Elite: Game talk

22 Nov 2021, 12:58am
XeknosIs Odyssey still a pile of shit?

It is not so bad if you would want to be an amoeba collector.
22 Nov 2021, 3:43am
XeknosIs Odyssey still a pile of shit?

It is not so bad if you would want to be an amoeba collector.

I've been enjoying that!
22 Nov 2021, 5:13am
Have not found an amoeba yet.

Lots of bacteria though.
22 Nov 2021, 6:29am
Does anyone know how to get multicrew to work on ps4? My friends and I have been trying for a while.
22 Nov 2021, 8:12am
Hi Cmdr´s
Ißm playing EDH on PS 4. My progress documented correct, but the market dokuments of my carrier I can´t see here on inara.
all so i can´t find him wwhen i´m looking for trading prices. Can somebody tell me How i make it right to find my carrier whenn i´m looking for Best prices.
22 Nov 2021, 11:41am
SalmoneaWhen is some system and in eddb is no trafic report,no recorded bodies,that 100% mean no one been there yet?

This could mean somebody could be there,but without market connector?
22 Nov 2021, 12:50pm
As far as I know, every system that is in the database has to be visited.

At least from route plotters, I have experienced that you can't find unvisited system names.
22 Nov 2021, 1:19pm
SalmoneaWhen is some system and in eddb is no trafic report,no recorded bodies,that 100% mean no one been there yet?

This could mean somebody could be there,but without market connector?

Most likely it means that someone had been there and didn't honk the system. If that's the case then you will get first discovery credit when doing FSS/DSS work.

There is also a possibility that the system's existence gets acknowledged by EDDN, even if never visited, if the tool being used looks at the Plotting Route File (I forget what it's called). If that is the case the system name would be in the EDDB database with zero additional associated data such as coordinates or bodies AFAIK. Another possibility that would show similar symptoms is if the legacy format applied to that data. IE: back before the tools were really convenient and functional data had to be submitted manually and then verified by others.

I also saw a post (I feel it was like a week ago) where someone mentioned systems near the Bubble were showing up empty on the System map. This is also an indicator that you are the first to visit that system (and not a bug). For first timers (or old timers that came back after the implementation of the FSS., prior to which honking showed everything) it can be quite jarring to suddenly have empty systems when the honk says there are supposed to be 30+ bodies there. That's how you know you're the first
22 Nov 2021, 1:40pm
If you jump into a system, and the main star does not immediately show up on the scanner, you're the first to visit it. I noticed that last year when I took my first trip to Colonia.
22 Nov 2021, 2:17pm
SakashiroIf you jump into a system, and the main star does not immediately show up on the scanner, you're the first to visit it. I noticed that last year when I took my first trip to Colonia.

But you have to actively look out for your scanner, when you enter thy system.

If you don´t pay attention, it´s easy to miss...

the best way to check is;
>>> get in the game, open the galaxy map, and check the star for player name tags<<<

(of course, this only works, if you are / have been there)

Systems, listed in EDDB, but without Data can have multiple reasons.
22 Nov 2021, 2:31pm
Not always. With some systems (hypergiants, black holes, etc...) you arrive in the system far enough away that you don't automatically proximity scan the Primary star. It is technically possible for dozens of people to visit said system with none of them scanning the host star or anything else (albeit extremely rare and unlikely).

Regardless, all that matter at this point is whether you get first discovery credit. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it... so to speak
22 Nov 2021, 3:02pm
SakashiroIf you jump into a system, and the main star does not immediately show up on the scanner, you're the first to visit it. I noticed that last year when I took my first trip to Colonia.

Thats nice,but I am 20 000Ly far
22 Nov 2021, 5:01pm

Do you know if the systems are prefabricated and it does not matter by who and when a system was first accessed the layout of stars, planets, belts and e.t.c. is going to be the same, or systems are generated on the first visit and system layout depends on the system generating scrip which takes in consideration cmdr, date, time available features in the sector and so on? Thanks
22 Nov 2021, 5:06pm

Do you know if the systems are prefabricated and it does not matter by who and when a system was first accessed the layout of stars, planets, belts and e.t.c. is going to be the same, or systems are generated on the first visit and system layout depends on the system generating scrip which takes in consideration cmdr, date, time available features in the sector and so on? Thanks

The galaxy generator basically uses a seed value. A system previously unvisited does not exist in the Server Database until someone arrives. At that point the generator calculates what is supposed to be there based on the seed value. Who, When, How, and Why don't matter.

Edit: to be clear, the generator (called the 'Stellar Forge') is actually on your computer. It is what does the system generation based on the seed. The Server just holds player data regarding what of that (because it also uses the SF to know what should be there) was scanned, by whom, etc...

Last edit: 22 Nov 2021, 5:16pm
22 Nov 2021, 5:11pm
GryphnnAs far as I know, every system that is in the database has to be visited.

At least from route plotters, I have experienced that you can't find unvisited system names.

I found one,what is in dabatese like without permit,but in the game is in permit. Even in horizon.

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