Elite: Game talk

04 Nov 2021, 5:20am
Hi Darth

I guess you're mining at GCRV 1568 AB 1 you need to be in the inner ring which is metallic not the outer ring which is high metal you can only find platinum cores in the high metal ring. I did exactly the same.

A question from a noob how do i stop my collectors from picking up metals i don't want?

o7 commanders
04 Nov 2021, 5:47am
Skaven JerHi Darth

I guess you're mining at GCRV 1568 AB 1 you need to be in the inner ring which is metallic not the outer ring which is high metal you can only find platinum cores in the high metal ring. I did exactly the same.

A question from a noob how do i stop my collectors from picking up metals i don't want?

o7 commanders

Left Panel, Contacts, select the material, choose ignore.
04 Nov 2021, 6:47am
Thankyou Kurakil I'll try that next time out
04 Nov 2021, 11:11am
Platinum yield is good only in x2+ overlaps.

OP mentioned seeing no plat in a plat hotspot. A single hot gives a flat 26% chance of any asteroid containing plat within the (up to 3) minerals being plat in metallic ring. Double overlaps = 52%. These are flat rates throughout hotspot so I’m reckoning OP was in metal rich ring, not metallic. Base chances are halved in metal rich.

These are both wrong. Ever since The Great Painite Nerf of 3306 mineral density is no longer a straight multiplier based on # of overlaps. The distribution is affected more by proximity to the center of the hotspot than by the # of overlaps. It's to the point that a 2x overlap is typically only as good as being at the center of a single hotspot. Also, this nerf was worse for the classical 'good' ores of that period which is one of the reasons why platinum is recommended over any other laser mined mineral.

The ideal overlaps spots anymore are ones where they are very close to being perfectly on top of each other. This way you maximize both the diminished increase of the overlap with the proximity to their centers, but, even here you won't get Platinum every second asteroid. It's more like 1 in 3 with the average being 15-22% desired ore per asteroid depending on overlaps and proximity. So far a triple overlap gets you an average of 25% ore/asteroid. So the diminishing returns is quite clear.

Side note: Belt density is another consideration when looking at the location from SC as this affects the amount of travelling between roids.

Last edit: 04 Nov 2021, 12:12pm
04 Nov 2021, 12:33pm
hi, can someone help me with a core mining problem?
The other day i want to go and try core mining and find a double overlapping benitoite spot in HIP 65126, after i mine for 4h i find only 3 asteroids with benitoite core.

So i drop in in the middle of the overlapping and go towers one of the hotspot. what i do wrong?
04 Nov 2021, 1:10pm
I mined platinum and tritium near the center of single hotspots recently (platinum in metallic, tritium in icy rings), and both felt satisfying. Rocks with good yields were easy enough to find. All the tritium I've used for carrier jumps was mined in single hotspots.

Core mining on the other hand was a bit frustrating because cores were rare and often a different type than the hotspot would suggest. Core mining tools are fun to use, but laser mining seems to be more efficient.
04 Nov 2021, 1:15pm
14Alpha, the overlap do not increase the number of core rocks but increase the chance they are from the same type as of hotspot.

As for your questions "what i do wrong?":
1. There is only one type/shape of core rock in the hotspot, you need to recognize its shape and glow from distance. Note: shapes can be different per different ring type
2. I see a vette on your screen. Because of what I have mentioned above you need a fast ship that can cover long distance in normal space. This is the reason why people prefer kraits, they boost over/bellow the rings while using PWA and looking for familiar shape and glow. Faster ship covers more.
3. Core rocks are shared among all instances and refresh on a long period of time. This means that if someone blows a rock in solo it will disappear for anyone else until it respawns. If you are going into a popular system you may not be able to find a single rock as many others probably do the same. The mapped runs make this even worse.

My advice is to look for rings that are not very popular - lack of FCs around is a good sign. The second one is to not drop in dead center of the hotspot as this is where mapped runs usually starts, your chances will be better if you drop somewhere in the peripherals.

Good luck!
04 Nov 2021, 1:47pm
ty for the answer.
if i want to make some money with mining what you suggest do to?
for both core and laser.
04 Nov 2021, 1:58pm
14Alphaty for the answer.
if i want to make some money with mining what you suggest do to?
for both core and laser.

Well, generally laser mining Platinum (and Osmium when you see it) is the most profitable use of your time, even though Platinum sells for much less than most other meta mined ores. It is dreadfully boring though. In addition to the sound advice Epi gave you keep in mind that when a Core asteroid is cracked it's gone for all players almost a week. It could be someone has that area mapped and is doing a looped run weekly or, more likely, it was just mined recently by a large group of players.
04 Nov 2021, 2:33pm
14Alphaty for the answer.
if i want to make some money with mining what you suggest do to?
for both core and laser.

If you need just money - platinum is current way to go. It requires less skill. Just use A rated prospector for maximum yield. Your preferences should be towards 2D mining lasers as they give best performance per distribution load. As for collector limpets 1.5-2 per 2D laser should give you almost no wait time if you are close to the rock. Ideally you are looking for 4 x 2d lasers with 12 collectors.

At later stage when you meet your CR demand you may try to experiment with core mining, it is more fun (If mining can be fun at all) . And don't stop there , sub-surface mining is very interesting too - it has a small reaction game attached to it.
Far better one than the stupid reaction nightmare Frontier tried to sell us with genetic sample tool
04 Nov 2021, 3:49pm

Am searching for Hudson and Winters miners if they are willing to sell on my fleet carrier above like double than average price.
All the details can be discussed and specially selling price can be negotitated.
This will be ongoing so if anyone will need to earn some credits they will for sure profit from trading with me, specially new players.
Please send me a message in private if you are willing to do some work.

Enjoy, relax and have fun.

04 Nov 2021, 3:52pm
Double engineered 6A FSD. Now that would be worth having if I wasn’t a billion miles away.
04 Nov 2021, 4:15pm
QuillmonkeyDouble engineered 6A FSD. Now that would be worth having if I wasn’t a billion miles away.

Alcor is in the bubble.
04 Nov 2021, 4:30pm
Extra jump range and fast boot for my Courier, my Mamba, and my fat ass T-9, OMFG SIGN ME UP!

04 Nov 2021, 4:34pm
SakashiroExtra jump range and fast boot for my Courier, my Mamba, and my fat ass T-9, OMFG SIGN ME UP!

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Explorer t6 and dolphin here i come!

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