Elite: Game talk

yesterday, 10:14pm
IndyFollowing up on my own message to add that the AXCZ in Open was quite fun, compared to Solo. I managed to contribute to about a dozen kills and even managed to contribute to taking down the Hydra at the end of the battle. I did need some repair/rearm during the battle, but it was a lot less stressful to do that than when in Solo.

It seems that you are on the right path just go on fighting goids. If you are doing it at ports (space or surface) repair limpet and storage for them might not be needed could be replaced for HRPs including docking computer. May the schwartz be with you.
yesterday, 10:20pm
Just got ganked INSIDE Jameson Memorial in Shin Dez. Ganker named blaze10523 (idiot) just sitting there blasting whatever comes through. Absolutely HATE this childish behaviour. That's why I hardly ever play in Open.
yesterday, 10:24pm
SakashiroIt's a stupid design. But hey, FDev needed to introduce something to extend the grind, because grind is content for them.

Everything is this game designed to take time. Come on you are defending Shinrarta but you only could get bonds for that at one place - cornwallis rescue ship. That's the joke, and fighting in open around Shin. is so f. poorly scripted that it shifts time and space continuum.
yesterday, 10:43pm
1984 version of EliteDangerous available in Frontier store for free:


Ain't tried it yet but I reckon it's worth doing.
yesterday, 10:55pm
And again Jameson has no missions for me.

It's all procedural anyway, so how hard can it be to design a mission generator that generates new missions the moment a ship docks? What am I supposed to do now, hog the landing pad until a suitable mission shows up? What was the update interval for mission boards again, 10 minutes? This is such a stupid design.
yesterday, 11:53pm
Solved it by changing the ship again. This time it's the Courier's turn. And it's still the best ship for the job. The critical time between exiting supercruise and hitting the pad in Jameson is so short, most gankers fail to even notice me. And there are always missions for a ship with 8T cargo space.
yesterday, 11:58pm
Interesting: The Courier's Guardian FSD booster gets fried even while the ship is sitting in the hangar. For some reason the Adder's Guardian shield reinforcements were not affected.
today, 12:19am
Well, why shouldn't I have one of those 'Triple Hydra Solo' screenshots too...

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