Elite: Game talk

31 Oct 2021, 6:56pm
WaylongwayThe manual refill sucks big. Hope you still have another account in the bubble or somewhere else you can actually do something.
Multiple FCs per account would actually come in handy for trading. I don't think this will happen, though.

Since FC's are permanently instanced, it makes sense to limit them. There are players with enough credits to buy enough FC's to max out a whole system. There's a player with over 2 trillion credits they could just spend at will. That would be enough to fund the entire Deep Space Support Array of fleet carriers.

As for the refueling, we have to pay an upkeep to maintain the crew on the carriers. Why can't they move tritium from the cargo hold to the FC's fuel tank? I'm paying for a fueling crew to be on board. Part of the crew includes a captain for the FC. When I want to make a long trip, why can't a course be plotted? Why do I have to refuel the carrier and plot each individual jump? What am I paying my crew for?

Also yes, my primary account (and my 4th fleet carrier) are in the bubble.

Last edit: 31 Oct 2021, 7:10pm
01 Nov 2021, 7:27am
somewhere they know is good for killing pirates and doing pirate missions with big ships?
01 Nov 2021, 7:35am
Sir-Duke We never get a new update without some new bugs, do we?

I lately enjoyed booking my APEX Shuttles and randomly get dropped through the floor I was standing on and end up one deck lower. At another occasion after booking the Lady at the counter wished me a good day moments before I was catapulted backwards, through all the walls and outside the Outpost I was on before descending into space and fading to black moments later, only to find me back inside standing before her again.

Damn that's some strong Onionhead!
01 Nov 2021, 1:14pm
I hate to farm Jameson's crash site again, but gathering high grade encoded materials the "normal" way takes forever.
01 Nov 2021, 3:28pm
SakashiroI hate to farm Jameson's crash site again, but gathering high grade encoded materials the "normal" way takes forever.

Have you tried hacking a megaship?

Science vessels and researchers drop up to MEF after hacking their comm arrays.

All you need is recon limpet and silent running when attaching limpet and when hack completes

Last edit: 01 Nov 2021, 3:58pm
01 Nov 2021, 6:14pm
Gryphnn"increase the payout significantly."

<< Show less

Yea.. its just everyday spam.
01 Nov 2021, 6:58pm
Can someone tell me how I can find fleet carriers that fly from Colonia back to the bubble? Thanks in Advance. (sorry for my bad English)
01 Nov 2021, 7:00pm
SpaceohrCan someone tell me how I can find fleet carriers that fly from Colonia back to the bubble? Thanks in Advance. (sorry for my bad English)

01 Nov 2021, 7:01pm
Update on the Halloween topic: The pumpkin is actually a pumpkin-shaped helmet!

01 Nov 2021, 7:44pm
Wow, no wonders anarchy systems are disappearing! Went murder hobo in a settlement - got notoriety 2 for less than 15 random NPCs
01 Nov 2021, 8:02pm
SpaceohrCan someone tell me how I can find fleet carriers that fly from Colonia back to the bubble? Thanks in Advance. (sorry for my bad English)

Check this out

01 Nov 2021, 8:54pm
EpisparhWow, no wonders anarchy systems are disappearing! Went murder hobo in a settlement - got notoriety 2 for less than 15 random NPCs

Down to Earth Astronomy did a interesting report on this;

If we still want to go full slaughterhouse on settlements, maybe we should pick those, who will have a forced support.
For example, I´m only farming materials in settlements from Eurybian blue mafia.
Because they will also fin enough supporters, because on Liz Ryder the engineer girl.
01 Nov 2021, 10:06pm
Unfortunately, Colonia have limited factions and settlements to choose from
02 Nov 2021, 5:34am
Also, for interest sake, pack Planetary vehicle hangar so you can check out the new SRV when it drops next week

The new SRV won't be next week/Update 8, as it's still in development.

But how do you know?
02 Nov 2021, 7:09am
BluecrashThe new SRV won't be next week/Update 8, as it's still in development.

But how do you know?

FDev stream this week said by Christmas and hinted possibly as early as update 9 this month.

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