Elite: Game talk

20 Nov 2021, 7:42pm
O7 Cmdrs,

I would like to add something to this Raxxla conversation.

Let's go first to The Dark Wheel. As they are kinda connected and I believe everything starts there with the "hidden base".
A year ago I was in the Norma Expanse and more and more I've noticed that after the 'honk' planets were not really showing up in the nav panel and on the system map.
Weird enough, I could see a gas giant being very close but on the system map, it wasn't there.
As I was on an explo mining trip I called my carrier over while checking other systems out.
After a while, I flew back to the system where my carrier was parked, and again the carrier didn't show up in the nav panel or the system map.
I flew to the planet where I knew I parked it, and yes it was there.
My point is, there is a large area in the Norma Expanse that does not show everything if you make a fast honk and jump thing.
So an area like that would be a great place to hide a station like the one from the dark wheel.

Regarding Raxxla, it's been said it's a rogue planet, travels in a non-orbital trajectory. But too many rumors were already debunked to being just lies or made-up stories.
If we look at the percentage of the Galaxy explored, it's hard to believe we should find Raxxla that easily.

One Cmdr stated here that a pilot once passed thru the system where Raxxla is, could be, but as being a rogue planet, where ever it was , it will not be there anymore.

Raxxla is keeping me busy also but I have come to a point where I need to say, i don't know enough of the entire lore to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.
20 Nov 2021, 10:21pm
What exactly location of Norma Expanse? Yea Raxxla could be Nibiru.
20 Nov 2021, 11:40pm
21 Nov 2021, 5:24am
SalmoneaHey I just visited a black hole on foot. Yes! Its possible! black hole on foot

gr8 b8, m8. I admit it-- you got me. I want to know how you turned on the night vision.
21 Nov 2021, 11:32am
SalmoneaHey I just visited a black hole on foot. Yes! Its possible! black hole on foot

gr8 b8, m8. I admit it-- you got me. I want to know how you turned on the night vision.

Because I have night vision. Its engeneered modul in suit.
21 Nov 2021, 12:11pm
SalmoneaBecause I have night vision. Its engeneered modul in suit.

The fact that night vision has to be added to your suit via engineering makes no sense to me. Then again, a lot of the engineering mechanic of the game makes little sense to me. Especially how it applies to space suits and hand held weapons.
21 Nov 2021, 12:21pm
Especially it being permanent.
21 Nov 2021, 12:30pm
Wrong thread guys
21 Nov 2021, 5:37pm
I bought that suit.
21 Nov 2021, 7:04pm
Dirniviri am bored with combat and i want to do exploration. i should go even further. i have been to saggy but not further to beagle. lets go

Goodbye,have fun.

i was 27 jumps out and my dad came online so i went back and done some bounty hunting.
21 Nov 2021, 7:51pm
Dirniviri am bored with combat and i want to do exploration. i should go even further. i have been to saggy but not further to beagle. lets go

Goodbye,have fun.

i was 27 jumps out and my dad came online so i went back and done some bounty hunting.

ok,have fun.
21 Nov 2021, 11:28pm
Judge RavenO7 Cmdrs,

I would like to add something to this Raxxla conversation.

Let's go first to The Dark Wheel. As they are kinda connected and I believe everything starts there with the "hidden base".
A year ago I was in the Norma Expanse and more and more I've noticed that after the 'honk' planets were not really showing up in the nav panel and on the system map.
Weird enough, I could see a gas giant being very close but on the system map, it wasn't there.
As I was on an explo mining trip I called my carrier over while checking other systems out.
After a while, I flew back to the system where my carrier was parked, and again the carrier didn't show up in the nav panel or the system map.
I flew to the planet where I knew I parked it, and yes it was there.
My point is, there is a large area in the Norma Expanse that does not show everything if you make a fast honk and jump thing.
So an area like that would be a great place to hide a station like the one from the dark wheel.

Regarding Raxxla, it's been said it's a rogue planet, travels in a non-orbital trajectory. But too many rumors were already debunked to being just lies or made-up stories.
If we look at the percentage of the Galaxy explored, it's hard to believe we should find Raxxla that easily.

One Cmdr stated here that a pilot once passed thru the system where Raxxla is, could be, but as being a rogue planet, where ever it was , it will not be there anymore.

Raxxla is keeping me busy also but I have come to a point where I need to say, i don't know enough of the entire lore to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

Does anybody know what Raxxla's etimology?

22 Nov 2021, 12:04am
Is Odyssey still a pile of shit?
22 Nov 2021, 12:08am
XeknosIs Odyssey still a pile of shit?

It has crusted over a bit and some of the flies are gone. It is better but still beta...
22 Nov 2021, 12:36am
When is some system and in eddb is no trafic report,no recorded bodies,that 100% mean no one been there yet?

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