Elite: Game talk

19 Nov 2021, 2:28am
SalmoneaI have that feel where to find Raxxla. Frontier devs told us just three facts. The first-it is in the game. Why not... Second-Its a front of everybodys eyes. And third-They are not surprised why noone found it. Because its in gods damn locked permit! Am I right?

It could be hiding in asteroid belt. DS scanner does not see it. When we discover a new system how often do we fly into the belts, not that often right. I also feel that thargoids are also after it.

If I'm remembering correctly, they also mentioned someone has already been to it according to their systems history. The player probably never even noticed it though. What I'd think would be funny is if they put it in one of the starter systems that becomes locked after you leave and make progress.
19 Nov 2021, 2:32am
SalmoneaI have that feel where to find Raxxla. Frontier devs told us just three facts. The first-it is in the game. Why not... Second-Its a front of everybodys eyes. And third-They are not surprised why noone found it. Because its in gods damn locked permit! Am I right?

It could be hiding in asteroid belt. DS scanner does not see it. When we discover a new system how often do we fly into the belts, not that often right. I also feel that thargoids are also after it.

If I'm remembering correctly, they also mentioned someone has already been to it according to their systems history. The player probably never even noticed it though. What I'd think would be funny is if they put it in one of the starter systems that becomes locked after you leave and make progress.

What? Are you sure?
19 Nov 2021, 3:25am
Light-HawkIf I'm remembering correctly, they also mentioned someone has already been to it according to their systems history. The player probably never even noticed it though. What I'd think would be funny is if they put it in one of the starter systems that becomes locked after you leave and make progress.

What? Are you sure?

Honestly, no I'm not sure. Raxxla has been a thing of mystery in the game for a long time. I used to try and read more into it. But it's been a while so I'm just going off of memory, so I could be entirely wrong.
19 Nov 2021, 3:28am
Light-HawkIf I'm remembering correctly, they also mentioned someone has already been to it according to their systems history. The player probably never even noticed it though. What I'd think would be funny is if they put it in one of the starter systems that becomes locked after you leave and make progress.

Since it appears to be so easy to miss, I wonder if it's even worth looking for. Raxxla might just be a tourist beacon with a downloadable text message: "Congratulations CMDR, you found Raxxla. Whoop-de-doo!"

The thing to keep in mind is this: Hand-made game content is expensive, so it makes absolutely no sense to produce anything of major complexity and then hide it in a procedural world so that it's almost impossible to find or will never be seen by the vast majority of players. There are no unique alien species to discover out in the black for exactly the same reason.
19 Nov 2021, 3:43am
Paul Glynn
Co'hen MacBain

Did you have any specific type of PvE in mind, or were you aiming for something that can do everything, e.g haz-res, pirate massacre, CZ?

It's an interesting weapon combination - what's your game plan with that? Did you decide what fire groups you'd use? Lasers and MCs are sustained fire weapons, and the rail gun is presumably intended for module sniping, but I'm not sure how they all work together, and I doubt module sniping with a single rail is going to do you much good.

Are you deliberately avoiding the usual beams + MCs combo, in search of something more interesting?

Finally, I would respectfully disagree with Epi re: SCBs. If you might be fighting a lot of opponents it's absolutely worth having one, although two might be overkill. I've dropped into threat 4 mission targets for massacre missions and had 7 ships immediately aggro me. If you're good enough that you won't want an SCB in that scenario, you probably wouldn't be asking for build suggestions here

That said, you don't have any heatsinks or thermal vent weapons in that build, so using those shield cells is going to make you nice and toasty!

I aim mainly HiRes and HazRes. I played with that kind of loadouts a little bit and I decided the single rail will be fine as shield stripper, without making my WEP cap drain in seconds (beams), and with good effectivness against hull (not beams).

The SCBs are used for one purpose: restoring shields. This is an resistance bulid so every scb will restore much more relative strength than it would in resistances on 0%.

I am avoiding beam lasers in my every bulid. I just personally dislike them and their lack of versatility.

I haven't used SCB since they introduced the heat overload from usage. Everyone has their preferences and what they find most useful. For thermal I personally like Focused Pulse Lasers as I can fire them for long periods of time and ignore most/all hull hardness values with a bonus in effective range. Most of my engagements are less than 2km so Long Range doesn't add much for me so armor piercing is more valuable. For kinetics I use Short Range (except for Railgun) since at far ranges they will be less likely to hit and my engagement ranges are short-mid range anyway so getting a huge damage bonus is nice. I am limited to 1.8km engagements on kinetic weapons but 95+% of the time that's the range I am fighting in anyway. I don't PVP and have not fought Thargoids so I have no opinions for those. Ultimately I would say it depends on typical engagement range and how you prefer to engage/fly that will determine what loadout is best for you as far as weapons are concerned.
19 Nov 2021, 4:20am
SakashiroThe thing to keep in mind is this: Hand-made game content is expensive, so it makes absolutely no sense to produce anything of major complexity and then hide it in a procedural world so that it's almost impossible to find or will never be seen by the vast majority of players. There are no unique alien species to discover out in the black for exactly the same reason.

Although it is obvious, it is a rather sad reality to take in. Especially since in the lore of Elite, there were a couple AI's that managed to escape into the black after humanity decided to purge them all. But I highly doubt we will ever hear of them again or see if they went off to secure their own places in the galaxy. There are also a lot of other alien species in lore but of course we don't see them in the game either. 400 billion systems to explore, but not a whole lot going on with them.
19 Nov 2021, 12:21pm
Light-HawkIf I'm remembering correctly, they also mentioned someone has already been to it according to their systems history. The player probably never even noticed it though. What I'd think would be funny is if they put it in one of the starter systems that becomes locked after you leave and make progress.

Since it appears to be so easy to miss, I wonder if it's even worth looking for. Raxxla might just be a tourist beacon with a downloadable text message: "Congratulations CMDR, you found Raxxla. Whoop-de-doo!"

The thing to keep in mind is this: Hand-made game content is expensive, so it makes absolutely no sense to produce anything of major complexity and then hide it in a procedural world so that it's almost impossible to find or will never be seen by the vast majority of players. There are no unique alien species to discover out in the black for exactly the same reason.

A tourist beacon? I dont think so. After more than 30 years of tension could not be just a silly beacon. I am expecting at least some abadoned instalation or megaship. You cant say ,,I found Raxxla" if you didnt found it. You found only beacon. The quest ist find Raxxla. Beacon could be only some clue to the path.
BTW its also possible it could be some worm hole or some enterable anomaly. We know only its society what is able use some kind of for us uknown ancient technology. They are camuflaging self. And looks like they dont need rest of humanity.
19 Nov 2021, 12:56pm
i am bored with combat and i want to do exploration. i should go even further. i have been to saggy but not further to beagle. lets go
19 Nov 2021, 12:58pm
Raxxla is going to disappoint everyone.
19 Nov 2021, 3:48pm
Jaime WardRaxxla is going to disappoint everyone.

Bruh, we are disappointed from such a trivial thing like the "Armstrong moment" what would you expect with Raxxla?

My expectations for Raxxla:
A transfer of all shares from lord Braben to whoever find it.
19 Nov 2021, 4:11pm
What if someone already found Raxxla and just decided not to say anything?
19 Nov 2021, 5:02pm

It could be hiding in asteroid belt. DS scanner does not see it. When we discover a new system how often do we fly into the belts, not that often right. I also feel that thargoids are also after it.

If I'm remembering correctly, they also mentioned someone has already been to it according to their systems history. The player probably never even noticed it though. What I'd think would be funny is if they put it in one of the starter systems that becomes locked after you leave and make progress.

What? Are you sure?

I would speculate it is living thing, and you need a cold ship to approach to it.
19 Nov 2021, 5:21pm
Dirniviri am bored with combat and i want to do exploration. i should go even further. i have been to saggy but not further to beagle. lets go

Goodbye,have fun.
19 Nov 2021, 5:21pm

If I'm remembering correctly, they also mentioned someone has already been to it according to their systems history. The player probably never even noticed it though. What I'd think would be funny is if they put it in one of the starter systems that becomes locked after you leave and make progress.

What? Are you sure?

I would speculate it is living thing, and you need a cold ship to approach to it.

20 Nov 2021, 12:45am

What? Are you sure?

I would speculate it is living thing, and you need a cold ship to approach to it.


You might just had a serendipity by coining that Azathoth.

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