Elite: Game talk

18 Nov 2021, 5:27am
hi everyone im going to try and unlock selene jean but i was wondering if i can unlock her as part of a crew cuz my friend wants to unlock her aswell
18 Nov 2021, 6:35am
Shad0whi everyone im going to try and unlock selene jean but i was wondering if i can unlock her as part of a crew cuz my friend wants to unlock her aswell

"Mine at least 500 tons of ore.."

You can do this in a wing/team not in multicrew. In Elite Dangerous, mine 1t = a refinery on your ship producing 1t.

So if you plan to do it in one ship sitting next to your buddy the answer is NO.

You can do it with your buddy by using 2 ships, note the chunks produced by laser mining for a rock is separate for each players.
Player 1 finds a rock - produces 20 chunks using lasers.
Player 2 target same rock - produces 20 more chunks using lasers, even though it looks a depleted for player 1.
Total 40 chunks to be collected for both players.

Here is excellent short guide:

Note: the location and suggested commodities are not relevant as the video is quite old. Just look for the mechanics how it works.

Last edit: 18 Nov 2021, 6:49am
18 Nov 2021, 7:18am
Co'hen MacBain

Did you have any specific type of PvE in mind, or were you aiming for something that can do everything, e.g haz-res, pirate massacre, CZ?

It's an interesting weapon combination - what's your game plan with that? Did you decide what fire groups you'd use? Lasers and MCs are sustained fire weapons, and the rail gun is presumably intended for module sniping, but I'm not sure how they all work together, and I doubt module sniping with a single rail is going to do you much good.

Are you deliberately avoiding the usual beams + MCs combo, in search of something more interesting?

Finally, I would respectfully disagree with Epi re: SCBs. If you might be fighting a lot of opponents it's absolutely worth having one, although two might be overkill. I've dropped into threat 4 mission targets for massacre missions and had 7 ships immediately aggro me. If you're good enough that you won't want an SCB in that scenario, you probably wouldn't be asking for build suggestions here

That said, you don't have any heatsinks or thermal vent weapons in that build, so using those shield cells is going to make you nice and toasty!

I aim mainly HiRes and HazRes. I played with that kind of loadouts a little bit and I decided the single rail will be fine as shield stripper, without making my WEP cap drain in seconds (beams), and with good effectivness against hull (not beams).

The SCBs are used for one purpose: restoring shields. This is an resistance bulid so every scb will restore much more relative strength than it would in resistances on 0%.

I am avoiding beam lasers in my every bulid. I just personally dislike them and their lack of versatility.
18 Nov 2021, 8:39am
Paul Glynn[quote=Co'hen MacBain]
I am avoiding beam lasers in my every bulid. I just personally dislike them and their lack of versatility.

I'm sorry, wut?

Beam lasers, due to engineering, are the most versatile weapon in the game. Unlimited ammo, module sniper bested only by railguns, that can be given 6km range and used to dump ship heat, heal a wingmates shields, heat a cool running/stealth opponent, etc... If being a thermal weapon bothers you, you can use a multicannon that has caustic rounds to strip all resistances off your opponent.

If you had said "I prefer burst DPS, or absolute damage" okay. "not versatile"? Ridiculous.

Last edit: 18 Nov 2021, 8:45am
18 Nov 2021, 9:05am
Shad0whi everyone im going to try and unlock selene jean but i was wondering if i can unlock her as part of a crew cuz my friend wants to unlock her aswell

"Mine at least 500 tons of ore.."

You can do this in a wing/team not in multicrew. In Elite Dangerous, mine 1t = a refinery on your ship producing 1t.

So if you plan to do it in one ship sitting next to your buddy the answer is NO.

You can do it with your buddy by using 2 ships, note the chunks produced by laser mining for a rock is separate for each players.
Player 1 finds a rock - produces 20 chunks using lasers.
Player 2 target same rock - produces 20 more chunks using lasers, even though it looks a depleted for player 1.
Total 40 chunks to be collected for both players.

Here is excellent short guide:

Note: the location and suggested commodities are not relevant as the video is quite old. Just look for the mechanics how it works.

Thanks so much thats gonna help a lot
18 Nov 2021, 9:31am
Paul Glynn
I am avoiding beam lasers in my every bulid. I just personally dislike them and their lack of versatility.

You can have personal preferences due to visuals etc, but they are not lacking versatility.

Here is just one example:

That is PvP and it requires versatility. That is why it is dominated by PAs and rails. And obviously beams can work there.

In matter of fact many people will just recommend you a combination of beams and pulse lasers for PvE if you just want to camp into High/Haz RES and not care for rearm.

Last edit: 18 Nov 2021, 10:27am
18 Nov 2021, 9:48am
EpisparhIn matter of fact many people will just recommend you a combination of beans and pulse lasers for PvE if you just want to camp into High/Haz RES and not care for rearm.

What if you run out of beans?
18 Nov 2021, 9:52am
SakashiroWhat if you run out of beans?
Small-calibre peas will do fine as well.
18 Nov 2021, 10:21am
EpisparhIn matter of fact many people will just recommend you a combination of beans and pulse lasers for PvE if you just want to camp into High/Haz RES and not care for rearm.

What if you run out of beans?

You put 4 pips to WEP

Edit: Oof, beaNs

Last edit: 18 Nov 2021, 10:26am
18 Nov 2021, 10:49am
Burstarmodule sniper bested only by railguns

How to do that?
18 Nov 2021, 10:59am
Burstarmodule sniper bested only by railguns

How to do that?

Same as with rails, you select the sub-target. Both weapons are hitscan. Beams can be adjusted while firing, rails need charging to fire.

It can be observed on several occasions in the video I've linked above in the spoiler.
18 Nov 2021, 11:40am
Burstarmodule sniper bested only by railguns

How to do that?

In addition to Epi's advice, your target's angle on bow matters too. You won't pen to worthwhile modules when your opponent is facing towards you for example, and different ships have unique penetration angles that you'll get used to.
18 Nov 2021, 11:50am
Same as with rails, you select the sub-target. Both weapons are hitscan.

Oh, OK...
I did know that.

I tried to build my Vette to full laser once, but was quite unsatisfied.

When I try to aim at a sub target with beams or pulse lasers, usually the hull breaches, before the sub is damaged enough.
And it took too long...
So, I dumped my laser build.

Still, that´s why you got me so curious...
18 Nov 2021, 12:20pm
Yeah, beams have far lower penetration value than rails which on top have also super penetrator mod experimental. But Burstar also gave you the difference of the usage.
If the module you target is on the opposite side of the target - beams will not do much while rails with super penetrator will damage everything on the line of fire.

Edit: Some additional info - weapons also have a breach chance and damage values which defines how likely you are to penetrate the hull and damage a module bellow bulkheads.

EDSY provides this data, here is example for breach dmg values of different hitscan weapons (all size 1 - fixed)
Pulse laser - 1.7
Burst laser - 1.5
Beam - 7.9
Rail - 22.2

Breach chance for all above weapons is 40 -80%.(this is also the values for PAs, MCs and most of the weapons)
For reference missiles and torps are 100-100%, cannons - 60-90%

Last edit: 18 Nov 2021, 12:47pm
18 Nov 2021, 12:34pm
Why might my carrier close it's own commodiy market?

I left my carrier parked last night and opened up a buy order. I logged in here this morning to see how it was going and couldn't find any data. I logged into the game and noticed that the market was closed and I have had to reopen it again.

Why would it close on it's own? Is it due to the upkeep cycle triggering last night?

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