Elite: Game talk

09 Dec 2021, 8:53pm
It can be easily put into the fleet carrier's weekly module maintenance fee, so very likely not free, just a part of the "care package" every FC owner is forced to subscribe on, with supply ships restocking your carrier anywhere you are.
09 Dec 2021, 9:18pm
Johnson STGrateful for your attention, Commander. I made many razor flights below 500 meters in several trench ravines /grooves / trenches. I didn't cover the entire surface of the planet, I don´t have as much experience as you have of course. But I believe there may be a bug in this case. I say this because I performed the detailed surface scan, selected the biological "concha" signal and flew in orbital flight over both sides of the planet (light side and dark side), used the camera with maximum zoom and couldn't see even a small blue dot on the surface. The question here is whether there really is this type of biological signal on this planet.

Ah, it's one of 'those'...

I've seen 3 in my travels, 2 of which actually did have 1 measly little crater full of hte buggers on the dark side. 1 of these 2 the crater area was so small I couldn't get the third scan in.
The third I couldn't find any blue either so I gave up. My advice is to just give up and move on. It REALLY isn't worth it. It isn't worth it even when they're easy to find...

One thing I have noticed... there is no guarantee you will find what you are looking for regardless of the shade of blue. It supposedly gives a theoretical chance of finding it, but I was looking in what few blue patches there were (they were all very small) and only found the plant in some of the blue areas, not all of them. I forget which plant but it grows in and around rough/steep terrain.
09 Dec 2021, 9:46pm
Well, they killed it. Patch 9, PS4 .. Horizons.

Docked, outfitting, storage -> crash.
Attempt to store something -> crash.
Attempt to buy something in an empty hardpoint -> crash.

Which is just great... unplayable..

Am I alone here?
09 Dec 2021, 10:02pm
Johnson STGrateful for your attention, Commander. I made many razor flights below 500 meters in several trench ravines /grooves / trenches. I didn't cover the entire surface of the planet, I don´t have as much experience as you have of course. But I believe there may be a bug in this case. I say this because I performed the detailed surface scan, selected the biological "concha" signal and flew in orbital flight over both sides of the planet (light side and dark side), used the camera with maximum zoom and couldn't see even a small blue dot on the surface. The question here is whether there really is this type of biological signal on this planet.

Ah, it's one of 'those'...

I've seen 3 in my travels, 2 of which actually did have 1 measly little crater full of hte buggers on the dark side. 1 of these 2 the crater area was so small I couldn't get the third scan in.
The third I couldn't find any blue either so I gave up. My advice is to just give up and move on. It REALLY isn't worth it. It isn't worth it even when they're easy to find...

One thing I have noticed... there is no guarantee you will find what you are looking for regardless of the shade of blue. It supposedly gives a theoretical chance of finding it, but I was looking in what few blue patches there were (they were all very small) and only found the plant in some of the blue areas, not all of them. I forget which plant but it grows in and around rough/steep terrain.

I think the blue indicates 'favorable' conditions for whatever the scanner has to be there. I have run into a few planets where the light side had most of the markings for areas while the dark side was nearly desolate of indications of life.
09 Dec 2021, 10:35pm
DeklarnuvekWell, they killed it. Patch 9, PS4 .. Horizons.

Docked, outfitting, storage -> crash.
Attempt to store something -> crash.
Attempt to buy something in an empty hardpoint -> crash.

Which is just great... unplayable..

Am I alone here?

Nope - mine crashes as well. Just bought myself a new ship and I can't load it out
09 Dec 2021, 10:56pm
Kurakil One thing I have noticed... there is no guarantee you will find what you are looking for regardless of the shade of blue. It supposedly gives a theoretical chance of finding it, but I was looking in what few blue patches there were (they were all very small) and only found the plant in some of the blue areas, not all of them. I forget which plant but it grows in and around rough/steep terrain.

Yeah, it's best to think of it as the organism is definitely not where there isn't blue. Within the blue its more knowing what terrain you're likely to find that plant.
09 Dec 2021, 11:53pm
Kurakil One thing I have noticed... there is no guarantee you will find what you are looking for regardless of the shade of blue. It supposedly gives a theoretical chance of finding it, but I was looking in what few blue patches there were (they were all very small) and only found the plant in some of the blue areas, not all of them. I forget which plant but it grows in and around rough/steep terrain.

Yeah, it's best to think of it as the organism is definitely not where there isn't blue. Within the blue its more knowing what terrain you're likely to find that plant.

I have no problem finding biologics when I fly in my ship not higher than 80m above surface on low speed. Sometimes it takes a while but I never get missing something. Fly there where the blue is, that's all. Blue color shadings aren't really important. Good luck!
10 Dec 2021, 12:37am
My Odyssey does not crash. In exchange, it did reset all fire groups on all ships. Nice
10 Dec 2021, 12:58am
KarinkaMy Odyssey does not crash. In exchange, it did reset all fire groups on all ships. Nice

My Horizons crashed in outfitting, and also lost my fire groups, so at least this FDev cock-up affects everyone
10 Dec 2021, 1:50am
Here is how I develop and release software, including patches:

First, I test as much as I can myself ... this often times is not everything, as some o the projects I work on are vast.

Then, I release a beta version to employees. After several days of usage with no reports of any outstanding problems, I release the version to "friendlies" - these are customers that are perhaps ex-employees or even current employee family members. It's typically 3-4 times the size of the first test group.

Again, I wait a few days after no outstanding issues.

Finally, I release the software to our customer base.

I've been doing this for 27 years. I've programmed in six different languages over those years. I've created hundreds of pieces of software on my own and with a group of other programmers ... and for the LIFE OF ME, I cannot understand how a company like Frontier can't do something as simple as docking and buying a freaking hardpoint module before releasing the software!

This is beyond absurd.
10 Dec 2021, 4:21am
Co'hen MacBain
MadBeachUSAI built a dedicated gaming computer and only play ED (on steam), on it. does anyone know if i upgrade to windows 11 will it run better, worse or same. i am including specs just in case it matters as i am new to building computers..

I would say that there's no reason to think Windows 11 would run Elite better, and more chance of teething problems with driver and hardware combinations that could cause you problems.

I may not be familiar with the quirks and bug - I MEAN FEATURES - of windows 11. But as far as performance is concerned, not likely, at least - not today, or even this year.

Based on a veeery quick google search:

The main feature with Win 11 is DirectStorage: You have not listed the hardware required to utilize this, as it seems the following hardware is needed to support this in general:
1. NVMe with PCIe bus 3.0 or higher - The NVMe SSD should also be 1TB or greater - Storage device and interface not listed in your specs
2. DirectStorage also requires a DirectX 12 Ultimate GPU - Your 3060 would work here

However, even if you do that:

DirectStorage is an API, game developers would need to implement it in their games.

So really, your question is - Will FDev put DirectStorage support into it's games? Since ED is on console, which already utilizes this - I would assume this wouldn't be too hard for them to implement on PC as well. But I don't believe it's currently enabled at this time.
10 Dec 2021, 4:35am
DovescapeIs there a service in game for delivering a ship from one station to another? I’m on Horizons.

yes. if a station has a shipyard.
10 Dec 2021, 6:44am
Co'hen MacBain
KarinkaMy Odyssey does not crash. In exchange, it did reset all fire groups on all ships. Nice

My Horizons crashed in outfitting[/img]

eh - this isn't really new though

49064 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory
Slot 'ChannelA-DIMM1' has 8192 MB
Slot 'ChannelA-DIMM2' has 16384 MB
Slot 'ChannelB-DIMM1' has 8192 MB
Slot 'ChannelB-DIMM2' has 16384 MB

Serious question: Why?
10 Dec 2021, 7:18am
hi, have some trouble. Marco Qwent. reputation with Sirius corp. 100% also have pass to Sirius system. But engineer is closed.
10 Dec 2021, 7:19am
Check for invitation mission

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