Elite: Game talk

19 Dec 2021, 3:35pm
Kurakil I'm mainly wondering so I don't bother putting on any experimentals that essentially do nothing in pve.

Well, in case my point wasn't perfectly clear, my recommendation is to not bother with offensive heat effects for PVE. It is a waste. You want damage pure and simple. Pop them and move on. I will just add that my go to strat for NPC popping is nailing the powerplant. A fixed Beam weapon will allow you to do this all day if you want (the higher the class the better the penetration which does help a lot). Add secondary weaponry that compliments this and you're g2g.

That reminds me, why are beam lasers better for modules even though they only have base piercing values (not Focused engineering)? Is it simply because they output the damage much faster over a shorter timespan?

Basically yes. The Beam laser ticks like >3x/second whereas Burst Lasers having a higher pen fire much slower (I'd guess 3x in a half second burst but with the CD it puts it way behind). It feels like the pen value is only a threshold check, ie: is your pen greater than the armour value for the hit? If yes then it does a roll for possible damage unmodified by any overage, and the number is low enough that beams are easily good enough.

The god of module sniping though are super pen railguns but they have ammo which is why I only use them for PVP.
19 Dec 2021, 5:40pm
Popping NPCs with all laser builds is painfully slow IMHO, regardless of laser type. I also tried focused pulses but found them disappointing.
19 Dec 2021, 6:00pm
SakashiroPopping NPCs with all laser builds is painfully slow IMHO, regardless of laser type. I also tried focused pulses but found them disappointing.

Full laser builds feels like taking forever in offense.
19 Dec 2021, 6:59pm
SakashiroPopping NPCs with all laser builds is painfully slow IMHO, regardless of laser type. I also tried focused pulses but found them disappointing.

Full laser builds feels like taking forever in offense.

I never use all lasers as the game makes things take long enough as it is. I do use Focused Pulse as I found them to be the best for my typical engagement range. I am trying to diversify loadouts for more varying circumstances however, and improve my fixed weapon TOT.
19 Dec 2021, 7:46pm
SakashiroPopping NPCs with all laser builds is painfully slow IMHO, regardless of laser type. I also tried focused pulses but found them disappointing.

Full laser builds feels like taking forever in offense.

I never use all lasers as the game makes things take long enough as it is. I do use Focused Pulse as I found them to be the best for my typical engagement range. I am trying to diversify loadouts for more varying circumstances however, and improve my fixed weapon TOT.

All laser loadouts suffer from the fact it's one source of damage type so resistance to it quite often gets in the way. Also, the capacitor demand is too great unless you go all efficiency with your engineering which lowers your total potential dps. Is why I said to have a secondary weapon that compliments the beam primary...
19 Dec 2021, 8:31pm
I never use all lasers as the game makes things take long enough as it is. I do use Focused Pulse as I found them to be the best for my typical engagement range. I am trying to diversify loadouts for more varying circumstances however, and improve my fixed weapon TOT.

All laser loadouts suffer from the fact it's one source of damage type so resistance to it quite often gets in the way. Also, the capacitor demand is too great unless you go all efficiency with your engineering which lowers your total potential dps. Is why I said to have a secondary weapon that compliments the beam primary...

I always have something for shield and something for hull. I would prefer to have more than two fire options when creating fire groups but sadly we are limited to only primary and secondary. I use the coriolis.io site to see my damage type balance and effectiveness along with a myriad of other useful information and graphs.
19 Dec 2021, 9:23pm
Kurakil I always have something for shield and something for hull. I would prefer to have more than two fire options when creating fire groups but sadly we are limited to only primary and secondary. I use the coriolis.io site to see my damage type balance and effectiveness along with a myriad of other useful information and graphs.

Yeah, I'd really like a third or even fourth fire group option. Some ships can have like 10 weapons on it, plus you can bind shield cells and chaff etc (yes, I know they have their own binds but that makes this issue even more glaring) so why not have the option for 4 trigger binds?

Frankly, this is another pet peeve of mine with the game. It's got a bajillion keybinds including for things like 'dump all cargo', but QOL binds such as 4 triggers, or an 'engage Supercruise Assist toggle', or 'toggle exclusion zone lines' are missing.
19 Dec 2021, 9:53pm
Kurakil I always have something for shield and something for hull. I would prefer to have more than two fire options when creating fire groups but sadly we are limited to only primary and secondary. I use the coriolis.io site to see my damage type balance and effectiveness along with a myriad of other useful information and graphs.

Yeah, I'd really like a third or even fourth fire group option. Some ships can have like 10 weapons on it, plus you can bind shield cells and chaff etc (yes, I know they have their own binds but that makes this issue even more glaring) so why not have the option for 4 trigger binds?

Frankly, this is another pet peeve of mine with the game. It's got a bajillion keybinds including for things like 'dump all cargo', but QOL binds such as 4 triggers, or an 'engage Supercruise Assist toggle', or 'toggle exclusion zone lines' are missing.

FDev Rule #675: If something would be beneficial to the player or if it makes perfect sense, don't implement it.
19 Dec 2021, 10:37pm
KurakilFDev Rule #675: If something would be beneficial to the player or if it makes perfect sense, don't implement it.

Isn't that rule #1 for FDev? At the very least it is their primary motto. Either that or it's "make something that is beneficial to the player but make sure it's also extremely impractical."
19 Dec 2021, 10:50pm
KurakilFDev Rule #675: If something would be beneficial to the player or if it makes perfect sense, don't implement it.

Isn't that rule #1 for FDev? At the very least it is their primary motto. Either that or it's "make something that is beneficial to the player but make sure it's also extremely impractical."

Rule #1: If it ain't broke, break it.
19 Dec 2021, 11:28pm
Light-HawkRule #1: If it ain't broke, break it.

Fair enough.

Last edit: 20 Dec 2021, 3:40am
20 Dec 2021, 1:08am
Any news on another patch before the new year?
I’m getting mighty sick of enemies not turning red, npc fighters just saying ‘no more hostiles detected’ as they are being blasted out the sky and the target highest threat doing nothing any more. It makes massacres and haz res mining a lot more frustrating.
20 Dec 2021, 1:54am
QuillmonkeyAny news on another patch before the new year?
I’m getting mighty sick of enemies not turning red, npc fighters just saying ‘no more hostiles detected’ as they are being blasted out the sky and the target highest threat doing nothing any more. It makes massacres and haz res mining a lot more frustrating.

They've stated no more patches until next year. I was surprised they added that last hotfix to the patch's hotfix's hotfix.
20 Dec 2021, 10:48am
I am surprised people still play that mess.
20 Dec 2021, 12:21pm
I'm one Imperial rank away from a Cutter. Can't stop playing now.

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