Elite: Game talk

09 Nov 2021, 3:18pm
ArtieCorvette, so the repair expenses aren't unreasonable.

Now I know...
We all know the evil Anacondas, spawning on Trading Missions?

Well, I prepared and took my Vette for this missions.
And I managed to fly a big loop to intercept some of them by myself, just for fun.

I never expected this, to be that expensive!!!
Damn! I should stop doing that!

Many thanks to you!
09 Nov 2021, 7:03pm
Co'hen MacBain
DookieDan_P_PAlright thanks, I'll keep pushing. Is there a good way to tell what part of the 75% I'm in?

The CG information right here on Inara will give you a good idea: https://inara.cz/galaxy-communitygoals/

It's not 100% accurate because not all players send their data to Inara, but with this many participants in the CG it'll be close enough to show you where you stand.

Any idea when they will actually pay out? I think I may have gotten the credits but not the Frame Shift Drives, & I was securely in the top 50% at finish. Am I just missing something on how or where or when to claim them?
09 Nov 2021, 7:09pm

Any idea when they will actually pay out? I think I may have gotten the credits but not the Frame Shift Drives, & I was securely in the top 50% at finish. Am I just missing something on how or where or when to claim them?

There is usually a delay on those rewards. They always put up a news item declaring the success of a project with an estimate of when the rewards will be delivered. The earliest this can happen is Thursday.
09 Nov 2021, 7:21pm

Any idea when they will actually pay out? I think I may have gotten the credits but not the Frame Shift Drives, & I was securely in the top 50% at finish. Am I just missing something on how or where or when to claim them?

There is usually a delay on those rewards. They always put up a news item declaring the success of a project with an estimate of when the rewards will be delivered. The earliest this can happen is Thursday.

Gotcha, seriously THANK YOU! I couldn't find anything definitive on the subject. I'll chill until Thursday after they reset the week then. Thank you again.
09 Nov 2021, 7:28pm
Gotcha, seriously THANK YOU! I couldn't find anything definitive on the subject. I'll chill until Thursday after they reset the week then. Thank you again.

Remember; thursday is the earliest you can expect...
Sometimes it took until next monday...
09 Nov 2021, 8:04pm
Sir-DukeI never expected this, to be that expensive!!!
Damn! I should stop doing that!

Have you considered just taking less damage?

Seriously though, that's a very big repair bill! Are your shields going down a lot when you're fighting?
09 Nov 2021, 10:39pm
Co'hen MacBain
Sir-DukeI never expected this, to be that expensive!!!
Damn! I should stop doing that!

Have you considered just taking less damage?

Seriously though, that's a very big repair bill! Are your shields going down a lot when you're fighting?

No, they never dropped.
That´s why I never thought, the 13 million could ever be a repair bill!

My hull never even got below 98%!
(I´ve lost a few % because I´ve interdicted some NPCs and came to close to a sun once)

You see, that´s why I was wondering where the hell the 13 million came from!!!
I assumed it must have been some kind of bug, or something;
or the (not existing) redeployment cost of on-foot-combat.

But when Artie says; it´s my Corvettes repair bill...
I´m sure he knows!

And sure, my ships value is about 711,951,600 Cr...
So 1% here and 2 % there can sumn up...

Artie mentioned it where about 3.7 million a few times...

I just never ever expected it to be that high!
Whoop there goes 13 million
10 Nov 2021, 12:35am
FYI, Rufum gourd molluscs are special. They disrupt your sensors at a minimum. I didn't stick around to see if they did damage.
10 Nov 2021, 12:23pm
Does anyone know how long it takes to decommission a Fleet Carrier? I clicked the decommission button on the 2nd Nov. And I’m still stuck with the thing. It has already cost me one weekly upkeep and will cost another tomorrow. As I understood it, it should have taken a week.
10 Nov 2021, 12:53pm
HoughtkjDoes anyone know how long it takes to decommission a Fleet Carrier? I clicked the decommission button on the 2nd Nov. And I’m still stuck with the thing. It has already cost me one weekly upkeep and will cost another tomorrow. As I understood it, it should have taken a week.

It all depends on when you started the decommissioning process.

If I remember correctly, if the process is started before Sunday, 19:00 (Game Time), the process will take less than 7 days - as the FC should be decommissioned at the next weekly tick.

However if the process is started after Sunday, 19:00 (Game Time), then the process will take more than 7 days and get decommissioned on the weekly tick after the next the next one (so 2 weekly tick's).

In your case, I would expect the FC will probably be decommissioned tomorrow at/after the weekly tick.

Edit: JonSatriani's (FCOC) post on the FDev Forums: Fleet carrier decommissioning demystified

Last edit: 10 Nov 2021, 12:58pm
10 Nov 2021, 1:37pm
LilacLight[quote=Houghtkj]Does anyone know how long it takes to decommission a Fleet Carrier? I clicked the decommission button on the 2nd Nov. And I’m still stuck with the thing. It has already cost me one weekly upkeep and will cost another tomorrow. As I understood it, it should have taken a week.

It all depends on when you started the decommissioning process.

OK, many thanks for that - I guess the wording "on average a week" applies here.
11 Nov 2021, 1:55am
From today's news post:

"The Holloway Bioscience Institute refused to comment on rumours that a previously unidentified life form had been encountered by the research facility’s original crew."

Anyone want to speculate on what alien creature has been hiding that FDev is trying to tease?
11 Nov 2021, 4:42am
OsordiFrom today's news post:

"The Holloway Bioscience Institute refused to comment on rumours that a previously unidentified life form had been encountered by the research facility’s original crew."

Anyone want to speculate on what alien creature has been hiding that FDev is trying to tease?

11 Nov 2021, 9:14am
OsordiFrom today's news post:

"The Holloway Bioscience Institute refused to comment on rumours that a previously unidentified life form had been encountered by the research facility’s original crew."

Anyone want to speculate on what alien creature has been hiding that FDev is trying to tease?

I dropped in over Halloween. The logs were great, nice spooky ‘Aliens’ vibe. Glad they’re following the space spider story.
11 Nov 2021, 11:45am
OsordiFrom today's news post:

"The Holloway Bioscience Institute refused to comment on rumours that a previously unidentified life form had been encountered by the research facility’s original crew."

Anyone want to speculate on what alien creature has been hiding that FDev is trying to tease?

There's an old abandoned base that was found a few years ago. Was always out of place in my mind, as it was the only lore that referred to people cooking other people to eat (logs were kidnapped pilot having conversations with them as they were cooking other prisoners - they said don't worry, we aren't the monsters you need to be afraid of). I assume this is the same dredger clan, and they're standing up a story they started a few years ago. But then again, I'd wait to actually see something before assuming any new playable space content will be made available. Been 4 years since that happened.
Edit: https://canonn.science/codex/kidnapped/?highlight=kidnapped <- I think this is the same lore

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