Elite: Game talk

14 Nov 2021, 3:44pm
Geralt DeWitto7 CMDRs

I've got the new shiny double engineered FSD in class 3, 4 & 6 from the CG. I tried to add an experimental effect like mass manager on them but I only receive a "server error"-massage, when I try.

Does anyone know a solution?

In the past I was able to add mass manager to my double engineered class 5 FSDs...

as far as I know those FSDs are already fully engineered, but i could be wrong

As far as you know? Why even write that when you are entirely clueless. There are no experimental effects on the double engineered FSDs. For the 5A variants there was no issue, but now there is a bug for the new modules. (Also note that there is no way for a "server error" message to be intentional gameplay.)
New Community Goal FSD will not allow experimental effects to be applied to it
As I have already written (but you clearly didn't look whether someone already answered), one can go there and vote for the bug to be fixed.
14 Nov 2021, 6:02pm
Ahoy! Ye be there any Pirates here?
14 Nov 2021, 6:51pm
CARE BEARAhoy! Ye be there any Pirates here?

You a cop? >.>
14 Nov 2021, 8:04pm
Salmonea How much often they are there?

Seemed pretty widespread. Clumps of maybe 10 shards every few hundred metres. Just looking at surrounding systems now to see if there are other raw-fours.
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you should note the coordinates too. In case you got lucky and the whole planet isn't covered in them.
14 Nov 2021, 8:20pm
Burstaryou should note the coordinates too. In case you got lucky and the whole planet isn't covered in them.

I flew about 600km and they were everywhere. Remember, they are exobiology, so have a general spread.
14 Nov 2021, 9:16pm
Burstaryou should note the coordinates too. In case you got lucky and the whole planet isn't covered in them.

I flew about 600km and they were everywhere. Remember, they are exobiology, so have a general spread.

Hold on, let me write that down... "Exobiology=general spread". Wait a second, their spread is less 'general' and more based on 'in the blue zone and on preferred terrain' with ZERO guarantees you will find them with similar or better concentrations in other locations.

I find your claim that you flew for 15+ minutes in a straight line and found Crystal Fragment piles the whole time dubious. That said, I realized you actually DID record the coordinates:
Tellurium = Schee Phio KY-F d12-4 B 9 (6276 ly from Sol) @64.1038, -140.5506 so it matters little. GJ and TY for sharing.

Last edit: 14 Nov 2021, 9:31pm
14 Nov 2021, 9:16pm
Calteru Taalo
CARE BEARAhoy! Ye be there any Pirates here?

You a cop? >.>

No he just found a squadron and he is alone there But that ,,Ahoy" word... Není to čech?
14 Nov 2021, 9:29pm
Burstaryou should note the coordinates too. In case you got lucky and the whole planet isn't covered in them.

I flew about 600km and they were everywhere. Remember, they are exobiology, so have a general spread.

Hold on, let me write that down... "Exobiology=general spread". Wait a second, their spread is less 'general' and more based on 'in the blue zone and on preferred terrain' with ZERO guarantees you will find them with similar or better concentrations in other locations.

I find your claim that you flew for 15+ minutes in a straight line and found Crystal Fragment piles the whole time dubious. That said, I realized you actually DID record the coordinates:
Tellurium = Schee Phio KY-F d12-4 B 9 @64.1038, -140.5506 so it matter little. GJ and TY for sharing.

No need to be a dick about it.
By spread I think it was plain I was saying they are not located in separate ‘sites’ but can be found throughout the amenable region. As you could tell from the image, the amenable area is widespread through the whole planet, so individual coordinates are not going to help much.
Flying for 15 mins, not hard to believe: I needed to see the extent, i needed to see if any other raw mats were also present and i wanted to check out the clusters, outcrops and geo features. I was there about an hour total.
I scanned the shards and it came up as a validation on the codex, so it is not the first shard site found but I don’t know what raw mat is at the other. It does show that shards are present in EDO, which is a good thing in general.
14 Nov 2021, 10:36pm
Respect savvy…!
15 Nov 2021, 12:54am
Looking for old/new commanders to join our rag tag team of misfits on whatever journey our fearless leader plots for us
15 Nov 2021, 1:56am
JuggaloFryeLooking for old/new commanders to join our rag tag team of misfits on whatever journey our fearless leader plots for us

15 Nov 2021, 4:52am
15 Nov 2021, 10:52am
Hello there.
15 Nov 2021, 11:35am
General Kenobi!
15 Nov 2021, 1:25pm
That double engeneered 6a FSD is totaly fucked up! Plote router doenst work with it. Its setting me long journeys with 65 jump range. I have current jump range 80,4 LY I am unable to repair it.

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