Elite: Game talk

28 Nov 2021, 9:35pm
EpisparhUsually a heatsink and a chaff can do miracles. Gimbaled weapons cannot hit what they cannot target and chaff is relatively effective is you run small/medium ship.

Don't forget, that this works for unskilled Gankers only.
The slightly better ones usually don't use gimballed weapons at all;
and if they still do, they just unlock the target and the gimballed becomes a fixed weapon.
28 Nov 2021, 9:38pm
EpisparhUsually a heatsink and a chaff can do miracles. Gimbaled weapons cannot hit what they cannot target and chaff is relatively effective is you run small/medium ship.

Don't forget, that this works for unskilled Gankers only.
The slightly better ones usually don't use gimballed weapons at all;
and if they still do, they just unlock the target and the gimballed becomes a fixed weapon.

Untargeted "fixed" thingies do not have lead indicator on HUD. This method works only for hit scan weapons.

Last edit: 28 Nov 2021, 9:46pm
28 Nov 2021, 10:30pm
EpisparhUsually a heatsink and a chaff can do miracles. Gimbaled weapons cannot hit what they cannot target and chaff is relatively effective is you run small/medium ship.

Don't forget, that this works for unskilled Gankers only.
The slightly better ones usually don't use gimballed weapons at all;
and if they still do, they just unlock the target and the gimballed becomes a fixed weapon.

Untargeted "fixed" thingies do not have lead indicator on HUD. This method works only for hit scan weapons.

Chaff is marginally useful. In PVP the typical meta is Plasmas (Accelerator or new engineered Charger), rails, or some other fixed weapon the individual prefers, and then some utility weapons as appropriate. Chances are, if they are using a gimballed weapon it is secondary/utility (ie: corrosive frag cannon). The biggest flaw of the Chaff is that it is ONLY useful against the lower DPS versions of weapons. Therefore, with chaff you run the risk of receiving the highest dps for which it is useless. In PVP I'd take another HS over chaff hands down.
In PVE this issue is worse because the NPCs are aimbots so you don't even have time on target problems to fall back on.

Yes Chaff are best used on small fast ships where hitting is more challenging, but, I'd still rather have more shields that apply to every weapon/damage type or a HS to hide with.
28 Nov 2021, 10:50pm
I'd still rather have more shields that apply to every weapon/damage type or a HS to hide with.

I can only support this!
None of my combat ships has chaff installed anymore.
I'd go with shield boost, too.

It might help against an unskillt PvP gamer, but chances are low.

Still it has it's reason to exist;
as I use it quite often on my shieldless Trade builds.
We all know the "Trade mission anacondas"?
9 out of 10 times, I can escape an interdiction by these npcs.
But if I somehow happen to loose one, chaffing is a good support in getting away unharmed.
28 Nov 2021, 10:53pm
I was thinking of replacing a Chaff with a Shield Booster but then I would have to change some power plants to overcharged to accommodate that. I prefer Armoured if at all possible.
29 Nov 2021, 12:17am
SakashiroTwo or three weeks ago I temporarily outfitted my T-9 for laser mining. But then I realized that I would never have the patience to fill up its huge cargo hold in a single mining session. Another problem was its poor jump range (adding travel time on top of mining time) and poor self-defense capabilities. Everyone knows how to fool the lonely NPC pirate at the beginning of a mining session, but if you log off inside the ring to continue mining later, another pirate will appear, and then your cargo hold won't be empty any more. The Python solves all these problems in a single build. It travels faster, can fight those lonely NPC pirates if necessary, and its cargo hold size is just perfect. The T-9 will remain useful as a large payload hauler, especially when I have a carrier to store commodities.

It's funny that Epi keeps mocking my multi-role builds now, because when I had specialized builds for exploration (e.g. a super-lightweight Anaconda with minimum class 3 shields to protect the hull from rough terrain), he mocked those, too.

Its a verry good ship the type 9 for large cargo run, i dont youse shields because its not a problem to escape interdiktion from pirates, but i allways get a litte hull damage when going throug the letterbox because its so damn wide. My tip for mining is to make a phyton to miningship, if you upgrade your fsd engineered to max, and put a guardian lev.5 fsd in optional moduls you get a desent jump range to, its no benefit in installing moore than two mining lasers, they just heat up all the time. With all compartment used you shuld have cargo space for 120 tonn. Thats moore than enough for my patient!
29 Nov 2021, 12:34am
The T-9 has a single use for me: Trading.
Don't use shields, and you can haul up to 150,000,000 an hour if you find the right routes.
29 Nov 2021, 6:25am
DescartesThank's Rapis, seems like a good place to start, I'll probably go for your idea - but Saki and Burstar, what would you use

Ramming inflicts absolute damage and ignores thermal, kinetic and explosive resistances. To increase your shield generator's absolute strength, use the reinforced mod and the hi-cap experimental. To increase it further, add shield boosters with the heavy duty mod and super capacitors experimental. If your ship has enough power, you can also add Guardian shield reinforcements. And of course, four pips to SYS help reinforce the shields when ramming.

Some engineered NPCs use phasing sequence lasers that penetrate shields and damage the hull (but not any modules). That damage is absolute, too. In my experience, military grade composite armor with heavy duty and deep plating provides sufficient protection against it. Further hull reinforcement isn't necessary. Under heavy fire your shields will fail faster than your hull.

If you kill clean ships and gain notoriety, you may encounter system authority ships with reverberating cascade lasers that damage your shield generator even while the shields are up. However, I found that the amount of damage is minor. And I haven't yet seen any NPCs with reverb cascade torpedoes.

With a shield tank you're basically invincible in PvE, because even if you do get into trouble, you'll have plenty of time to wake out to safety before your shields go down. My Mamba is built like that and has never seen a rebuy screen.
29 Nov 2021, 7:44am

If you kill clean ships and gain notoriety, you may encounter system authority ships with reverberating cascade lasers that damage your shield generator even while the shields are up. However, I found that the amount of damage is minor. And I haven't yet seen any NPCs with reverb cascade torpedoes.

Yesterday I went to CZ and fought a little bit. When I was fighting a FAS a spec-ops wing warped in right behind me. They targeted me and dropped a salvo of approx. 11 reverb torps. I heard only the "incoming missle" and "shields offline". Then the rebuy screen showed up.

I didn't saw the NPCs using reverb lasers. I thought only stations have those.
29 Nov 2021, 8:29am
NPCs using torps. #DOUBT

Check your combat log for the name of the CMDR that sneaked on you with torps.
29 Nov 2021, 9:08am
Paul Glynn

If you kill clean ships and gain notoriety, you may encounter system authority ships with reverberating cascade lasers that damage your shield generator even while the shields are up. However, I found that the amount of damage is minor. And I haven't yet seen any NPCs with reverb cascade torpedoes.

Yesterday I went to CZ and fought a little bit. When I was fighting a FAS a spec-ops wing warped in right behind me. They targeted me and dropped a salvo of approx. 11 reverb torps. I heard only the "incoming missle" and "shields offline". Then the rebuy screen showed up.

I didn't saw the NPCs using reverb lasers. I thought only stations have those.

That sounds more like you got ganked by players. I have yet to see an NPC that uses Reverb Torps, nor does the description of a Spec-Ops wing flying FAS sound right.

The NPC's (called Advanced Tactical Response) are a special encounter. They appear as Uber-police when you commit a crime at Notoriety 10. They are highly engineered, and have similar shield generator busting weaponry as stations use.
29 Nov 2021, 9:33am
Paul Glynn

If you kill clean ships and gain notoriety, you may encounter system authority ships with reverberating cascade lasers that damage your shield generator even while the shields are up. However, I found that the amount of damage is minor. And I haven't yet seen any NPCs with reverb cascade torpedoes.

Yesterday I went to CZ and fought a little bit. When I was fighting a FAS a spec-ops wing warped in right behind me. They targeted me and dropped a salvo of approx. 11 reverb torps. I heard only the "incoming missle" and "shields offline". Then the rebuy screen showed up.

I didn't saw the NPCs using reverb lasers. I thought only stations have those.

That sounds more like you got ganked by players. I have yet to see an NPC that uses Reverb Torps, nor does the description of a Spec-Ops wing flying FAS sound right.

The NPC's (called Advanced Tactical Response) are a special encounter. They appear as Uber-police when you commit a crime at Notoriety 10. They are highly engineered, and have similar shield generator busting weaponry as stations use.

The FAS wasnt the spec-ops
it was regular navy ship

My log says "Destroyed by spec-ops wing"
29 Nov 2021, 10:14am
Paul Glynn
Paul Glynn

Yesterday I went to CZ and fought a little bit. When I was fighting a FAS a spec-ops wing warped in right behind me. They targeted me and dropped a salvo of approx. 11 reverb torps. I heard only the "incoming missle" and "shields offline". Then the rebuy screen showed up.

I didn't saw the NPCs using reverb lasers. I thought only stations have those.

That sounds more like you got ganked by players. I have yet to see an NPC that uses Reverb Torps, nor does the description of a Spec-Ops wing flying FAS sound right.

The NPC's (called Advanced Tactical Response) are a special encounter. They appear as Uber-police when you commit a crime at Notoriety 10. They are highly engineered, and have similar shield generator busting weaponry as stations use.

The FAS wasnt the spec-ops, it was regular navy ship

My log says "Destroyed by spec-ops wing"

That makes more sense. In that case I don't think it was reverb torps you were hit with. More likely the entire wing chose you to gang up on. They are engineered (though not to the extent ATR are). It is most likely you were hammered so hard by their DPS your shields fell faster than you realized. Even a shield tanking Corvette can be caught by surprise and scramble to play catch up when focused by them.
29 Nov 2021, 10:19am
Spec ops are nasty thing and they trend to focus you once they arrive. Always listen for "Enemy spec ops in the area" and try to run and engage them one at a time.

Fun fact: Medium CZs are more dangerous than High CZ because they have higher chance to spawn spec ops and rest of the NPCs are quite ineffective against them.
29 Nov 2021, 10:39am
Sakashiro With a shield tank you're basically invincible in PvE, because even if you do get into trouble, you'll have plenty of time to wake out to safety before your shields go down. My Mamba is built like that and has never seen a rebuy screen.

If you're going to use a Bi-Weave it is smarter to spec resistances. Your 2.5 shields/sec becomes effectively 4 /sec when you do that, and the shield cap boosting greatly impairs your Bi-weave reup time if they go down.

Epi's Vulture is designed along that line. Just enough shields to take hits during the pass and if/when they go down they're back up in seconds. The hull reinforcement absorbs any extra damage during that brief period.

If you 'really' want a ramming spec (inadvisable for PVE unless you're almost done a fight and can waste the energy) then you might have more fun in this as opposed to your suggestion (compare the stats).

Last edit: 29 Nov 2021, 10:46am

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