Elite: Game talk

29 Nov 2021, 11:03am
Paul Glynn

That sounds more like you got ganked by players. I have yet to see an NPC that uses Reverb Torps, nor does the description of a Spec-Ops wing flying FAS sound right.

The NPC's (called Advanced Tactical Response) are a special encounter. They appear as Uber-police when you commit a crime at Notoriety 10. They are highly engineered, and have similar shield generator busting weaponry as stations use.

The FAS wasnt the spec-ops, it was regular navy ship

My log says "Destroyed by spec-ops wing"

That makes more sense. In that case I don't think it was reverb torps you were hit with. More likely the entire wing chose you to gang up on. They are engineered (though not to the extent ATR are). It is most likely you were hammered so hard by their DPS your shields fell faster than you realized. Even a shield tanking Corvette can be caught by surprise and scramble to play catch up when focused by them.

Thanks, that woud explain everything. BTW it was high CZ.
29 Nov 2021, 12:13pm
A meme build:

29 Nov 2021, 2:47pm
BurstarIf you're going to use a Bi-Weave it is smarter to spec resistances.

That build is carefully calibrated to my play style, which does include occasional ramming. It's not a resistance build, so why am I using a bi-weave generator? Here's why:

The regen of a standard 5A generator is so slow that the shield continuously wears down in a typical hazRES. At some point I have to leave the site and dock somewhere to recharge.

The bi-weave with fast charge actually recovers during 1-vs-1 encounters because the Mamba is fast enough to evade most incoming fire; it wears down a little only when fighting a wing.

So by alternating between single opponents and wings, I can stay in the hazRES as long as I want without taking any damage, because the shield recovers while I play and never drops. This way I can afford wasting the class 4 slot on a fuel scoop and don't need to worry about hull and module reinforcements, shield cell banks etc.
29 Nov 2021, 3:26pm
BurstarIf you're going to use a Bi-Weave it is smarter to spec resistances.

The regen of a standard 5A generator is so slow that the shield continuously wears down in a typical hazRES. At some point I have to leave the site and dock somewhere to recharge.

You know that you can reboot for half shields right?
29 Nov 2021, 3:57pm
Kann ich sehen ob eine Stadion offline ist ???
29 Nov 2021, 4:01pm
BurstarYou know that you can reboot for half shields right?

Not with Guardian SRPs.
29 Nov 2021, 4:20pm
BurstarYou know that you can reboot for half shields right?

Not with Guardian SRPs.

That was fixed. You can now.
29 Nov 2021, 4:46pm
Indeed they fixed it!
29 Nov 2021, 5:00pm
The other day a player fired a torpedo at me, I foolishly thought I could just tank the hit but then ended up with no shields (in spite of having four Grade 5 heavy duty A rated shield boosters) and losing half my hull and my shield generator was unusable. I high waked to safety soon after.

Spec ops can be very challenging, I find it best to target those which are being ganged on by NPCs (or better yet, wingmates) and pick them off one by one, and not necessarily going for the smallest ships first.
29 Nov 2021, 5:10pm
Seth BradwellThe other day a player fired a torpedo at me, I foolishly thought I could just tank the hit but then ended up with no shields (in spite of having four Grade 5 heavy duty A rated shield boosters) and losing half my hull and my shield generator was unusable.

Probably had reverb cascade effect engineered on the torpedoes. Regardless of shield strength, they damage your shield generator directly. Basically the only real counter to shield tank Cutters anymore.
29 Nov 2021, 5:30pm
Seth BradwellThe other day a player fired a torpedo at me, I foolishly thought I could just tank the hit but then ended up with no shields (in spite of having four Grade 5 heavy duty A rated shield boosters) and losing half my hull and my shield generator was unusable.

Probably had reverb cascade effect engineered on the torpedoes. Regardless of shield strength, they damage your shield generator directly. Basically the only real counter to shield tank Cutters anymore.

So that's what it was. Such a thing would be useful when soloing those enemy captain ships, which use Cutters which spam shield cells, meaning you have no chance of taking his shields down before he leaves unless you have loads of NPCs on him or you or your wingmates have reverb cascade on rails or torpedoes.
29 Nov 2021, 5:35pm
Down side is that the torpedoes are relatively slow and easy to dodge, you only get a couple of them per weapon module, and the only way to reload them requires docking at a station.
29 Nov 2021, 5:45pm
Light-HawkDown side is that the torpedoes are relatively slow and easy to dodge, you only get a couple of them per weapon module, and the only way to reload them requires docking at a station.

Hence why I have never bothered with torpedoes.
29 Nov 2021, 5:56pm
Seth BradwellSo that's what it was. Such a thing would be useful when soloing those enemy captain ships, which use Cutters which spam shield cells, meaning you have no chance of taking his shields down before he leaves unless you have loads of NPCs on him or you or your wingmates have reverb cascade on rails or torpedoes.

Exactly, that's what I use for assassination missions.
A good way to earn Biotech Conductors from mission rewards.
29 Nov 2021, 8:11pm
I just keep it simple. Beams and multi cannons. All heavily engineered. Enemies with SCB's may be annoying but they still go down eventually.

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