Elite: Game talk

12 Nov 2021, 1:16pm
BurstarThe CG FSDs have been awarded so you can officially start panicking now if they aren't in your list.

12 Nov 2021, 2:13pm
BurstarThe CG FSDs have been awarded so you can officially start panicking now if they aren't in your list.

Seems to be something wrong with applying experimentals.
12 Nov 2021, 2:16pm
Nick Nova
Seems to be something wrong with applying experimentals.

What do you mean? Not possible, or giving bad results?
12 Nov 2021, 2:31pm
Getting server error. Other people are reporting it on the official forums as well.
12 Nov 2021, 3:14pm
I would be very surprised when Frontier soemething dont mess up.
12 Nov 2021, 3:40pm
I'm sure that bug will be fixed by the time those drives appear at tech brokers.
12 Nov 2021, 4:51pm
12 Nov 2021, 8:12pm
SakashiroI'm sure that bug will be fixed by the time those drives appear at tech brokers.

Exactly! As long as they change it for then.
12 Nov 2021, 9:37pm
BurstarThe CG FSDs have been awarded so you can officially start panicking now if they aren't in your list.

Are they really worth it ? Think poop
12 Nov 2021, 10:13pm
So it seems the bugs are extremely pissed off. I get the feeling Salvation did something stupid.
13 Nov 2021, 3:22am
Any ideas about the encrypted code?
13 Nov 2021, 4:13am
Uhh back at the Elite Universe 2 weeks now, i bought Odyssey before it was out but just tried it out 2 weeks ago. Seems like i chose the best time to come back because i don´t have any big issues. Last week it was worse but not horrible the last update did definitely help with some stuff, got 2 or 3 crashes last week but nothing more since then.
My GTX 1060 goes between 50-90FPS with mostly medium settings on foot and settlements, and well over 100fps in my ships 1080p. So for me it is good don´t know what some people still complaining if my old GPU runs it smooth.

Coming back and finally getting my FSDs from the CG last week i decided to change things up and rebuild my fleet, right now i have both Kraits, one ASPexp, Python and Anaconda. And i tend to specialize my ships for the different tasks in game. I want to go fully Imperial with my fleet but i don´t have the rank for the Cutter yet, so the Python(passenger ship) and the Anaconda(Cargo ship) will stay a bit longer. My main ship which can do a little bit of everything is the Phantom, the Mk2 is my Combat ship and the ASPexp is my mining ship.

So with the absence of a medium ship if i want to go Imperial with my ships, i will need 2 ships to replace my Phantom. And i think i choose the Dolphin as my System Shuttle and one Courier which will be outfitted as a ship to search materials and little bit of combat. And the last one i will use the Clipper for mining.

If somebody has some interesting ideas with nice builds from Gutamaya or Saud Kruger ships, i would be happy to see them. And the last point will be choosing a nice Imperial home system where i can do most stuff without having to jump to much or far. If you now a nice System please let me now because i want to change things up
13 Nov 2021, 7:35am
I decoded Theta 7's message. Says buy more arx. Where's my reward?
13 Nov 2021, 10:54am
Who participate in this CG. Only in T Tauri system can find conflict zone for the CG or in other system (becaus i cant find only medium intensity) and whear can i sell the combat bounds to get conted by the CG.
13 Nov 2021, 3:00pm
o7 CMDRs

I've got the new shiny double engineered FSD in class 3, 4 & 6 from the CG. I tried to add an experimental effect like mass manager on them but I only receive a "server error"-massage, when I try.

Does anyone know a solution?

In the past I was able to add mass manager to my double engineered class 5 FSDs...

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