Elite: Game talk

28 Nov 2021, 5:00pm
If you have Odyssey just go ground CZs. Apart from blocking a CZ, this trick do not do anything actually as even the trolls' ships are disabled.
28 Nov 2021, 5:04pm
EpisparhIf you have Odyssey just go ground CZs. Apart from blocking a CZ, this trick do not do anything actually as even the trolls' ships are disabled.

I don't yet have Odyssey, and besides I still like to fight in space. I will just avoid Open for a while.
28 Nov 2021, 5:22pm
Docking a computer is sheer laziness, The fuel scoop and wake are for occasional chasing. If the vulture put full hullreinforcement, it does not need shields. At least against the biggest ships. Because the anaconda and corvette turn so lazily that i can stay behind all the time. So i'm talking about pve. Gargo and others is but the filling of extra space.
But like I said, this is just one option
28 Nov 2021, 5:38pm
I wouldn't use that ship for ramming though.
28 Nov 2021, 6:32pm
SakashiroI wouldn't use that ship for ramming though.

Give im' a break Saka. He did his own research and his cursory read of the module descriptions clearly gave him all the information he needs to have fun in the game. So what if he dies more than he needs to?
28 Nov 2021, 7:07pm
Thank's Rapis, seems like a good place to start, I'll probably go for your idea - but Saki and Burstar, what would you use

P.S. I never leave home without a fuel scoop and docking compooter.

Last edit: 28 Nov 2021, 7:16pm
28 Nov 2021, 7:57pm
DescartesThank's Rapis, seems like a good place to start, I'll probably go for your idea - but Saki and Burstar, what would you use

P.S. I never leave home without a fuel scoop and docking compooter.

Well, there are many ships that fit your preferences of " fast, maneuverable and tough". I like Epi's Vultures although my preference would be for Plasma Accelerators. You sound like a hopeful Knife-Fighter so I would use this. It uses Short Range Powerplay grinded Advanced plasmas. You need to be closer but you'll hit more with this faster shot variant and get 3x the ammo with 2/3's the damage per hit. The only other thing I might change is to lose the chaff and put another resistance shield booster because NPC's are going to hit you often regardless with their aimbot accuracy (assuming fixed weapons).

Another very good alternative for you is the Alliance Chieftain. I'd also suggest Krait Mk.II, Fer DeLance, or the Python but these are less maneuverable.

Edit: oh, and I almost forgot. If you need a docking pooter in a Vulture you have bigger issues than what build to use. I also wouldn't bother with a Fuel Scoop, but, if you absolutely have to have one (even though you should be traveling to your desired system in a transport ship and using Inter-Astra to send your ship there for fighting only) I'd drop a level 1 hull reinforcement and set its power priority to 5.
28 Nov 2021, 7:59pm

P.S. I never leave home without a fuel scoop and docking compooter.

You should reconsider this for combat ships that have limited optional internals. Those builds do not have high jump range and traveling with them between systems is not advised. You can always fly your traveling fitted ship and transfer the combat one to location. The option to use FC is also there.

There is also the option to swap travel and combat gear for the related activities.
28 Nov 2021, 8:23pm
EpisparhYou should reconsider this for combat ships that have limited optional internals.

I'd second this opinion for when planning on engaging in dedicated combat. Usually I fly "support" (or as close to that as you can reasonably get) in a shield tank Cutter. Once I'm in the area where combat is going on, I swap out everything to make it purely for combat. The thing can solo tank high level combat zones without even needing to use shield cells. Did that for a couple high level CZ's until I ran out of ammo. Still had about 25% of my shields left. Decided to fly back to a station to turn in bounties when I got interdicted by a wing of players in nothing but dedicated PvP ships. They managed to snipe out my FSD so I couldn't get away. Since I had no ammo I couldn't shoot back. Still took the 4 of them a while to take down the remaining quarter of my shields. Even then, I still had enough hull/module reinforcements left to stay alive for a while even after my shields were taken down. Yeah they focused the power plant but the module reinforcements held that up for a while. They were bored enough to look up my ship and find out how much it's rebuy cost was (just shy of 60 mill at the time).
28 Nov 2021, 8:32pm

No-one warned me about 'gimballed multi canon with corrosive shells...'

interdicted and destroyed before could I blink

thankyou kaiser-soze !

(spitting teeth)

such is life

note to self: never leave home without clean underwear
28 Nov 2021, 8:40pm
Descartesnote to self: never leave home without clean underwear

I save myself the trouble and don't wear any. One less thing to worry about, right? 
28 Nov 2021, 8:50pm
No-one warned me about 'gimballed multi canon with corrosive shells...'

the "perfect ship built" does not exist.
When you build a hull tank, there are corrosive weapons, or super penetrator railguns.
When you build a shield tank, there is phasing sequence and reverberating cascade...

So it's best to find a balance, and try to be prepared for everything.
But that limits your optimization.
You can't be the best in everything.

No matter what you do, when you come across a devoted PvP Player, he will choose his opponent based on his attack build.

So there are usually the options:
1.) Run... as fast as you can... and high wake
2.) Fight! Have good skill, good luck, or die!
28 Nov 2021, 8:58pm
No-one warned me about 'gimballed multi canon with corrosive shells...'

the "perfect ship built" does not exist.
When you build a hull tank, there are corrosive weapons, or super penetrator railguns.
When you build a shield tank, there is phasing sequence and reverberating cascade...

So it's best to find a balance, and try to be prepared for everything.
But that limits your optimization.
You can't be the best in everything.

No matter what you do, when you come across a devoted PvP Player, he will choose his opponent based on his attack build.

So there are usually the options:
1.) Run... as fast as you can... and high wake
2.) Fight! Have good skill, good luck, or die!

I tend to go for "not quite optimized" builds, so I may not be the "best" at any one thing but I have no glaring weaknesses either. Or at least in my mind that's what I'm doing. Shave off the top of some mountains to fill in the valleys.
28 Nov 2021, 9:04pm
Sir-DukeNo matter what you do, when you come across PvP Player, he will choose his opponent based on his attack build.

So there are usually the options:
1.) Run... as fast as you can... and high wake
2.) Fight! Have good skill, good luck, or die!

Yeah, don't be bothered by getting killed by a PVPer. This game is stacked in favour of the attacker when it comes to PVP. They can see the defenders build, choose their target, can't be beaten in the interdiction fight (barring extraordinary exceptions), and their build will be focused on the demands of PVP. If you choose to run: submit to the interdiction, pips to engines then max shields, boost towards them to pass them (assumes you're in a fast-ish ship so this is feasible), plot a course to nearby system and High wake out boosting and jinking keeping the ganker behind you (ideally with your destination in front of you) until it's time to jump.

That said, unless you have reasons to avoid ship destruction (can't afford the rebuy, haven't docked in a while and near end of your journey, have a bounty and don't want to go to jail, full of bonds or cartography data, etc...) I recommend staying and putting up a fight. At least then you will learn something about pvp combat, your build's weaknesses, etc... Who knows, maybe you'll make a friend to boot.
28 Nov 2021, 9:31pm
Usually a heatsink and a chaff can do miracles. Gimbaled weapons cannot hit what they cannot target and chaff is relatively effective is you run small/medium ship.

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