Elite: Game talk

08 Dec 2021, 6:41pm
08 Dec 2021, 10:22pm
Mary Wonghello

Hello right back...
08 Dec 2021, 10:27pm
Johnson STHas anyone ever mapped the planet Adityan A 9 B in the Adityan system? I'm having trouble finding "concha" spots on the surface, although the detailed surface scanner says there is, there are no visible signs to follow.

You'll find Concha in and near ravines/grooves/trenches. They are small and oftentimes are in very small groups, so can be hard to spot (though not as tough as Tussock)
09 Dec 2021, 12:18pm
I built a dedicated gaming computer and only play ED (on steam), on it. does anyone know if i upgrade to windows 11 will it run better, worse or same. i am including specs just in case it matters as i am new to building computers..

3.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-9700
512 kilobyte primary memory cache
2048 kilobyte secondary memory cache
12288 kilobyte tertiary memory cache
64-bit ready
Multi-core (8 total)

49064 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory
Slot 'ChannelA-DIMM1' has 8192 MB
Slot 'ChannelA-DIMM2' has 16384 MB
Slot 'ChannelB-DIMM1' has 8192 MB
Slot 'ChannelB-DIMM2' has 16384 MB

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 [Display adapter]

Bus Clock: 100 megahertz
09 Dec 2021, 1:04pm
Grateful for your attention, Commander. I made many razor flights below 500 meters in several trench ravines /grooves / trenches. I didn't cover the entire surface of the planet, I don´t have as much experience as you have of course. But I believe there may be a bug in this case. I say this because I performed the detailed surface scan, selected the biological "concha" signal and flew in orbital flight over both sides of the planet (light side and dark side), used the camera with maximum zoom and couldn't see even a small blue dot on the surface. The question here is whether there really is this type of biological signal on this planet.
09 Dec 2021, 3:07pm
I've been away for a while (the odyssey thing left a bad taste) but have started playing again recently

I see we are at war in Chimba! I'd like to join in but I have a problem with conflict zones - I always get my arsed kicked

If I turn up in my 'conda, I spend most of the battle duking it out with another ship, so only get one or two ship kills, and its expensive when it goes wrong
If I turn up in a viper mk iv or something, I just seem to get ganged up on and don't last very long

Forming a ball of fighters I just seem not to be able to get to work

I consider myself a reasonable pilot, and my ships are fairly well spec'd. but I don't have any engineering upgrades. Is it that, or just more practice required? What's best - light weight fighters or the big ships?

09 Dec 2021, 3:12pm
o7 cmdrs,

I have a question about refueling at the carries. Is that fuel taken from the carrier tritium reserves or the fuel is always available for the docked ships as long as refuel feature is kept available by the carrier's cmdr?


09 Dec 2021, 3:22pm
You pay that worker on your carrier to keep fueling the tanks on your carrier so that ships can always fuel
09 Dec 2021, 3:23pm
Shg56o7 cmdrs,

I have a question about refueling at the carries. Is that fuel taken from the carrier tritium reserves or the fuel is always available for the docked ships as long as refuel feature is kept available by the carrier's cmdr?



Refuel, rearm and restock do not cost anything for the carrier. No resource is used. Fuel, ammo and restock appears from tin air by the force of Frontier's immersion department!
09 Dec 2021, 3:57pm
anyone have a broken genetic sampler? I am out exploring and mine worked before the update. also when attempting to use orrery view, my game crashed. anyone else experience these issues post-update?
09 Dec 2021, 4:17pm
See: Odyssey: release discussion
09 Dec 2021, 5:04pm
So game crashes upon trying to access the Stored modules.
09 Dec 2021, 5:47pm
Johnson STGrateful for your attention, Commander. I made many razor flights below 500 meters in several trench ravines /grooves / trenches. I didn't cover the entire surface of the planet, I don´t have as much experience as you have of course. But I believe there may be a bug in this case. I say this because I performed the detailed surface scan, selected the biological "concha" signal and flew in orbital flight over both sides of the planet (light side and dark side), used the camera with maximum zoom and couldn't see even a small blue dot on the surface. The question here is whether there really is this type of biological signal on this planet.

Ah, it's one of 'those'...

I've seen 3 in my travels, 2 of which actually did have 1 measly little crater full of hte buggers on the dark side. 1 of these 2 the crater area was so small I couldn't get the third scan in.
The third I couldn't find any blue either so I gave up. My advice is to just give up and move on. It REALLY isn't worth it. It isn't worth it even when they're easy to find...
09 Dec 2021, 6:18pm
MadBeachUSAI built a dedicated gaming computer and only play ED (on steam), on it. does anyone know if i upgrade to windows 11 will it run better, worse or same. i am including specs just in case it matters as i am new to building computers..

I would say that there's no reason to think Windows 11 would run Elite better, and more chance of teething problems with driver and hardware combinations that could cause you problems.

The "DirectStorage" feature which sounds like it could be of most benefit will only be useful for new games that are built to use it, or possibly existing games could be patched. Given how things are going at the moment, the thought of FDev patching low-level data decompression code brings me out in a cold sweat

Personally, I wouldn't upgrade yet, unless there are specific features in Windows 11 that you're desperate to have.
09 Dec 2021, 8:12pm
Shg56o7 cmdrs,

I have a question about refueling at the carries. Is that fuel taken from the carrier tritium reserves or the fuel is always available for the docked ships as long as refuel feature is kept available by the carrier's cmdr?



Refuel, rearm and restock do not cost anything for the carrier. No resource is used. Fuel, ammo and restock appears from tin air by the force of Frontier's immersion department!

Excellent, like money central banks...

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