Elite: Game talk

16 Dec 2021, 4:32am
40% is the correct probe radius for the Double Engineered DSS.

An non-engineered DSS has a probe radius of 20%, and each Grade of engineering increases the probe radius by 2%, with a Grade 5 engineered DSS having a probe radius of 30%, and a Double Engineered DSS has a probe radius of 40%, because it is effectively has two applications of Grade 5 engineering.

However, because percentages are used twice in the description of the engineering, it makes things confusing at first glance.

With each Grade of engineering giving a 2% increase to the probe radius (which is a 10% increase over the base probe radius: 20 radius + 10% = 22 radius), and a Grade 5 DSS having a probe radius of 30% (a 50% increase over the base probe radius: 20 radius + 50% = 30 radius), that means the Double Engineered DSS which has a probe radius of 40%, has an 100% increase over the base probe radius (20 radius + 100% = 40 radius).

Sorry if my explanation is a bit confusing (it's 4:30am atm), but hopefully the image below will help clear things up:
16 Dec 2021, 4:41am
LilacLight40% is the correct probe radius for the Double Engineered DSS.

An non-engineered DSS has a probe radius of 20%, and each Grade of engineering increases the probe radius by 2%, with a Grade 5 engineered DSS having a probe radius of 30%, and a Double Engineered DSS has a probe radius of 40%, because it is effectively has two applications of Grade 5 engineering.

However, because percentages are used twice in the description of the engineering, it makes things confusing at first glance.

With each Grade of engineering giving a 2% increase to the probe radius (which is a 10% increase over the base probe radius: 20 radius + 10% = 22 radius), and a Grade 5 DSS having a probe radius of 30% (a 50% increase over the base probe radius: 20 radius + 50% = 30 radius), that means the Double Engineered DSS which has a probe radius of 40%, has an 100% increase over the base probe radius (20 radius + 100% = 40 radius).

Sorry if my explanation is a bit confusing (it's 4:30am atm), but hopefully the image below will help clear things up:

I understand what you are saying. They word things very poorly often times in the game and I sometimes wonder if they even know what they are saying.
16 Dec 2021, 9:03am
i am going to buy a 7a universal limpet contorller for my own cutter i am so happyyyyyy
16 Dec 2021, 9:50am
LilacLight40% is the correct probe radius for the Double Engineered DSS.

An non-engineered DSS has a probe radius of 20%, and each Grade of engineering increases the probe radius by 2%, with a Grade 5 engineered DSS having a probe radius of 30%, and a Double Engineered DSS has a probe radius of 40%, because it is effectively has two applications of Grade 5 engineering.

However, because percentages are used twice in the description of the engineering, it makes things confusing at first glance.

With each Grade of engineering giving a 2% increase to the probe radius (which is a 10% increase over the base probe radius: 20 radius + 10% = 22 radius), and a Grade 5 DSS having a probe radius of 30% (a 50% increase over the base probe radius: 20 radius + 50% = 30 radius), that means the Double Engineered DSS which has a probe radius of 40%, has an 100% increase over the base probe radius (20 radius + 100% = 40 radius).

Sorry if my explanation is a bit confusing (it's 4:30am atm), but hopefully the image below will help clear things up:

I understand what you are saying. They word things very poorly often times in the game and I sometimes wonder if they even know what they are saying.

In simpler terms:
The bonus to the Double Engineered item was described as a 50% increase to the probe area, not radius. If you do the math, 40% radius increase gets you there within like 0.04% I agree, its confusing because the numbers just happen to fall neatly into a pattern that confuses the issue. This was all discussed way back when they were first released.

If it says +40% radius you're good.
16 Dec 2021, 3:10pm
How to complete CG in Maia? The Bright Sentinel has Mission Board locked.
Other recent AX goals in Delphi/Merope/Meene completed successfully with no problem.
16 Dec 2021, 3:24pm
I just picked up a Dropship with the plan of Salvage/Recovery with a side line in smuggling, since a lot of salvage is either not legitimate, or contraband. I looking for suggestions on build out.
16 Dec 2021, 4:08pm
KarinkaHow to complete CG in Maia? The Bright Sentinel has Mission Board locked.
Other recent AX goals in Delphi/Merope/Meene completed successfully with no problem.

I had the same question. Someone on the forum responded that the CG credit rewards automatically pay out after 2 weeks.
(and you can always transfer modules between stations)

Sure I wanted my blood mone.... I mean reward. But I guess I can wait.
16 Dec 2021, 4:12pm
KarinkaHow to complete CG in Maia? The Bright Sentinel has Mission Board locked.
Other recent AX goals in Delphi/Merope/Meene completed successfully with no problem.

same thoughts.. yesterday i wrote an email to fdev, how to get the money earlier.. so far no anser

Last edit: 16 Dec 2021, 4:33pm
16 Dec 2021, 8:22pm
I'm kind of saddened by the fact that I feel as a platform gamer (PS4), I feel purposefully left behind by Elite and FD in general. All of the Odyssey updates that the PC community is swimming in even beyond the on foot combat and station exploration to include all of the smaller quality of life improvements (such as the "on the dash" shield percentage in your ship) have, from all that I've seen, been delayed indefinitely for us. And while I believed that once all of the bugs were ironed out the gameplay would be passed onto us, after 8 months there has been no talk of it even though all press of bugs or issues have all but disappeared from gamer discourse. And now the Scorpion SRV is being introduced to Odyssey and we're being left out of something else that we have ALL been begging for since the game's initial release.

I love E:D. All we have on this level as far as space exploration games go on consoles is this and No Man's Sky. And I LOVE Elite. I'm a life long science fiction lover, gamer and I've supported E:D from its early days on the platform. I've spent money in the in-game store and I would have paid whatever the DLC cost for Odyssey would have been for us without question. But instead, it seems like FD honestly does not really see us as necessary anymore. I gave $70-ish during their initial PS4 release just as PC gamers payed whatever the Epic store (or whatever storefront) price was so I'm just as financially invested as anyone else. And my on-line time counts towards their player base during earnings calls just like the PC and X-Box players do. So why is the game being allowed to blast ahead of us like this?

I take pics for Inara, I track my in-universe progress through this beautiful independent app, I write in-character stories...I want this more fleshed out experience also. I crave it. It's part of the drive of the game. As I've heard other players relate.

I logged into the game today to see what changes have taken place since I took a break a while back. And according to my build-up of powerplay vouchers ($18K), it's been roughly 18 weeks or four and a half months since I last piloted my Anaconda and if the game continues to evolve without me, it breaks my heart a bit to think that I may not be able to bring myself to play anymore knowing via YouTube videos that there is an ever growing portion of the game that's gated off to me.
16 Dec 2021, 8:56pm
Gatimũ KamauBut instead, it seems like FD honestly does not really see us as necessary anymore.

It's not that they don't want to sell Odyssey to console players. They just can't.

They can't even roll out the new planet tech to Horizons on PC as planned, because performance on the ground is still abysmal. Elite Dangerous for PC is currently two separate games. EDH and EDO players are in separate universes and can't even meet in space. As an EDO player, I still feel like a beta tester. Each update fixes some things and breaks others. As a console player you may get the impression that you're missing out, but you're not. When Odyssey finally hits consoles, it will be a polished product and no longer be the mess we have now.
16 Dec 2021, 9:56pm
Oh, crap. My controls setup was reset. FDev, how do you manage to screw up such a primitive thing?
16 Dec 2021, 10:06pm
MeowersOh, crap. My controls setup was reset. FDev, how do you manage to screw up such a primitive thing?

They are world renown bug developers. Don't underestimate them.
16 Dec 2021, 10:07pm
Gatimũ KamauI'm kind of saddened by the fact that I feel as a platform gamer (PS4), I feel purposefully left behind by Elite and FD in general.

They'd love to get Odyssey out on console. At the very least it would mean more sales. That being said, it's still so poorly optimized and buggy that if they released it on consoles now (assuming they could get permission from Sony and Microsoft), it would probably make Cyberpunk 2077 look like it had a flawless initial launch day. I doubt Odyssey will be super polished and bug free when they do manage to get it on console, but it "should" at least be in a playable state by then. Honestly speaking, it probably shouldn't be released for PC even now. I built a new gaming PC this year. Ryzen 5800, RTX 3090, 32 gigs RAM, SN850 SSD, and still have sub-optimal performance. That's not even taking the bugs into account yet. I preordered the deluxe package for Odyssey. Sadly at this point I'm playing other games until Odyssey feels like it's actually playable. If I do jump on ED to fly with friends, I'm still getting on the Horizons version. Yes the waiting sucks, you have my sympathies that console players still have to wait indefinitely, but you are legit not missing out for the time being.

Last edit: 16 Dec 2021, 10:15pm
16 Dec 2021, 10:08pm
Gatimũ KamauI feel purposefully left behind by Elite and FD in general. All of the Odyssey updates that the PC community is swimming in even beyond the on foot combat and station exploration to include all of the smaller quality of life improvements (such as the "on the dash" shield percentage in your ship) have, from all that I've seen, been delayed indefinitely for us.

As a PC Horizons player, I am glad that the Odyssey dumpster fire hasn't yet been forced on all of us, and am dreading the day when I log in to find that they've finally decided to inflict it on everyone.

Seriously, I have no idea how you could follow this community, or any other Elite community, and think that you're missing out on some sort of utopian gaming experience
16 Dec 2021, 10:16pm
To be fair I don't think consoles could even run Odyssey yet unless you feel 10-15 fps is okay. And that is probably a bit optimistic.

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