Elite: Game talk

18 Dec 2021, 9:25pm
o7 cmdrs,

Does anybody know when level 3 detail scan count is updated? I am deep in the void now and do multi L3 planet scans everyday but for some reason its count does not change. Other counts like hyperspace distance, system visited are updated promptly. Do you need to sell exploration data first to get the count moved up or is it a system bug? Thank you
18 Dec 2021, 9:31pm
Shg56o7 cmdrs,

Does anybody know when level 3 detail scan count is updated? I am deep in the void now and do multi L3 planet scans everyday but for some reason its count does not change. Other counts like hyperspace distance, system visited are updated promptly. Do you need to sell exploration data first to get the count moved up or is it a system bug? Thank you

It only counts after you've sold the data. Also, it won't refresh until the next time you dock or login.
18 Dec 2021, 9:53pm
I have read in several places that NPCs are not affected by thermal effects from weapons (Thermal Cascade, Thermal Shock, etc.), but I have also seen that they will stop firing during combat, use a heat sink, temporarily become cold, and I cannot target them, which tells me they are affected at least to some extent or in certain aspects. Does anyone know how it really works for NPCs or is it simply collective guesswork and supposition? I find it difficult to locate actual facts for some of these things.
18 Dec 2021, 9:54pm
Gatimũ KamauI wanted to discuss a "spicy topic" in E:D. I recently took a job grabbing some illegal salvage. I've been trying to rank up with the Feds and I've been on a tear with salvage and bounties. So I go to the target system, honk at the star, switch to EES (I think that's the acronym) to pin point the source........and it's 0.19ly form the entry star near a second star in the system.

This isn't the first time the game has done this and it does similar things across all job types. And after the 45 minute trip to pick up the item (which the payout didn't even cover the expense of the wear and tear on my Anaconda from the mission) my question is, am I the only one who thinks that there are many moments where E:D honestly doesn't respect the players' time? I mean, this is a game where it's common to hear players say "I just activate supercruise assist and put on YouTube". Is that really what we want; for the selling point of a game we love to be to not really play the game?

For instance, would it really be so game breaking or intolerable to the hard core fanbase if FD threw us a bone and had humankind develop an in-universe advanced frame shift calculator that we could purchase for our ships that could allow for inner-system jumps if there are multiple stars? Like being able to jump from the Alpha Centauri entry star to the star near Hutton Orbital? That would save nearly an hour of playtime for those of us who have limited time on our hands. And for balancing purposes, the size 1 slot that FD added when they graced us with supercruise assist could be designated as a guidance component only slot the same way that larger ships have military component only slots. Then the player would have to choose between supercruise assist, the docking computer or the inner-system shift module. If that's not enough, then have it also be pricy. That way newbie CMDR's still have to come up the hard way like we did and go for their free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital, and by the time they have a ship that can use it and the money to buy, they will have the proper appreciation for it. And since it would be a component, old school players wouldn't have to be bothered with using it if they want to keep their experience "pure".


You just have to pay attention to station's star distance when picking up a mission.
PS If I could choose between SC assist, docking computer and your "inner-system module" - of course I would choose the third one
18 Dec 2021, 10:13pm
Em acces to odyssey engeneers is bugged? Gain acces by completing 10 conflict zones. I did 46 and still nothing. Visit 5 settlements in Colonia system. I visited 9 and also nothing. Even after many relogs.
18 Dec 2021, 10:19pm
I think the conflict zone one specifically requires 10 LOW zones, for some reason.
18 Dec 2021, 10:57pm
Wat? I do only high
18 Dec 2021, 10:58pm
SalmoneaWat? I do only high

Yeah the engineer unlock is actually 10 low CZ. I don't know about the Colonia unlock though. I'll be making a trip there in a few weeks and find out!
18 Dec 2021, 11:46pm
SalmoneaWat? I do only high

Also, the number shown in Codex is doubled (the support guy I spoke with for my ticket claimed that 'wins' doubled the #). So you need to halve that for correct progress count.
18 Dec 2021, 11:57pm
Kurakilor is it simply collective guesswork and supposition? I find it difficult to locate actual facts for some of these things.

I think it's just guesswork, but, essentially valid nonetheless. NPC's are immune to destroyed canopy, and target lock breaker effects. Personally, I suspect the heat related behaviours we see are based on crude internal calculations only. They can overheat themselves and respond to it sensibly, but, if we could overheat them that would allow us to manipulate their behaviour and that is an opportunity for exploiting. Because FDev codes their AI as barebones as possible it is reasonable to expect them to take this shortcut and avoid the issue altogether.

In my eyes it's not worth worrying about. They're NPCs. The goal is to kill them ASAP and giving them a tan before doing so just prolongs the ordeal.
19 Dec 2021, 1:02am
Ok and what about that engeneer Eleanor Bresa in Desy system? She demand to visit 5 settlements in Colonia system. I have been at 8 and also no invitation.
19 Dec 2021, 1:33am
Kurakilor is it simply collective guesswork and supposition? I find it difficult to locate actual facts for some of these things.

I think it's just guesswork, but, essentially valid nonetheless. NPC's are immune to destroyed canopy, and target lock breaker effects. Personally, I suspect the heat related behaviours we see are based on crude internal calculations only. They can overheat themselves and respond to it sensibly, but, if we could overheat them that would allow us to manipulate their behaviour and that is an opportunity for exploiting. Because FDev codes their AI as barebones as possible it is reasonable to expect them to take this shortcut and avoid the issue altogether.

In my eyes it's not worth worrying about. They're NPCs. The goal is to kill them ASAP and giving them a tan before doing so just prolongs the ordeal.

I'm mainly wondering so I don't bother putting on any experimentals that essentially do nothing in pve.
19 Dec 2021, 4:58am
Gatimũ KamauFor instance, would it really be so game breaking or intolerable to the hard core fanbase if FD threw us a bone and had humankind develop an in-universe advanced frame shift calculator that we could purchase for our ships that could allow for inner-system jumps if there are multiple stars? Like being able to jump from the Alpha Centauri entry star to the star near Hutton Orbital? That would save nearly an hour of playtime for those of us who have limited time on our hands. And for balancing purposes, the size 1 slot that FD added when they graced us with supercruise assist could be designated as a guidance component only slot the same way that larger ships have military component only slots. Then the player would have to choose between supercruise assist, the docking computer or the inner-system shift module. If that's not enough, then have it also be pricy. That way newbie CMDR's still have to come up the hard way like we did and go for their free Anaconda at Hutton Orbital, and by the time they have a ship that can use it and the money to buy, they will have the proper appreciation for it. And since it would be a component, old school players wouldn't have to be bothered with using it if they want to keep their experience "pure".

I'd like this, to be honest. I'd also like the ship guidance to just be toggle-able and built into all ships (not this one, but supercruise and docking assist), so people can just turn it on and off at their discretion.

Then again, I'm probably that person who would have it set up so only certain ships have different 'degrees' of guidance set up for various reasons (such as exploration ships having "all on" for roleplay reasons or large ships always having docking assist because I admittedly have some difficulty maneuvering some of them through the mailslot).
19 Dec 2021, 10:10am
Kurakil I'm mainly wondering so I don't bother putting on any experimentals that essentially do nothing in pve.

Well, in case my point wasn't perfectly clear, my recommendation is to not bother with offensive heat effects for PVE. It is a waste. You want damage pure and simple. Pop them and move on. I will just add that my go to strat for NPC popping is nailing the powerplant. A fixed Beam weapon will allow you to do this all day if you want (the higher the class the better the penetration which does help a lot). Add secondary weaponry that compliments this and you're g2g.
19 Dec 2021, 3:18pm
Kurakil I'm mainly wondering so I don't bother putting on any experimentals that essentially do nothing in pve.

Well, in case my point wasn't perfectly clear, my recommendation is to not bother with offensive heat effects for PVE. It is a waste. You want damage pure and simple. Pop them and move on. I will just add that my go to strat for NPC popping is nailing the powerplant. A fixed Beam weapon will allow you to do this all day if you want (the higher the class the better the penetration which does help a lot). Add secondary weaponry that compliments this and you're g2g.

That reminds me, why are beam lasers better for modules even though they only have base piercing values (not Focused engineering)? Is it simply because they output the damage much faster over a shorter timespan?

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