Elite: Game talk

02 Dec 2021, 4:05pm
Top 10 CG reward is an eagle. I wonder if they need a loan to run these CG's?
02 Dec 2021, 4:11pm
GryphnnDoes free ship mean super-low rebuy and delivery?

No, rewarded ships have standard price and rebuy.

This is reward type-6

It is logical to sell it and buy a discounted one ASAP.
02 Dec 2021, 4:12pm
UmbrellaCorpTop 10 CG reward is an eagle. I wonder if they need a loan to run these CG's?

Top 10% get a Clipper. Not an Eagle. And no, they probably don't need a loan. These powerplay characters are apparently rich beyond measure. Hudson apparently spent enough out of his own pocket to get his spy network setup that he could have just bought every single player their own A rated Corvette and hired everyone to just take over the whole bubble. These people have more money then there are brain cells in the entire human race.
02 Dec 2021, 5:19pm
Light-HawkTop 10% get a Clipper. Not an Eagle. And no, they probably don't need a loan. These powerplay characters are apparently rich beyond measure. Hudson apparently spent enough out of his own pocket to get his spy network setup that he could have just bought every single player their own A rated Corvette and hired everyone to just take over the whole bubble. These people have more money then there are brain cells in the entire human race.

*Top 10
02 Dec 2021, 5:22pm
Salmonea BTW I cant find static signals of NHSS like POI. Does somebody know locations?

Be sure to read the entire page.

Edit: and to answer earlier question, actions that help to 'clean' systems of Thargoid Invasion include:
Killing Thargoids in that system
Turning in Thargoid Bonds to stations in that system (it's possible to kill goids in another system and turn in bonds elsewhere to effect 2 incursions)
Winning Encounters (AXCZ, Megaship Attack, etc...)

I am talking about static POI NHSS.
02 Dec 2021, 5:29pm
How much are they hoping to collect if there is only about 50 tonnes of the stuff in the universe, or am I missing something!
02 Dec 2021, 6:05pm
MutantKeyboardHow much are they hoping to collect if there is only about 50 tonnes of the stuff in the universe, or am I missing something!

Rare commodities have a limit you can buy in your ship cargo.

Example: If you have 0 in cargo you can buy 22, if you have 11 in your cargo you may buy just 11.

Nowadays, people park a FC nearby to supply station and do micro deliveries, once they have accumulated enough in FC storage they go and deliver to demand station.

Another method that worked pre-FC and still works is working with a friend. Receiver stay outside of station with a big ship with collectors, delivery guy goes back and forth to the station and abandoning cargo near receiver for collecting.
02 Dec 2021, 6:13pm
Burstar[quote=Salmonea] BTW I cant find static signals of NHSS like POI. Does somebody know locations?

I am talking about static POI NHSS.

Ah, I thought it was a translation error or something considering your other ask.

Try this (note the link at the end)
02 Dec 2021, 7:30pm
Salmonea BTW I cant find static signals of NHSS like POI. Does somebody know locations?

I am talking about static POI NHSS.

Ah, I thought it was a translation error or something considering your other ask.

Try this (note the link at the end)

No again There are classic non human signal sources and they are in left panel filter like signals,but also exists non human signal source and they are static on one place without time limit. And they are classified like POIs When you kill interceptor,you can jump away,do a flip and again. Its infinite source of thargoud combat. I have not been able find them yesterday. I found them today in Delphi. So its ok now.
02 Dec 2021, 7:35pm
Hey so I'm practically brand new I've played maybe 4-5 hours. Pretty lost and not entirely sure what to do. Looking for friends to play with i guess since I feel like I've just been doing nothing for the past few hours.

I'm pretty sure I understand the general stuff flying and the galaxy map etc.

Tried some combat and got 500k for a new ship
The mining is a little weird but I'm probably missing something
Haven't tried many actual missions so I'm going to work on that now

TLDR: need friends to play with since I feel like I'm not doing anything
02 Dec 2021, 8:22pm

Docking at carriers, do carriers' cmdrs know that you dock there and how do you communicate with them?


As Episparh pointed out, if you have your account linked to Inara, I can use Inara to see who is docked on my carriers. Otherwise there are basically no real convenient methods to communicate with them. It's one of the many things in my opinion that Elite sorely lacks. Would be cool if carrier owners and their passengers has an easier means of communication. Or at least the ability to post in game when they plan to depart a carrier and where it's going to. Sort of like the displays you see in real life airports showing scheduled arrivals and departures.

Could you kick out the stowaways from your carrier if you don't want them or carrier is like a small planet?
02 Dec 2021, 8:35pm
Could you kick out the stowaways from your carrier if you don't want them or carrier is like a small planet?

No. The only way you can remove a CMDR or assets is to decommission the FC itself.
02 Dec 2021, 8:45pm
SolarflareHey so I'm practically brand new I've played maybe 4-5 hours. Pretty lost and not entirely sure what to do. Looking for friends to play with i guess since I feel like I've just been doing nothing for the past few hours.

I'm pretty sure I understand the general stuff flying and the galaxy map etc.

Tried some combat and got 500k for a new ship
The mining is a little weird but I'm probably missing something
Haven't tried many actual missions so I'm going to work on that now

TLDR: need friends to play with since I feel like I'm not doing anything

What system u playing on ?
02 Dec 2021, 8:48pm
SolarflareHey so I'm practically brand new I've played maybe 4-5 hours. Pretty lost and not entirely sure what to do. Looking for friends to play with i guess since I feel like I've just been doing nothing for the past few hours.

I'm pretty sure I understand the general stuff flying and the galaxy map etc.

Tried some combat and got 500k for a new ship
The mining is a little weird but I'm probably missing something
Haven't tried many actual missions so I'm going to work on that now

TLDR: need friends to play with since I feel like I'm not doing anything

Welcome to the game! There are few squadrons that are oriented to support new commanders. Check https://inara.cz/squadrons/ - one of the most popular are in top 10-20.
In addition there are few discord communities that support any CMDR by providing knowledge and support. Namely Elite Dangerous Community and Galactic academy. In addition few community contributors/ content creators are running their own communities focusing of helping others. If you found a guide on youtube there is a great chance the CMDR that created it to have link to own community/squadron in description.

And of course, If you just have a question or activity in mind you can always look for like minded CMDRs here. Plenty of those.

P.S. I envy you. Discovering all the stuff in the game and how to do them is a wonderful path.
A free advice: Do not rush it!
02 Dec 2021, 9:57pm

Ah, I thought it was a translation error or something considering your other ask.

Try this (note the link at the end)

No again There are classic non human signal sources and they are in left panel filter like signals,but also exists non human signal source and they are static on one place without time limit. And they are classified like POIs When you kill interceptor,you can jump away,do a flip and again. Its infinite source of thargoud combat. I have not been able find them yesterday. I found them today in Delphi. So its ok now.

Hmmm, first I've heard of this. Interesting.

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