Elite: Game talk

18 Nov 2021, 12:52pm
MutantKeyboardWhy might my carrier close it's own commodiy market?

I left my carrier parked last night and opened up a buy order. I logged in here this morning to see how it was going and couldn't find any data. I logged into the game and noticed that the market was closed and I have had to reopen it again.

Why would it close on it's own? Is it due to the upkeep cycle triggering last night?

Did you set cash on FC?
18 Nov 2021, 1:14pm
SalmoneaDid you set cash on FC?

I set a reserve for my upkeep, opened the market and set my price. Checked that I could see everything in Inara and logged off.

When I came back this morning the market had closed.
18 Nov 2021, 1:28pm
Have you checked if your order was met? Example: If you set 200t of ore and someone sells you 200t - buy order is met and closed.
18 Nov 2021, 1:29pm
I have that feel the market is only one servic, that cant be closed.
18 Nov 2021, 1:34pm
EpisparhHave you checked if your order was met? Example: If you set 200t of ore and someone sells you 200t - buy order is met and closed.

It was not met.

SalmoneaI have that feel the market is only one servic, that cant be closed.

Sorry, perhaps I'm wording wrong. The service was not closed, but the buy order was cancelled.
18 Nov 2021, 1:39pm
You should do an investigation on that. Make another order and see if it disappears again on the weekly tick.
18 Nov 2021, 1:40pm
Thats a big diference
18 Nov 2021, 2:03pm
GryphnnYou should do an investigation on that. Make another order and see if it disappears again on the weekly tick.

18 Nov 2021, 6:59pm
WOW, wtf? Are fuel rats sponsoring the latest route plotting computers in Odyssey or what? That thing is prime garbage!

Last edit: 18 Nov 2021, 7:10pm
18 Nov 2021, 7:32pm
Burstar Edit: guess I was wrong: experimentals not allowed either but no retroactive experimental deletion on older items.

Update: Sanity prevails

We will be allowed to apply experimentals to the recent CG awarded FSDs. Note there is a graphical bug taht will make the FSD 'appear' to have been reduced to G2 or something once the experimental is applied BUT THIS IS JUST A GRAPHICAL BUG. Relog and it should fix itself.
18 Nov 2021, 7:53pm
Burstar We will be allowed to apply experimentals to the recent CG awarded FSDs.

Just didn´t quite get, if we are allowed; or will be allowed.
Currently I´m a little too far away to check, so hope you can answer...
18 Nov 2021, 7:55pm
Burstar We will be allowed to apply experimentals to the recent CG awarded FSDs.

Just didn´t quite get, if we are allowed; or will be allowed.
Currently I´m a little too far away to check, so hope you can answer...

I would like rather have normal plot routing with this FSD,not that bug what its now.
18 Nov 2021, 8:01pm
Burstar We will be allowed to apply experimentals to the recent CG awarded FSDs.

Just didn´t quite get, if we are allowed; or will be allowed.
Currently I´m a little too far away to check, so hope you can answer...

We are (my new favourite exploration ship). You just need to log to main menu and return if you're in game atm.

On a side note: That ship is the exception because you can fuel scoop and charge your Hyperdrive while scraping the exclusion zone of a class O star in it. For all other ships I recommend Mass Manager over Deep Charge because the increased jump range is not worth the extra fuel scooping with DC normally.

Last edit: 18 Nov 2021, 8:07pm
19 Nov 2021, 12:58am
I have that feel where to find Raxxla. Frontier devs told us just three facts. The first-it is in the game. Why not... Second-Its a front of everybodys eyes. And third-They are not surprised why noone found it. Because its in gods damn locked permit! Am I right?
19 Nov 2021, 1:46am
SalmoneaI have that feel where to find Raxxla. Frontier devs told us just three facts. The first-it is in the game. Why not... Second-Its a front of everybodys eyes. And third-They are not surprised why noone found it. Because its in gods damn locked permit! Am I right?

It could be hiding in asteroid belt. DS scanner does not see it. When we discover a new system how often do we fly into the belts, not that often right. I also feel that thargoids are also after it.

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