Horizons gets nerfed to Oddity grinding mode you'll need to make sure none of your raw mat bars fill up so you're always collecting every morsel you get.
03 Nov 2021, 5:04pm
Shg56Did you check Pleiades Sector RO-Q B5-1 and Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-16?

Non I've checked the 2 system you suggested but no probes around....... I lost count of the sites I looked into....
Thanx anyway
03 Nov 2021, 5:12pm
Hello Commanders,

yesterday I went to do some Platinum mining. Got into a Platinum hotspot, about 20 km from the actual target, but very much in the yellow circle. I flew around (toward the planet) probing asteroids with prospectors and doing pulse wave too. Nothing. Not a single one. Found some gold and osmium but no platinum whatsoever.

I read some of you reported issues with mining, so anyone knows what's going on? Another "it's a feature, not a bug" gift from FDev? I am in Horizons.

03 Nov 2021, 5:25pm
Darth BoziHello Commanders,

yesterday I went to do some Platinum mining. Got into a Platinum hotspot, about 20 km from the actual target, but very much in the yellow circle. I flew around (toward the planet) probing asteroids with prospectors and doing pulse wave too. Nothing. Not a single one. Found some gold and osmium but no platinum whatsoever.

I read some of you reported issues with mining, so anyone knows what's going on? Another "it's a feature, not a bug" gift from FDev? I am in Horizons.


are you sure your were in the correct ring type? Platinum is only really found in Metallic rings (although you can find Cores in Metal Rich rings), where as Gold and Osmium can be found in both Metallic and Metal Rich rings.

I did some Platinum mining the other day and didn't have any issues.
03 Nov 2021, 6:56pm
Darth BoziHello Commanders,

yesterday I went to do some Platinum mining. Got into a Platinum hotspot, about 20 km from the actual target, but very much in the yellow circle. I flew around (toward the planet) probing asteroids with prospectors and doing pulse wave too. Nothing. Not a single one. Found some gold and osmium but no platinum whatsoever.

I read some of you reported issues with mining, so anyone knows what's going on? Another "it's a feature, not a bug" gift from FDev? I am in Horizons.


Platinum yield is good only in x2+ overlaps.
Try using https://edtools.cc/miner
Last time I went for platinum I had my 512t cargo filled in under hour. I cannot remember which system it was but it is well known overlap.
04 Nov 2021, 12:17am
Shg56Did you check Pleiades Sector RO-Q B5-1 and Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-16?

Non I've checked the 2 system you suggested but no probes around....... I lost count of the sites I looked into....
Thanx anyway

I was passing them by 10 days ago, they were like Pandora boxes full of thargoids from 1-9. Sorry for wrong lead.
04 Nov 2021, 12:36am
Platinum yield is good only in x2+ overlaps.

Don’t confuse chance of finding the specific resource with asteroid yield. Hotspots do give a small increase to yield but not so significant (+9% base min % for single, +13% base min % for dbl overlap).
Yield is governed far more by reserve level, prospector class and the level of RES than hotspots as it is a calculation of base min % and total fragments.
OP mentioned seeing no plat in a plat hotspot. A single hot gives a flat 26% chance of any asteroid containing plat within the (up to 3) minerals being plat in metallic ring. Double overlaps = 52%. These are flat rates throughout hotspot so I’m reckoning OP was in metal rich ring, not metallic. Base chances are halved in metal rich.
04 Nov 2021, 1:33am
I am in GCRV 1568. The ring is one of the Painite overlap spots, but has several others - though none are overlap. Should have thought about the miner tool. Thanks.

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