Elite: Game talk

10 Dec 2021, 7:26am
GryphnnCheck for invitation mission

10 Dec 2021, 8:05am
Magna Viridis
GryphnnCheck for invitation mission


And don't forget to collect the material 25 Modular Terminals
10 Dec 2021, 9:52am
DeklarnuvekWell, they killed it. Patch 9, PS4 .. Horizons.

Docked, outfitting, storage -> crash.
Attempt to store something -> crash.
Attempt to buy something in an empty hardpoint -> crash.

Which is just great... unplayable..

Am I alone here?

Playing EDO on PC and all good here. Mauve Adder now and then but that's it.

Guess we know which Platform / Expansion has the highest rate of success in the eyes of FDev hm?
10 Dec 2021, 11:00am
WillmodoI've been away for a while (the odyssey thing left a bad taste) but have started playing again recently

I see we are at war in Chimba! I'd like to join in but I have a problem with conflict zones - I always get my arsed kicked

If I turn up in my 'conda, I spend most of the battle duking it out with another ship, so only get one or two ship kills, and its expensive when it goes wrong
If I turn up in a viper mk iv or something, I just seem to get ganged up on and don't last very long

Forming a ball of fighters I just seem not to be able to get to work

I consider myself a reasonable pilot, and my ships are fairly well spec'd. but I don't have any engineering upgrades. Is it that, or just more practice required? What's best - light weight fighters or the big ships?


I would suggest engineering is important for Combat Zones where you will face NPC ships which are engineered themselves. Especially the Spec Ops craft which will gang up on you unless you take ‘em down quickly - and they are hard nuts to crack unless your ship is equally matched.

One good tactic for you to try is hanging around the outskirts of the battle and waiting for an opponent that has already sustained damage and lost it’s shields, then pile in and finish it off. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t get lured into the centre of the fur-ball, keep close to the edges and then you can withdraw easily to rebuild your shields.

Before I got my Corvette, which is a CZ beast, I preferred medium ships like Python or Krait MkIII. The latter is more manoeuvrable and a shade faster, the former is tougher and manoeuvres well enough if you can use FA on/off effectively.
10 Dec 2021, 11:08am
i am king of the jameson memorial guysss
10 Dec 2021, 11:24am
hi, probably someone asked this but what is Classified Experimental Equipment and what i need to do to get some?
10 Dec 2021, 11:35am
14Alphahi, probably someone asked this but what is Classified Experimental Equipment and what i need to do to get some?

Those are human made Anti-Xeno weaponry. They aren't very good (except the Flak Launcher and for niche reasons the AX Multicannon) but do not require an unlock. Just find a station that sells them either Jamesons or via Inara search.

Guardian weapons are better but require unlocking.
10 Dec 2021, 11:41am
14Alphahi, probably someone asked this but what is Classified Experimental Equipment and what i need to do to get some?

You can buy them in Qarato system, 20 units at once. But if you are not into AX combat you don't really need them.
10 Dec 2021, 11:43am
14Alphahi, probably someone asked this but what is Classified Experimental Equipment and what i need to do to get some?

You can buy them in Qarato system, 20 units at once. But if you are not into AX combat you don't really need them.

I want to do the CG, can i get more than 20 ?
10 Dec 2021, 11:52am
14Alphahi, probably someone asked this but what is Classified Experimental Equipment and what i need to do to get some?

You can buy them in Qarato system, 20 units at once. But if you are not into AX combat you don't really need them.

I want to do the CG, can i get more than 20 ?

Yes you can, but the game mechanics allows you to buy the next batch of rare goods (which classified experimental equipment is) only after you unload what you have in your ship inventory. In other words you must have 0 rares to buy next rares, cheers
10 Dec 2021, 12:10pm
14Alphahi, probably someone asked this but what is Classified Experimental Equipment and what i need to do to get some?

You can buy them in Qarato system, 20 units at once. But if you are not into AX combat you don't really need them.

Oooooohhhhh.... for the CG. Sorry, I have bugs on the brain. The item is linked in the CG section details on Inara.
10 Dec 2021, 2:29pm
Did you notice that last update changed cmdr page gui. Now it has Odyssey tiles. Look likes ill omen - Horizons is doomed and pretty much soon we would have to wear the Odyssey ribbons and joined its proud club of bacteria collectors.
10 Dec 2021, 5:51pm
Co'hen MacBain
KarinkaMy Odyssey does not crash. In exchange, it did reset all fire groups on all ships. Nice

My Horizons crashed in outfitting, and also lost my fire groups, so at least this FDev cock-up affects everyone

Well.... on the bright side, at least they repaired the comms panel tab issue.
10 Dec 2021, 7:13pm
can I buy scorpion srv in horizons?
10 Dec 2021, 7:17pm

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