Elite: Game talk

20 Dec 2021, 1:11pm
How long does it take you guys to do 1000 jumps?
20 Dec 2021, 1:46pm
AlittlecynisismHow long does it take you guys to do 1000 jumps?

Roughly 90 sec per jump with a plotted route including time for scooping. 1500 min or 25 hours.

If we add cone boosting and manual plotting it is far slower.

What are you trying to achieve?
20 Dec 2021, 1:46pm
AlittlecynisismHow long does it take you guys to do 1000 jumps?

I mean, math is hard and all but I think you can take the amount of time it takes to arrive in a system, wait for the FSD CD, charge the hyperdrive, and transit to the next system, and multiply by.. I don't know, a thousand? I don't know what kind of answer you're expecting other than 'same amount of time it takes you to jump 1000x'...
20 Dec 2021, 2:24pm
I'm on the r2r to Colonia with a 18 ly jump range. Just wondering if anyone had done the same.
20 Dec 2021, 2:32pm
AlittlecynisismI'm on the r2r to Colonia with a 18 ly jump range. Just wondering if anyone had done the same.

Unfortunately, it was done many times and I am sure most of the people regret doing it. Sakashiro might have a word to add
20 Dec 2021, 2:34pm
AlittlecynisismI'm on the r2r to Colonia with a 18 ly jump range. Just wondering if anyone had done the same.

i did route to SAG A* and back to bubble with doplhin. With 25ly. Non-engineered. Took me 7 days to get to SAG A*
20 Dec 2021, 2:59pm
SakashiroI'm one Imperial rank away from a Cutter. Can't stop playing now.

Congrats! When you get your Cutter, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy mine! Loved mine enough I went and got 4 of them! Only complaints are the jump range and the size 7 power distributor. Other than that, it is a fantastic ship!
20 Dec 2021, 3:07pm
Fantastic feeling when you buy your new never-flown-yet ship and try it out! Indeed cutter is so multi-purpose you can do almost everything in it
20 Dec 2021, 3:35pm
KarinkaFantastic feeling when you buy your new never-flown-yet ship and try it out! Indeed cutter is so multi-purpose you can do almost everything in it

It's versatility is part of why I love them! Got 1 for combat, 1 for mining, 1 for hauling, and 1 that I have yet to figure out what I'm going to do with but what ever I decide, I know it will work for it.
20 Dec 2021, 4:02pm
KarinkaFantastic feeling when you buy your new never-flown-yet ship and try it out! Indeed cutter is so multi-purpose you can do almost everything in it

It's versatility is part of why I love them! Got 1 for combat, 1 for mining, 1 for hauling, and 1 that I have yet to figure out what I'm going to do with but what ever I decide, I know it will work for it.

Yeah I got one for hauling, one for human combat and one for alien combat. I do not do mining, so that's enough Cutters for me
20 Dec 2021, 4:07pm
KarinkaYeah I got one for hauling, one for human combat and one for alien combat. I do not do mining, so that's enough Cutters for me

How's it been working out for you for alien combat? I have often heard all of the large ships were terrible for anti-thargoid stuff.
20 Dec 2021, 4:27pm
SakashiroI'm one Imperial rank away from a Cutter. Can't stop playing now.

Better hurry up. Time is almost up for the 30% discount in Cubeo...
20 Dec 2021, 4:34pm
KarinkaYeah I got one for hauling, one for human combat and one for alien combat. I do not do mining, so that's enough Cutters for me

How's it been working out for you for alien combat? I have often heard all of the large ships were terrible for anti-thargoid stuff.

Not true. It works pretty good as a shield tank and is very capable of destroying Cyclopses fast in solo with minimal effort of the pilot. Some CMDRs also successfully utilize Vettes and Condas in their hard anti-xeno work I'm still in progress of upgrading mine to take out solo Basilisk eventually (still learning).
20 Dec 2021, 4:39pm
EpisparhSakashiro might have a word to add

All I can add is: Get the largest A-rated fuel scoop your ship can fit, downsize your fuel tank for a maximum of two full-range jumps, filter your route for scoopable stars (OBAFGKM), and put your favorite Spotify or whatever playlist into the background while jumping.
20 Dec 2021, 5:09pm
Gosh, don't encourage them!

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