Elite: Game talk

15 Nov 2021, 10:21pm
U cant pick it and u cant shoot it.
15 Nov 2021, 11:50pm
Don't you hate it when you make a fleet carrier your home base for a few days and then it just disappears?
16 Nov 2021, 12:43am
Pirate85You guys really think its a bug? Found it first yesterday evening and today Salmonea also found it again at another spawn.

I found a second on the same planet. They are two here right now. Only this planet.

Looks like FDev is silently placing more than just megaships along the route to Colonia.
16 Nov 2021, 12:49am

Did those signals pop up on the FSS? Or did you have to approach the planet to see them? And do you think it is limited to Odyssey (not on Horizons)?

Last edit: 16 Nov 2021, 1:22am
16 Nov 2021, 1:16am
So a tharg sensor but no sign of a crashed ship?
Make sure you have a corrosion proof cargo module if you want to take it with you. And if you get caught by a tharg while carrying it, they get nasty.
I always thought that shooting them made them break up into fragments which were handy, but you did a fair bit of shooty on that one and nothing.
16 Nov 2021, 3:20am

Did those signals pop up on the FSS? Or did you have to approach the planet to see them? And do you think it is limited to Odyssey (not on Horizons)?

It just poped on left panel.
16 Nov 2021, 3:20am
So a tharg sensor but no sign of a crashed ship?
Make sure you have a corrosion proof cargo module if you want to take it with you. And if you get caught by a tharg while carrying it, they get nasty.
I always thought that shooting them made them break up into fragments which were handy, but you did a fair bit of shooty on that one and nothing.

They were unpicable,undestroyable,untargetable. Weird..
16 Nov 2021, 4:22pm
looks at thread
looks at videos
looks at fleet carrier
looks at star chart for furthest star away from all of that mess
16 Nov 2021, 5:26pm
Look into a fridge.
Beers looks cool.
So everything looks cool.

CupcoDon't you hate it when you make a fleet carrier your home base for a few days and then it just disappears?

Foreign carrier? What did you expect? I do average 6 jumps with my FC every day.

Last edit: 16 Nov 2021, 5:37pm
16 Nov 2021, 6:08pm
The funny thing is I have a ship in storage on it, so it's like I LoJacked it.
16 Nov 2021, 6:46pm
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jenxster</font></font>07 CMDR,

я недавно увидел, что фаза 2 началась в отношении моста Колония, и поинтересовался, знает ли кто-нибудь о текущем прогрессе по его ожидаемому завершению? Я еще ни разу не был в колонии и очень хотел бы там побывать.

А что тебе мешает! Стыкуйся на маршрутку которые возят до колонии и обратно, и будет тебе счастье!
16 Nov 2021, 9:54pm
Fleet carrier in Swoiwns sector: no fuel, no UC, no services. Yelp review:0 stars.
I will not be returning to this fleabag motel. Cannot recommend.

Edit: This was intended to be funny. Maybe needed a

Last edit: 17 Nov 2021, 2:53pm
17 Nov 2021, 1:51am
CupcoFleet carrier in Swoiwns sector: no fuel, no UC, no services. Yelp review:0 stars.
I will not be returning to this fleabag motel. Cannot recommend.

stop crying about your own mistakes
17 Nov 2021, 8:17am
CupcoFleet carrier in Swoiwns sector: no fuel, no UC, no services. Yelp review:0 stars.
I will not be returning to this fleabag motel. Cannot recommend.

Braben's teleport, why be not? ))
17 Nov 2021, 3:13pm
Any PS4 squadrons looking for members? I lead a wing of 4 (all my family) that could use a home. We all have different favorite parts of game play so, I'm not sure we would need a group specific to any profession.

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