Elite: Game talk

14 Dec 2021, 5:44pm
Is it just me or does the scanner no longer reliably highlight hostile ships in red? I was in a hazRES this morning and attacked a member of a wing, but when his mates returned the fire, they were not marked on the scanner.
14 Dec 2021, 6:18pm
SakashiroIs it just me or does the scanner no longer reliably highlight hostile ships in red? I was in a hazRES this morning and attacked a member of a wing, but when his mates returned the fire, they were not marked on the scanner.

I saw this in a video today. The guy was doing training scenarios. Only direct target was red while other wing ships remained neutral on the scanner but still attacking him.

Last edit: 14 Dec 2021, 6:47pm
14 Dec 2021, 6:49pm
SakashiroIs it just me or does the scanner no longer reliably highlight hostile ships in red? I was in a hazRES this morning and attacked a member of a wing, but when his mates returned the fire, they were not marked on the scanner.

I saw this in a video today. The guy was doing training scenarios. Only direct target was red while other wing ships remained neutral on the scanner but still attacking him.

Yeah, it's listed as one of the 'issues they are investigating' iirc.
14 Dec 2021, 9:47pm
SakashiroIs it just me or does the scanner no longer reliably highlight hostile ships in red? I was in a hazRES this morning and attacked a member of a wing, but when his mates returned the fire, they were not marked on the scanner.

All hostile ships still are red for me but none of them blink when actively shooting me, so I have to guess based on where my shield is being hit.
14 Dec 2021, 10:28pm
KurakilWhat lasers do people generally use for Long Range combat? Fixed Pulse or Fixed Beam?

Beam since it is the best for hitting modules.

For less fall off damage for pulse or burst, I'd rather use focused and stay below 3km engagement range and get a higher piercing

I use Focused Pulse for mid-range combat (1km-2km). I'm mainly wondering for ranges >3km.
15 Dec 2021, 11:30am
Hmmm, experienced something new today.

Does somebody else find trading and delivery missions on mission boards now happen to have the targeted system 200Ly and more away?
I'm pretty sure, that's new, isn't it?
15 Dec 2021, 12:31pm
Cutters on sale in Cubeo now.
15 Dec 2021, 1:55pm
Sir-DukeHmmm, experienced something new today.

Does somebody else find trading and delivery missions on mission boards now happen to have the targeted system 200Ly and more away?
I'm pretty sure, that's new, isn't it?

Yeah, I noticed that a couple days ago but assumed it was a quirk of the system I was in at the time. It was in that limbo between the Bubble Core and the Pleiades Nebula.

It's not just delivery missions either. You really need to pay attention to the destination system for all missions now to be avoid huge penalties in either rep (quitting it) or time.
15 Dec 2021, 5:34pm
Hm, why my fire groups are still borked. Is there a fix to that that do not involve re-assigning them?
15 Dec 2021, 7:38pm
i loved so much this multi limpets contorller folkssssssssssssssss  
15 Dec 2021, 7:43pm
Sir-DukeHmmm, experienced something new today.

Does somebody else find trading and delivery missions on mission boards now happen to have the targeted system 200Ly and more away?
I'm pretty sure, that's new, isn't it?

Yeah, I noticed that a couple days ago but assumed it was a quirk of the system I was in at the time. It was in that limbo between the Bubble Core and the Pleiades Nebula.

It's not just delivery missions either. You really need to pay attention to the destination system for all missions now to be avoid huge penalties in either rep (quitting it) or time.

Long range trading/courier missions have been around for a few years. There were a few inhabited systems outside the bubble that would generate them regularly with target systems back in the bubble. Later, systems in the bubble would occasionally generate them as well. Eventually long range passenger missions were added as well. Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?
15 Dec 2021, 7:52pm
Long range trading/courier missions have been around for a few years. ~~ Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?

Not misunderstanding entirely...
The usual trading and delivery missions, that are availbe pretty much everywhere at every station now tend to be around 200 Ly away.
Somehow all of them.
Not a big deal for long term player, but how should a newbee jump that far with a vanilla type 6?
15 Dec 2021, 8:01pm
Long range trading/courier missions have been around for a few years. ~~ Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?

Not misunderstanding entirely...
The usual trading and delivery missions, that are availbe pretty much everywhere at every station now tend to be around 200 Ly away.
Somehow all of them.
Not a big deal for long term player, but how should a newbee jump that far with a vanilla type 6?

Oh, yeah if most/all of them are long range while in the bubble that is strange, but if it was a system outside of the bubble then I would somewhat expect it.
15 Dec 2021, 11:03pm
Long range trading/courier missions have been around for a few years. ~~ Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?

Not misunderstanding entirely...
The usual trading and delivery missions, that are availbe pretty much everywhere at every station now tend to be around 200 Ly away.
Somehow all of them.
Not a big deal for long term player, but how should a newbee jump that far with a vanilla type 6?

Oh, yeah if most/all of them are long range while in the bubble that is strange, but if it was a system outside of the bubble then I would somewhat expect it.

Long range trading/courier missions have been around for a few years. ~~ Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?

Not misunderstanding entirely...
The usual trading and delivery missions, that are availbe pretty much everywhere at every station now tend to be around 200 Ly away.
Somehow all of them.
Not a big deal for long term player, but how should a newbee jump that far with a vanilla type 6?

Oh, yeah if most/all of them are long range while in the bubble that is strange, but if it was a system outside of the bubble then I would somewhat expect it.

Well, it's not "all" of them, but, a station that typically gives out missions to and from 1 other nearby system for whatever reasons now sneaks in 200 ly missions too. The general behaviour has changed.
16 Dec 2021, 3:50am
For anyone else who has the Detailed Surface Scanner (Engineered v1), is it showing the correct probe radius bonus? Mine only displays +40% but I think it is still working as the double bonus? It should show at least +50% (with +100% being the actual bonus) I would think.

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