Elite: Game talk

09 Nov 2021, 12:53am
CupcoI have officially made my first ED discovery today. It is a solo F-class star 1019 ly from Sol. I would like to thank everyone here for your support. Let's hope it is the first of many.
Stock 1 Sector FR-V d2-5

Yay! Congratulations! Really, it's quite an easy task if you go at least 300ly away and won't be filtering out unscoopables.

Well, it took me 300+ hrs before I got one, so I'm ecstatic. Lol.
09 Nov 2021, 12:54am
Thanx Burstar o7
09 Nov 2021, 1:00am
CupcoThanx Burstar o7

NP. Also, I'd sell that data asap so you get your name stamped permanently on that star. This will ofc not be priority for EVERY first find you do once you're out there, but something so close? Why not. There's almost certainly somewhere nearby to make it official
09 Nov 2021, 1:06am
CupcoThanx Burstar o7

NP. Also, I'd sell that data asap so you get your name stamped permanently on that star. This will ofc not be priority for EVERY first find you do once you're out there, but something so close? Why not. There's almost certainly somewhere nearby to make it official

Actually, I only found out that I was the discoverer after I turned it in. I quickly went back to see if there was more.
09 Nov 2021, 1:20am
CupcoActually, I only found out that I was the discoverer after I turned it in. I quickly went back to see if there was more.
If you discovered a main star in that system, then planets are undiscovered and waiting for you as well.
09 Nov 2021, 2:11am

09 Nov 2021, 2:48am
SakashiroShow more >>

That looks like fun
09 Nov 2021, 6:33am
SakashiroShow more >>

Lol, you definitely playing in solo nowadays
09 Nov 2021, 6:51am
SakashiroShow more >>

Lol, you definitely playing in solo nowadays

I was in open for a while last night, but didn't see anyone. I guess I'm too far away from the bubble.
09 Nov 2021, 11:07am
If the event this week is what I think it is, I'll be in open doing some RP pvp. It's gonna be fun!
09 Nov 2021, 1:52pm
Does anybody know, what costs are listed as "misc" here on our credit page?

Last two days, I mainly did some ground CZ.
And only did some trading missions.

I know that refuel, repair and rebuy are under "misc"...
But none of this did cost 13 million Cr. in the last two days.
I had to refuel, but no rebuy the whole last week!

What the hell did cost so much money?!?

It wasn´t the redeployment cost on foot, or was it?
I thought there were no costs for ground combat?!?

09 Nov 2021, 2:17pm
According the journals, there were some expensive ship module repairs (like 3.7 million each).
09 Nov 2021, 2:22pm
ArtieAccording the journals, there were some expensive repairs (like 3.7 million each).

Wow thanks!

I know, this question is not exactly for you..
Just rethorical...
How the hell can I repair my ships for 3.7 million?!?
Which ship was it? My T9?
That isn´t even worth 9 million in rebuy?!?
09 Nov 2021, 2:33pm
Corvette, so the repair expenses aren't unreasonable. But, yeah, the low rebuys costs doesn't make much sense and it's a purely gameplay thing to not punish player too hard on critical mistakes leading to a loss of the ship.
09 Nov 2021, 2:58pm
MadamepestilenceI haven't played ED in a while and I've just come back [11/8/21], can someone TLDR what's going on with the Thargoids please? /srs

good question. i however dont know the answer.

Aegis, the Superpower backed anti-xeno faction, has had a couple very significant failures which ended up costing it support from the Superpowers. They are currently suspended pending investigations.

Salvation, an unknown entity supposedly also against Thargoids, is attempting to fill this vacuum through its own initiatives and apparent superior knowledge on the Thargoids motivations/plans. It successfully predicted (not detected) a Thargoid attack, and with community support, used some sort of superweapon to annihilate the invasion force. The jubilation at this overwhelming success was short lived however as the Thargoids responded with the largest attack on human interests in their Space in recent history. Salvation has been notably silent since.

Guardian synthesis materials might be farmed easier at surface sites in the Cornsar system (haven't been there after the first week so not sure if it's still a thing).
Engineered Guardian weapons may now be purchased from certain Guardian Tech brokers (costs materials/commodities) although most aren't better than their original counterparts (the New Plasma Charger being the OP exception: I'll be floored if it isn't nerfed soon).
MP has slightly improved with the fix of the frustrating Indestructible Heart bug, and combat bond payouts have quadrupled from what they were a year ago

Alrighty, ty CMDR!

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