Elite: Game talk

26 Dec 2021, 2:46pm
EpisparhThis is how it always worked. If you keep existing ship it will spawn you in the nearest station. If you get the loaned one - back to civilization.

No, it used to be you if you kept the ship it spawned you in your last docked port. I haven't done it in years so that's all I remember.
26 Dec 2021, 2:55pm
Yes, this is how I used to return from crystalline shards. Now it can produce different results thanks to that nearest station spawn.

And even before, if you dock at station you would respawn there. Not quite handy if you have exploration data to loose. In my case above, I wouldn't care for exploration data after visiting shards for mats, so I usually started my trip from station with raw material broker. Once bins were full, self-destruct, spaw at mat broker, trade down/cross trade for selenium, repeat.

But the loaned one always return in the bubble. You just buy a cheap ship that you can afford loosing, this is a reason why I keep a stock sidewinder on my FC and at least one of my top exploration ships in the bubble. The sidewinder, for return ticket to the bubble from anywhere and then one of the top explorers to get me back to the FC regardless where I left it in emergency return.

Last edit: 26 Dec 2021, 3:03pm
26 Dec 2021, 2:55pm

22 000 Ly far...

Another free ship... time to remove modules in already owned one and reduce the rebuy costs

Free? Rebuy? Cost? It souns like you are missing credits.

No, Frontier is giving credits for free nowadays...
26 Dec 2021, 3:04pm
I have 20 billions...
26 Dec 2021, 3:06pm
SalmoneaI have 20 billions...

In cash or assets?
26 Dec 2021, 3:41pm
Assets... in cash + fc cash reserve over 11 billions
26 Dec 2021, 3:54pm
EpisparhIt's clear confirmation those modules are poo.

INB4 "muh, the multi-limpet controllers R teh amaz0rs! D2EA doesn't know what he's talking about. I never liked him anyways. Thank you FDev for finally implementing this new, extremely useful content that totally changes the game and blows my mind!"

To be fair, this needed to be implemented with some serious consideration regarding balance. There had to be drawbacks to balance things out or else it would render the OG limpets useless instead. Wait six months until enough criticism and, more importantly, free solutions are provided by the community.
26 Dec 2021, 4:14pm
SalmoneaAssets... in cash + fc cash reserve over 11 billions

So much money, and nothing to spend for...
26 Dec 2021, 4:14pm
I am with this game for a bit more than two years, but so far FDev have a clear behavior of releasing half thought ideas delivered as half-baked features.
26 Dec 2021, 4:18pm
SalmoneaAssets... in cash + fc cash reserve over 11 billions

So much money, and nothing to spend for...

I have more. At some point you make more than you actually need so it starts to accumulate.

... And I do not consider myself rich as there are few players with reserves higher than 100bil.
26 Dec 2021, 5:06pm
SalmoneaAssets... in cash + fc cash reserve over 11 billions

I don't really have the time to play every day, and even when I do play it's only for a few hours. But......WOW that's a LOT of credits. Do you grind constantly (for YouTube or some other social platform) or do you have other more efficient shortcuts for money making? Because as much as I'd like to own and run a carrier, at my level of play making only a few million credits a mission on a good day, it feels like a bit of a fiction.

I get that they are insanely expensive because they're a constant in the universe and we can't have tens of thousands of unused carriers actively gunking up the servers. But man do I feel broke. LOL!
26 Dec 2021, 5:11pm
SalmoneaAssets... in cash + fc cash reserve over 11 billions

So much money, and nothing to spend for...

I pay my employes Few people work for me.
26 Dec 2021, 5:20pm
Gatimũ Kamau
SalmoneaAssets... in cash + fc cash reserve over 11 billions

...at my level of play making only a few million credits a mission on a good day, it feels like a bit of a fiction.[/img]

Much of these accounts with tens to hundreds of billions are due to what I call 'the Happy Times'. A period prior to The Great Nerfening in which get rich quick schemes were rampant: things like Mining LTD, Painite, Void Opals for a half billion per run, Passenger and other missions that due to quirks in internal math payed out multi millions each that you stack and make a quick jump to turn in and do the same on the return, etc...

Nowadays most methods of play are reasonably balanced (imho). The most lucrative meta atm being (most difficult first, note that difficulty <> best profit either):
Thargoid Combat
Pirate Massacre Wing mission stacking
Laser mining Platinum (mapped Hazres > overlapped)
Robigo et al passenger runs

None of these payout close to what the max rate schemes used to, but if you aren't doing one of these you're earning harder than you have to. Personal preferences aside ofc.
26 Dec 2021, 5:29pm
EpisparhLast clue is up.
Show more >>

I figured out the system myself, but there are a lot of bodies there. How does one figure out which planet/moon it is, without brute-forcing it? I thought maybe it had something to do with sites on the planet, or that the numbers/letters are encoded in the message somehow. Is there a way?
26 Dec 2021, 6:54pm
EpisparhIt's clear confirmation those modules are poo.

INB4 "muh, the multi-limpet controllers R teh amaz0rs! D2EA doesn't know what he's talking about. I never liked him anyways. Thank you FDev for finally implementing this new, extremely useful content that totally changes the game and blows my mind!"

I thought I was the only one who didn't...care for D2EA's content. Never much liked the over-reliance on bad humor and needless swearing. I used to follow him (very briefly) when I first got into Elite and was starved for info. But very quickly found that there were much better options out there like CMDR Exigeous, Obsidian Ant and Dig That 32 (before he abandoned E:D for Star Citizen).

But, speaking of new modules, is that universal limpet controller an Odyssey only update or is it cross-content for us platformers?

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