Elite: Game talk

17 Nov 2021, 3:51pm
Tzom36Any PS4 squadrons looking for members? I lead a wing of 4 (all my family) that could use a home. We all have different favorite parts of game play so, I'm not sure we would need a group specific to any profession.

Elite Red Squad , loads off players , all different time zones always happy to help squad members to progress
17 Nov 2021, 4:52pm
Hoo boy. Sally just declared that the Double Engineered Modules aren't supposed to be allowed to have any more engineering. Based on what she's saying not only will the recent CG reward FSDs not be allowed to have experimentals applied, but, there is a strong possibility that existing double-e modules with an experimental applied will have them removed.

If what Sally is saying is confirmed accurate, this is by far the 2nd smartest decision FDev made (the first ofc being to release Oddity in the state it was, or arguably, at all).

TBH I don't think this is actually the case. My suspicion is that Customer support (who don't play the game) told management (who think the game is nothing but a spreadsheet that generates money numbers) that they were getting large numbers of "we accidentally sold/delete/overwrote our prized Double-Engineered module(s), halp". Management's response was to curb the excess workload on the CS team by ordering the programmers (who don't play the game, prove me wrong) to lock out engineering these modules. As usual, the Dev's took the work order and fulfilled the request as by the letter as possible, F common sense or even going so far as scripting a message to inform the player. FDev communication and work environment at its finest. It will only take dozens of players spamming on the forums pointing out the obvious stupidity for them to backtrack and do what they ACTUALLY wanted to: Lockout selling/engineering the module, but allow experimentals.

Edit: guess I was wrong: experimentals not allowed either but no retroactive experimental deletion on older items.

Last edit: 17 Nov 2021, 5:27pm
17 Nov 2021, 5:02pm
Tzom36Any PS4 squadrons looking for members? I lead a wing of 4 (all my family) that could use a home. We all have different favorite parts of game play so, I'm not sure we would need a group specific to any profession.

The HIdden Guild. Small casual guild looking to expand.
17 Nov 2021, 5:38pm
BurstarHoo boy. Sally just declared that the Double Engineered Modules aren't supposed to be allowed to have any more engineering. Based on what she's saying not only will the recent CG reward FSDs not be allowed to have experimentals applied, but, there is a strong possibility that existing double-e modules with an experimental applied will have them removed.

If what Sally is saying is confirmed accurate, this is by far the 2nd smartest decision FDev made (the first ofc being to release Oddity in the state it was, or arguably, at all).

TBH I don't think this is actually the case. My suspicion is that Customer support (who don't play the game) told management (who think the game is nothing but a spreadsheet that generates money numbers) that they were getting large numbers of "we accidentally sold/delete/overwrote our prized Double-Engineered module(s), halp". Management's response was to curb the excess workload on the CS team by ordering the programmers (who don't play the game, prove me wrong) to lock out engineering these modules. As usual, the Dev's took the work order and fulfilled the request as by the letter as possible, F common sense or even going so far as scripting a message to inform the player. FDev communication and work environment at its finest. It will only take dozens of players spamming on the forums pointing out the obvious stupidity for them to backtrack and do what they ACTUALLY wanted to: Lockout selling/engineering the module, but allow experimentals.

Edit: guess I was wrong: experimentals not allowed either but no retroactive experimental deletion on older items.

5A v2 FSDs that were first introduced allowed to put mass manager on it. I have 4 ships with them.
17 Nov 2021, 6:16pm

Edit: guess I was wrong: experimentals not allowed either but no retroactive experimental deletion on older items.

I do not care much, but just by reading this I know FDev are trying to sell you a huge poo-poo. IF the FSDs are not supposed to have experimental, that should be properly disabled, but then they decided to give the players the ability to APPLY the mod so the game client can crash with unhandled exception.

That is top notch development practice!

17 Nov 2021, 6:53pm

Can someone take a look at my krait mk 2 PvE bulid

I can't decide on experimentals on lasers.
Also I am wondering about pulses over bursts.

Thanks in advance and see you in space
17 Nov 2021, 7:13pm
EpisparhIF the FSDs are not supposed to have experimental, that should be properly disabled, but then they decided to give the players the ability to APPLY the mod so the game client can crash with unhandled exception.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I actually wouldn't mind if they locked the double mod so that it can't be accidentally removed. But if they now remove the option to apply experimentals but keep those which already have been applied, then we'll have a number of "legacy" double engineered + experimental FSDs in the game which can never be fully recreated by players who came late to the party. Wasn't that the whole point of making those drives available via tech brokers?
17 Nov 2021, 7:35pm
Paul Glynno7

Can someone take a look at my krait mk 2 PvE bulid

I can't decide on experimentals on lasers.
Also I am wondering about pulses over bursts.

Thanks in advance and see you in space

First, on your question about lasers - oversized is always good experimental. but I am not quite sure scrambled spectrum will do much in PvE.
My personal preferences for lasers are with pulses as they provide more per power distributor draw. In addition, you can apply Emissive Munition experimental.

Additional comments:
  1. SCBs are overkill for PvE.
  2. Fighter is nice, but if you use NPC pilot it will take a cut from all your income and rank progression.
  3. Your shield boosters looks messed up. Try resistance augmented x2, thermal resistant x1, heavy duty x1 - all with super capacitator experimental.
17 Nov 2021, 7:50pm
It's dumb no matter which way you slice it. If 2x Eng modules weren't supposed to be experimented on they would/should have locked them all out when they were first released way back after that first CG. They knew people were doing it because the possibility of beforehand and the performance of after the fact were both discussed on the forums for a month.

Why is adding the experimental so verbotten in the first place? it adds like 3 LY to the jump distance. Is a jump range somewhere between 60 and 78 LY really break anything? It doesn't. What it did do was make more work for the Customer Service dept. because of how precious and rare they were, and that is what this is all about. Mgmt don't want to have to deal with the onslaught of "I accidentally sold my FSD (because FDev design is stupid and doesn't flag them unique without very close scrutiny)" help requests. They could lock out the engineering buttons but still allow experimental. They could lock out selling the item. They could just simply put a pop out "WARNING 2x ENG MODULE ARE YOU SURE? DUMB DUMB" message if you try these things, or simply not give the double engineering the exact same GD name in its description as the vanilla modifications.

Nope, lets just make Class 3,4,6 modules nonexperimental but Class 5 are O-tay! They really are giving zero thought to anything they do anymore. I'm embarrassed for them tbh.
17 Nov 2021, 8:39pm
Paul Glynno7

Can someone take a look at my krait mk 2 PvE bulid

I can't decide on experimentals on lasers.
Also I am wondering about pulses over bursts.

Thanks in advance and see you in space

Here's how I would do it personally
17 Nov 2021, 8:57pm
Paul Glynno7

Can someone take a look at my krait mk 2 PvE bulid

I can't decide on experimentals on lasers.
Also I am wondering about pulses over bursts.

Thanks in advance and see you in space

Did you have any specific type of PvE in mind, or were you aiming for something that can do everything, e.g haz-res, pirate massacre, CZ?

It's an interesting weapon combination - what's your game plan with that? Did you decide what fire groups you'd use? Lasers and MCs are sustained fire weapons, and the rail gun is presumably intended for module sniping, but I'm not sure how they all work together, and I doubt module sniping with a single rail is going to do you much good.

Are you deliberately avoiding the usual beams + MCs combo, in search of something more interesting?

Finally, I would respectfully disagree with Epi re: SCBs. If you might be fighting a lot of opponents it's absolutely worth having one, although two might be overkill. I've dropped into threat 4 mission targets for massacre missions and had 7 ships immediately aggro me. If you're good enough that you won't want an SCB in that scenario, you probably wouldn't be asking for build suggestions here

That said, you don't have any heatsinks or thermal vent weapons in that build, so using those shield cells is going to make you nice and toasty!
17 Nov 2021, 10:00pm
SalmoneaGuys I have just recorded thargoid activity in region so far from the Bubble. Never like before. I have to upload to youtube. Hold on

Blame Taurus Mining Ventures and their supporters. They provoked the bugs!

You've never dealt with fire ants or hornets before. It's real simple. if you are where they are, they will attack you. There is no provoking them, because they are born provoked. If you want to make peace with fire ants, hornets or thargoids then there are only 3 options. Remove yourself from areas that they decide to roam, get stung or kill them all. Better for you to go hide while others take care of the bad guys.
17 Nov 2021, 10:33pm
Or bring a snackcrifice.
18 Nov 2021, 12:33am
BurstarHoo boy. Sally just declared that the Double Engineered Modules aren't supposed to be allowed to have any more engineering. Based on what she's saying not only will the recent CG reward FSDs not be allowed to have experimentals applied, but, there is a strong possibility that existing double-e modules with an experimental applied will have them removed.

If what Sally is saying is confirmed accurate, this is by far the 2nd smartest decision FDev made (the first ofc being to release Oddity in the state it was, or arguably, at all).

Edit: guess I was wrong: experimentals not allowed either but no retroactive experimental deletion on older items.

Yeah, this is a weird thing to post unless they are specifically thinking about future releases. Sally's quote "we are not stating that all future reward modules will not be able to accommodate applied experimentals." sounds to me like they have already started a 'rebalance' of engineering before the feedback is in and decided on some course of action that will become more apparent with future release. Interesting.
18 Nov 2021, 5:03am
UmbrellaCorpYou've never dealt with fire ants or hornets before. It's real simple. if you are where they are, they will attack you. There is no provoking them, because they are born provoked. If you want to make peace with fire ants, hornets or thargoids then there are only 3 options. Remove yourself from areas that they decide to roam, get stung or kill them all. Better for you to go hide while others take care of the bad guys.

Unlike ants and hornets, thargoids are capable of complex thought. In case you forgot, the frame shift drives in our ships are reverse-engineered thargoid technology. We still do not fully understand how they work and how thargoids manage to hyperdict us at will.

From their point of view, the Guardians were the ants, and we are the hornets.

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