Elite: Game talk

22 Dec 2021, 7:28pm
DanielFloykI'm using an HDD, not an SDD. Although I've considering getting one for christmas, should make things much easier.

I have about 6 RAM installed, I don't know this pagefile you're talking about, I will make some research on it.

I'd second what Alex Hoffmann said. If it's the planet generation that's taking the time, a combination of low RAM and a slow hard drive could be absolutely killing you.

If your RAM usage is maxing out during that stage, then your PC is probably spending its whole time reading/writing from your hard disk (via the pagefile).

If you can get an SSD, do. If you can get more RAM, do that too

Also, as an aside - 6GB of RAM is an unusual number. Are you using 3 slots, or one 4GB and one 2GB, or something like that? That could also be an issue - your RAM should really be in well-matched pairs (or a single slot, but I doubt you have one 6GB stick of RAM in there).
22 Dec 2021, 7:35pm
DanielFloykan english site would be very much appreciated, thank you in advance!


This explains what the pagefile is, but there aren't any magic buttons to make it faster (apart from moving it to a separate drive from your OS, according to that article).

If your RAM is being maxed out, it's a good indication that your computer is paging memory a lot. The obvious fix is more RAM to reduce paging, but getting a faster hard drive will mean that paging doesn't slow you down as much.

I guess it's also possible that increasing the max size of the file could help, if you're actually hitting that limit too!
22 Dec 2021, 7:40pm
here´s a english discription Adjust Page File in Windows 10

and yes, identically ram moduls (same sizes) is the better choice, not all mainboards can handle differnt sized ram moduls in dual channel mode, than it will fallback to single mode or ganged mode.

your bios settings tell you more, just have a look inside. or use a programm like aida64, gave you all system infos..
22 Dec 2021, 7:41pm
Co'hen MacBain
DanielFloykI'm using an HDD, not an SDD. Although I've considering getting one for christmas, should make things much easier.

I have about 6 RAM installed, I don't know this pagefile you're talking about, I will make some research on it.

I'd second what Alex Hoffmann said. If it's the planet generation that's taking the time, a combination of low RAM and a slow hard drive could be absolutely killing you.

If your RAM usage is maxing out during that stage, then your PC is probably spending its whole time reading/writing from your hard disk (via the pagefile).

If you can get an SSD, do. If you can get more RAM, do that too

Also, as an aside - 6GB of RAM is an unusual number. Are you using 3 slots, or one 4GB and one 2GB, or something like that? That could also be an issue - your RAM should really be in well-matched pairs (or a single slot, but I doubt you have one 6GB stick of RAM in there).

Alright! I'll save up some money to get an SSD as soon as I can. And no, I actually have no idea how the RAM is arranged since I'm playing in a laptop. I've been looking for the prices and everything is so outside my budget, I probably won't be getting a new PC any time soon.

I'll keep looking into this pagefile thing, I'll adjust it once I can fully understand how it works, I really don't want to get a blue screen or something weird lol
22 Dec 2021, 7:45pm
Co'hen MacBain
DanielFloykan english site would be very much appreciated, thank you in advance!


This explains what the pagefile is, but there aren't any magic buttons to make it faster (apart from moving it to a separate drive from your OS, according to that article).

If your RAM is being maxed out, it's a good indication that your computer is paging memory a lot. The obvious fix is more RAM to reduce paging, but getting a faster hard drive will mean that paging doesn't slow you down as much.

I guess it's also possible that increasing the max size of the file could help, if you're actually hitting that limit too!

Yup, I just started ED to see if the RAM was being maxed out and it indeed was, I killed the process now. Unfortunately, getting more RAM isn't an option for me since it's way outside my budget and even if I could, I'm playing on a laptop.
Thank you very much for your help!
22 Dec 2021, 7:45pm
you can try it out and set it back if it dont work better, bluscreens should be not appering.. now im knowing you playing on laptop.. have a look at the installed ram modules, i think it´s a 4 and 2 GB module. try to get the same 4 GB module which is installed, so your laptop should go into dual channel mode.. but do some research first if your laptop can handle 8 GB and support dual channel mode.. saves money before you buy something.


Last edit: 22 Dec 2021, 7:54pm
22 Dec 2021, 7:48pm
Alex Hoffmannyou can try it out and set it back if it dont work better, bluscreens should be not appering..

Okay, I'll check it out in a while once I have the chance, thank you so much!
22 Dec 2021, 7:59pm
Alex Hoffmannyou can try it out and set it back if it dont work better, bluscreens should be not appering.. now im knowing you playing on laptop.. have a look at the installed ram modules, i think it´s a 4 and 2 GB module. try to get the same 4 GB module which is installed, so your laptop should go into dual channel mode.. but do some research first if your laptop can handle 8 GB and support dual channel mode.. saves money before you buy something.


Ok ok, I will check the RAM modules, by the way, can you install more RAM even if it's a laptop?
22 Dec 2021, 8:02pm
DanielFloykI'll save up some money to get an SSD as soon as I can

DanielFloykI'm playing in a laptop.

Ah, if it's a laptop that changes things.

I assume that the RAM setup is fine (although more would obviously be better), but before you spend money on a new SSD, are you sure that you can replace the hard drive in your laptop?

In a desktop PC it's pretty easy, but laptops are different, and usually you'd have to take the case apart to replace it (after transferring all your data to an external drive so you don't lose it, assuming you only have one internal HDD). If you're comfortable doing that, great, but please be sure you know what's involved first
22 Dec 2021, 8:07pm
Karinka[ Have you tried shooting utilizing the turret or do you shoot from cockpit? Turret improves accuracy a lot. I will defend Scorpio, it has better survivability and much better driving stability than Scarab. Moreover, it has boom boom rocket launcher which is ideal for every ninja in galaxy

There's nothing to defend. Almost everything about the Scorpion is at the very least within reason or very enjoyable... except the gun. It's stupid. Period. It ruins the whole experience. If swapping out the gun for the Scarab's was possible everyone would do it in a heartbeat it's that bad. The mechanic of 'the jitter gets BETTER the longer you fire it' is backwards. The only time weapons are designed with directed AOE as their intent are situations where a single hit is devastating and/or the target is so fast moving precision strikes can't be relied upon (think fighterjet cannons or CIWS). Neither of these situations apply to the Scorpion's design intent.

There is nothing enjoyable about pointing your reticle dead center on a target 150m away and COMPLETELY MISSING. Stupid, idiotic, implausible, unfun, ridiculous game design. I won't be using the Scorpion. If I need a ground vehicle I'll stick with ol' spinny-BS rather than Walleye BS. At least then I'll have the option of hitting things and maybe reaching 30m/s.

Scorpion was designed solely for fighting Goliaths it seems. That gun isn't useful for anything with a smaller Hitbox.
22 Dec 2021, 8:08pm
normaly the hdd and ram modules should be accessable, and replaceable. backuping your data to an external hdd i would do too.. just a hint: use acronis software for it (backup programm), it´s a great programm you can clone your complete hdd (or individual partitions) so no need to install os or software again
22 Dec 2021, 8:11pm
Co'hen MacBain
DanielFloykI'll save up some money to get an SSD as soon as I can

DanielFloykI'm playing in a laptop.

Ah, if it's a laptop that changes things.

I assume that the RAM setup is fine (although more would obviously be better), but before you spend money on a new SSD, are you sure that you can replace the hard drive in your laptop?

In a desktop PC it's pretty easy, but laptops are different, and usually you'd have to take the case apart to replace it (after transferring all your data to an external drive so you don't lose it, assuming you only have one internal HDD). If you're comfortable doing that, great, but please be sure you know what's involved first

Yup I can change the HDD, I've actually had it been replaced before, since the previous one somehow broke, I still don't know how, but it did.
And while I'm at it, I can also clean the PC, It's been literally years since I last cleaned it, I can use my father's spare HDD to store all the data, that shouldn't be a problem either.

Thank you so much for your help!
22 Dec 2021, 8:36pm
Alex Hoffmannyou can try it out and set it back if it dont work better, bluscreens should be not appering.. now im knowing you playing on laptop.. have a look at the installed ram modules, i think it´s a 4 and 2 GB module. try to get the same 4 GB module which is installed, so your laptop should go into dual channel mode.. but do some research first if your laptop can handle 8 GB and support dual channel mode.. saves money before you buy something.


Ok ok, I will check the RAM modules, by the way, can you install more RAM even if it's a laptop?

yes u can, but there is a upper limit. check the manufractors homepage, normaly at the support area there are technical documents too, should been written in the manual.. or google a bit.
i bet others had pimped their same laptops too, so you will know what´s possible on your´s.. grettings
23 Dec 2021, 1:10am
Spending a few days doing real-life stuff, so just wanted to wish everyone on this board a very merry christmas / festive holiday.
23 Dec 2021, 2:07am
QuillmonkeySpending a few days doing real-life stuff, so just wanted to wish everyone on this board a very merry christmas / festive holiday.

Merry Crimbo to you, too!

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