Elite: Game talk

06 Nov 2021, 1:33pm
14Alphawe need to w8 for the Colonia CG to end to get the rewards?

CG Rewards are usually issued the Friday after the weekly tick, so in this case the weekly tick is the 11th, and Friday would be the 12th.

However, sometimes the rewards don't get issued until the Monday after, which would be the 15th.

So hopefully, we'll see then this Friday, but don't be surprised if they get delayed.
06 Nov 2021, 1:44pm
Missed the 75% by 200t. Was doing my last run with 720t when the server kicked me out after a few minutes in witch space. Bit late to the CG this week. Some of us actually have to work during the week. Only got in 3 trips. It was fulfilled very quickly. Surprised I made it even into the 75% before getting booted and called it a night.
06 Nov 2021, 1:46pm
Inara was lagging behind. Logged in today and saw I made the 75% with 600t to spare.

Last edit: 12 Nov 2021, 2:26pm
06 Nov 2021, 5:24pm
Can someone check; if your "cancel carrier jump" is broken, too?

looks like I can´t cancel them anymore...
Triple checked it, to be sure...

Although it says "jump canceld" the carrier still does jump away...

And please don´t aks... I do know about time litmits and whatever...
While checking I wasn´t able to cancel even a 14 minutes ETA jump.

Damn! How could this be messed up???...

Last edit: 06 Nov 2021, 5:40pm
06 Nov 2021, 6:15pm
Wow those CG's were destroyed. Woke up this morning thinking 'ok, I'll do enough for 75% in bubble CG and maybe toy with going to Colonia to do same there'.

Looked at board... Bubble done (F!), Colonia halfway through Tier 3. By the time I reached Colonia it was already a quarter into Tier 4. I barely had time to scrounge enough to reach 75% by the time it completed. Okay, now I'll unlock the Oddity engineers. Wut, I'm Allied with Colonia Council and Bart boy won't unlock? F sakes Fdev.
06 Nov 2021, 6:16pm
Now that the Alcor part of the Colonia Bridge Project is finished, where does one pick up the upgraded frame shift drive(s)?
I've picked up my $$ and am eligible to get the drive(s). I'm here at Alcor and can't seem to figure it out.
06 Nov 2021, 6:17pm
DownlockedNow that the Alcor part of the Colonia Bridge Project is finished, where does one pick up the upgraded frame shift drive(s)?
I've picked up my $$ and am eligible to get the drive(s). I'm here at Alcor and can't seem to figure it out.

This your first CG? This gets asked every time. The tangible reward gets released typically on the next scheduled server restart give or take.
06 Nov 2021, 6:37pm
BurstarWow those CG's were destroyed. Woke up this morning thinking 'ok, I'll do enough for 75% in bubble CG and maybe toy with going to Colonia to do same there'.

Looked at board... Bubble done (F!), Colonia halfway through Tier 3. By the time I reached Colonia it was already a quarter into Tier 4. I barely had time to scrounge enough to reach 75% by the time it completed. Okay, now I'll unlock the Oddity engineers. Wut, I'm Allied with Colonia Council and Bart boy won't unlock? F sakes Fdev.

Do one mission for that faction to update it. Worked for me.
06 Nov 2021, 6:51pm
DownlockedNow that the Alcor part of the Colonia Bridge Project is finished, where does one pick up the upgraded frame shift drive(s)?
I've picked up my $$ and am eligible to get the drive(s). I'm here at Alcor and can't seem to figure it out.

To quote my previous post from earlier:

LilacLight CG Rewards are usually issued the Friday after the weekly tick, so in this case the weekly tick is the 11th, and Friday would be the 12th.

However, sometimes the rewards don't get issued until the Monday after, which would be the 15th.

So hopefully, we'll see then this Friday, but don't be surprised if they get delayed.

Hopefully that helps
06 Nov 2021, 6:58pm
it's good that I did some hauling yesterday otherwise I wouldn't be even in 75%. These rewards are definitely useful for exploring or trading ships. More such rewards like this please
06 Nov 2021, 7:07pm
DownlockedNow that the Alcor part of the Colonia Bridge Project is finished, where does one pick up the upgraded frame shift drive(s)?
I've picked up my $$ and am eligible to get the drive(s). I'm here at Alcor and can't seem to figure it out.

This your first CG? This gets asked every time. The tangible reward gets released typically on the next scheduled server restart give or take.

Why, yes, it is. Thank you.
06 Nov 2021, 7:45pm
BurstarWow those CG's were destroyed. Woke up this morning thinking 'ok, I'll do enough for 75% in bubble CG and maybe toy with going to Colonia to do same there'.

Looked at board... Bubble done (F!), Colonia halfway through Tier 3. By the time I reached Colonia it was already a quarter into Tier 4. I barely had time to scrounge enough to reach 75% by the time it completed. Okay, now I'll unlock the Oddity engineers. Wut, I'm Allied with Colonia Council and Bart boy won't unlock? F sakes Fdev.

Do one mission for that faction to update it. Worked for me.

Ah, cool. Nice to know there's a workaround thanks!

Downlocked Why, yes, it is. Thank you.

Ah, well congratulations on your success! Picked a good first CG to get your hands dirty on.

Last edit: 06 Nov 2021, 10:41pm
07 Nov 2021, 12:17am
Can anyone tell me why I suddenly cant access my engineers out at colonia? I've visited them before many times for engineering and now when I go to their systems their locations on the their planets no longer show up
07 Nov 2021, 3:50am
Preparing for the next CG...

07 Nov 2021, 4:07am
SakashiroPreparing for the next CG...


Kill-Star you!

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