Elite: Game talk

05 Nov 2021, 11:51am
MeowersShould I guess that Apex don't have a scoop because one company doesn't know how to code fuel scooping script for those pilots?

So that those slave pilots cannot flee with company property
05 Nov 2021, 1:23pm
SakashiroThere should be a Pilots Federation for non-pilots. The Pedestrian Federation.

05 Nov 2021, 1:37pm
Gryphnn So that those slave pilots cannot flee with company property
Sounds quite Imperial... Ah, wait a minute...
05 Nov 2021, 2:01pm
Kumo slaves arent imperial ones

Imperial slaves are the workers without employment choice
05 Nov 2021, 4:08pm
MeowersSounds quite Imperial... Ah, wait a minute...

05 Nov 2021, 7:17pm
2018 was the last time new content for the HOTAS came out in Elite Dangerous (guardian ship launched fighters). It is a great space sim. But it hasn't been an active space sim for almost 4 years now. Any suggestions on where to get an active space sim fix as a second game for my HOTAS?
05 Nov 2021, 9:31pm
Hey, in relation to the community goal for Colonia and the possible drying up of the requested commodities: How much or how often do commodities respawn at the stations that produce them?
05 Nov 2021, 9:47pm
Carthold MnalguzHey, in relation to the community goal for Colonia and the possible drying up of the requested commodities: How much or how often do commodities respawn at the stations that produce them?

I sourced from nearby star systems but kept being forced to move on. supplies would regen for a few trips and then dry up. I even was sourcing from 7k Ls surface stations in Alioth (for the Alcor dropoff) for a while, but those dried up, too. systems in a boom state might be able to keep up their supply longer, but demand is pretty high. if you struggle too much, see what carriers in the system and nearby systems have for sale.
05 Nov 2021, 9:48pm
Hello there.
06 Nov 2021, 12:12am
I made it to the top 75% in the CG, am I good to stop trading or is there a risk that my rank will drop before the CG is over?
06 Nov 2021, 12:37am
the CG´s ae rising very fast, i guess today Alcor CG (Colonia maybe too) will be done.. so i would invest a little buffer to stay in the prefered zone..

Last edit: 06 Nov 2021, 12:50am
06 Nov 2021, 1:10am
DookieDan_P_PI made it to the top 75% in the CG, am I good to stop trading or is there a risk that my rank will drop before the CG is over?

If you're near the bottom end of the "top 75%" bracket, there is definitely a risk that your rank will drop, but it depends how close to the bottom you are.

This CG is going faster than any in recent times, which is mainly due to the double-engineered FSDs awarded to the top 75%. The low end of the "top 75%" bracket has risen from around 720 to 1500 today, but the CG is over 70% complete, so there's a limit to how much more can be delivered.

Some people will be fighting to get into the top 75%, but every new CMDR that joins the CG makes the brackets bigger. Your main concern would be the people who already joined but are below you in the rankings. If too many of them keep going and jump ahead of you, they could push you out of the top 75%
06 Nov 2021, 1:38am
Co'hen MacBain
DookieDan_P_PI made it to the top 75% in the CG, am I good to stop trading or is there a risk that my rank will drop before the CG is over?

If you're near the bottom end of the "top 75%" bracket, there is definitely a risk that your rank will drop, but it depends how close to the bottom you are.

This CG is going faster than any in recent times, which is mainly due to the double-engineered FSDs awarded to the top 75%. The low end of the "top 75%" bracket has risen from around 720 to 1500 today, but the CG is over 70% complete, so there's a limit to how much more can be delivered.

Some people will be fighting to get into the top 75%, but every new CMDR that joins the CG makes the brackets bigger. Your main concern would be the people who already joined but are below you in the rankings. If too many of them keep going and jump ahead of you, they could push you out of the top 75%

Alright thanks, I'll keep pushing. Is there a good way to tell what part of the 75% I'm in?
06 Nov 2021, 1:45am
DookieDan_P_PAlright thanks, I'll keep pushing. Is there a good way to tell what part of the 75% I'm in?

The CG information right here on Inara will give you a good idea: https://inara.cz/galaxy-communitygoals/

It's not 100% accurate because not all players send their data to Inara, but with this many participants in the CG it'll be close enough to show you where you stand.
06 Nov 2021, 1:13pm
we need to w8 for the Colonia CG to end to get the rewards?

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