Elite: Game talk

22 Nov 2021, 5:17pm

Do you know if the systems are prefabricated and it does not matter by who and when a system was first accessed the layout of stars, planets, belts and e.t.c. is going to be the same, or systems are generated on the first visit and system layout depends on the system generating scrip which takes in consideration cmdr, date, time available features in the sector and so on? Thanks

The galaxy generator basically uses a seed value. A system previously unvisited does not exist in the Server Database until someone arrives. At that point the generator calculates what is supposed to be there based on the seed value. Who, When, How, and Why don't matter.

Thank you!
22 Nov 2021, 5:28pm
GryphnnAs far as I know, every system that is in the database has to be visited.

At least from route plotters, I have experienced that you can't find unvisited system names.

I found one,what is in dabatese like without permit,but in the game is in permit. Even in horizon.

Bovomit WY-R d4-16
22 Nov 2021, 5:44pm
BurstarNot always. With some systems (hypergiants, black holes, etc...) you arrive in the system far enough away that you don't automatically proximity scan the Primary star. It is technically possible for dozens of people to visit said system with none of them scanning the host star or anything else (albeit extremely rare and unlikely).

I've seen systems where the planets had discovered-by tags but the main star did not. I wonder if this is because the first visitor deleted their save so their tags got deleted as well? There wasn't anything special about the main stars as far as I remember.
22 Nov 2021, 5:55pm
BurstarNot always. With some systems (hypergiants, black holes, etc...) you arrive in the system far enough away that you don't automatically proximity scan the Primary star. It is technically possible for dozens of people to visit said system with none of them scanning the host star or anything else (albeit extremely rare and unlikely).

I've seen systems where the planets had discovered-by tags but the main star did not. I wonder if this is because the first visitor deleted their save so their tags got deleted as well? There wasn't anything special about the main stars as far as I remember.

No, First Discovered tags are permanent. Even if you delete your account, or change your CMDR name, the old tags persist. It may be that FDev determined a CMDR name to be offensive and purged it but I think it's more likely that the person just happened to not get close enough to the star to proximity detect it, but did happen to bump into the planets before jumping out.
23 Nov 2021, 12:43pm

Do you know if the systems are prefabricated and it does not matter by who and when a system was first accessed the layout of stars, planets, belts and e.t.c. is going to be the same, or systems are generated on the first visit and system layout depends on the system generating scrip which takes in consideration cmdr, date, time available features in the sector and so on? Thanks

The galaxy generator basically uses a seed value. A system previously unvisited does not exist in the Server Database until someone arrives. At that point the generator calculates what is supposed to be there based on the seed value. Who, When, How, and Why don't matter.

Thank you!

What is exactly the seed value? It looks like that dice are being rolled every time you access a system for the first time.
23 Nov 2021, 1:12pm
Somebody CQC? please?
23 Nov 2021, 1:43pm
The galaxy generator basically uses a seed value. A system previously unvisited does not exist in the Server Database until someone arrives. At that point the generator calculates what is supposed to be there based on the seed value. Who, When, How, and Why don't matter.

Thank you!

What is exactly the seed value? It looks like that dice are being rolled every time you access a system for the first time.

I can see what you mean considering the answer to this question is complex. It isn't technically 'one value' that applies to everything in all 400 billion systems. It's a set of concrete rules based on galactic position (sector, quadrant, system # and so on) and astrophysics that consistently boils down to a discrete value for every system in the galaxy. It is a rabbit hole that I recommend reading up on to truly appreciate all the nuances to the ED universe, particularly if you are really into exploration because if you understand the rules it can help you predict roughly what you will find and where just by the system naming convention alone.

System Naming convention
Bug in the (seed) matrix that resulted in peculiar absence of Neutron Stars along the 0 axis'

Last edit: 23 Nov 2021, 2:04pm
23 Nov 2021, 1:43pm

The galaxy generator basically uses a seed value. A system previously unvisited does not exist in the Server Database until someone arrives. At that point the generator calculates what is supposed to be there based on the seed value. Who, When, How, and Why don't matter.

Thank you!

What is exactly the seed value? It looks like that dice are being rolled every time you access a system for the first time.

23 Nov 2021, 4:31pm
Burstar and Sakashiro, Thank you!
23 Nov 2021, 9:05pm
frontiersmen spend Black Friday???
23 Nov 2021, 9:12pm
KarinkaSomebody CQC? please?

I wouldn't mind getting the rank up a bit.
23 Nov 2021, 9:15pm
KarinkaSomebody CQC? please?

I wouldn't mind getting the rank up a bit.

So get into Arena!
23 Nov 2021, 9:54pm
I wouldn't mind getting the rank up a bit.

So get into Arena!

I haven't played it since it was brand new.
23 Nov 2021, 10:18pm
I wouldn't mind getting the rank up a bit.

So get into Arena!

I haven't played it since it was brand new.

Let mortal kombat begin
24 Nov 2021, 12:51pm
I would like to thank everyone who participated in yesterday CQC Kumite! Especially newcomers like CMDR Kurakil and CMDR Turbo_toni, appreciate for helping CQC coming back from the dead. Got my ass kicked a little, but it has never been so much fun. Much much fun for everyone

Last edit: 24 Nov 2021, 12:57pm

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