Elite: Game talk

07 Nov 2021, 9:19am
Think fDev will need to factor in that everyone now has FCs and so commodity hauling CGs no longer work.
This one did have a particularly useful reward, but all these types of CG are going to be much tougher for novice CMDRs.
07 Nov 2021, 12:44pm
QuillmonkeyThink fDev will need to factor in that everyone now has FCs and so commodity hauling CGs no longer work.
This one did have a particularly useful reward, but all these types of CG are going to be much tougher for novice CMDRs.

...I don´t exactly see, why the CG are "tougher" for novices?
Every usual place around the event is sold out immediatly nevertheless...
So you have to fly lots of lightyears to buy items "the old way"

Clever novices could possibly stay in system and just help unload / fill up..
There is always someone calling for workers.

Yeah, I know, this cut the profit for newbies, but it also reduces unproductive flying time.

And the mission reward is given out by the amount of unites, not by the profit you made on the way...
07 Nov 2021, 1:28pm
Someone know where can i find to buy more mining lasers from tha last CG?
07 Nov 2021, 1:35pm
14AlphaSomeone know where can i find to buy more mining lasers from tha last CG?

They available from the Tech Broker at the Megaships in: LTT 198 / 21 Eridani / Laguz

Required Materials for Purchase
07 Nov 2021, 1:43pm
QuillmonkeyThink fDev will need to factor in that everyone now has FCs and so commodity hauling CGs no longer work.
This one did have a particularly useful reward, but all these types of CG are going to be much tougher for novice CMDRs.

...I don´t exactly see, why the CG are "tougher" for novices?
Every usual place around the event is sold out immediatly nevertheless...
So you have to fly lots of lightyears to buy items "the old way"

Clever novices could possibly stay in system and just help unload / fill up..
There is always someone calling for workers.

Yeah, I know, this cut the profit for newbies, but it also reduces unproductive flying time.

And the mission reward is given out by the amount of unites, not by the profit you made on the way...

I can't see any more difficulty for new players either. If anything FCs of other players help to provide CG commodities. Not that it was needed. There were and are plenty of CG commodities available within 15 ly and absolutely sufficient amounts even within 5 ly of Alcor. https://inara.cz/commodity/67/457/#tab_ui-id-10

It's just that this last CG had particularly desired prizes. Of course this raises the bar due to everybody wanting it to reach tier 5 and the competitive nature of the 75% limit.
And we are only talking about a little over 2200 t. That's 20 runs in a Type-6, which costs about a million. In a Cobra it's double that, which could be afforded within a few hours.

Also, who said that new players need the best equipment available right from the start? Should the starting ship be a Cutter or Corvette then? Better yet a Panther Clipper!
07 Nov 2021, 1:46pm
14AlphaSomeone know where can i find to buy more mining lasers from tha last CG?

They available from the Tech Broker at the Megaships in: LTT 198 / 21 Eridani / Laguz

Required Materials for Purchase

07 Nov 2021, 2:21pm
07 Nov 2021, 2:44pm
QuillmonkeyThink fDev will need to factor in that everyone now has FCs and so commodity hauling CGs no longer work.
This one did have a particularly useful reward, but all these types of CG are going to be much tougher for novice CMDRs.

...I don´t exactly see, why the CG are "tougher" for novices?
Every usual place around the event is sold out immediatly nevertheless...
So you have to fly lots of lightyears to buy items "the old way"

Clever novices could possibly stay in system and just help unload / fill up..
There is always someone calling for workers.

Yeah, I know, this cut the profit for newbies, but it also reduces unproductive flying time.

And the mission reward is given out by the amount of unites, not by the profit you made on the way...

I agree with this. I started in adjacent systems and even resorted to some of the 7k Ls surface stations in Alioth. there was a lot of travel time that hurt my productivity. I reached 5B and was able to buy a FC just before Mallory surface station dried up. I figured best way to contribute was what many other FC owners were doing: fill up from far away and then bring it to the CG. I split the profit difference nearly in half for the stevedores unloading for me cuz I loaded it myself, but didn't get the chance to unload on my first dropoff, losing a lot of CG credit. it is what it is. fortunately my full 25k was gone in like 1-2 hours. it does suck that for efficient contributions, the non-FC owner unloaders had to rely on FC prices, but that's the privilege FC owners get. it seemed Ike there was plenty of opportunity for non-FC owners and the r/elitecarrier buy orders were reasonable, so this helped FC owners make passive cash and give contributors nearby product at reasonable cost.
07 Nov 2021, 6:46pm
Sakashiro<< Show less

My bounty is like 16 million but I don't think it counts it unless I dock at a station
07 Nov 2021, 7:09pm
This is my first time playing with notoriety, and I must say it makes the game much less boring!

But being effective as a criminal really requires a fleet carrier.
07 Nov 2021, 7:12pm
SakashiroThis is my first time playing with notoriety, and I must say it makes the game much less boring!

But being effective as a criminal really requires a fleet carrier.

I find I can get notoriety 2 without even going out of my way to do anything, but above that I have to purposefully try for it.
07 Nov 2021, 7:26pm
With notoriety 10 it feels like everyone is out trying to get you. Once I had one interdiction seamlessly following another. Never seen that before. And the system authority ships start using funny engineered weapons. I think they have lasers with the reverb cascade effect, because they somehow damage my shield generator while the shield is still up, but without firing a missile.
07 Nov 2021, 8:37pm
SakashiroWith notoriety 10 it feels like everyone is out trying to get you. Once I had one interdiction seamlessly following another. Never seen that before. And the system authority ships start using funny engineered weapons. I think they have lasers with the reverb cascade effect, because they somehow damage my shield generator while the shield is still up, but without firing a missile.

Go in deciat , someone will relieve you. Filthy criminal scum
07 Nov 2021, 10:20pm
This is probably a pretty noob question, but hey, I'm pretty new at this game, so it makes sense I would have noob questions. Anyway, I was on the Frontier forums the other day, reading about all the console players complaining that Odyssey isn't available for us yet, when I thought I noticed something. They seemed to imply that PC players can only play with other PC players, and XBox players with other Xbox players, etc. Is that so, am I understanding that correctly? I had the impression that this was a cross-platform MMO.
07 Nov 2021, 10:38pm
BrandecThis is probably a pretty noob question, but hey, I'm pretty new at this game, so it makes sense I would have noob questions. Anyway, I was on the Frontier forums the other day, reading about all the console players complaining that Odyssey isn't available for us yet, when I thought I noticed something. They seemed to imply that PC players can only play with other PC players, and XBox players with other Xbox players, etc. Is that so, am I understanding that correctly? I had the impression that this was a cross-platform MMO.

Background simulation, power play, and fleet carriers are shared, but in open mode you will only ever meet players who play on the same platform as you. On PC there is even a separation between Horizons and Odyssey players.

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