Elite: Game talk

27 Dec 2021, 9:36pm
EDSY gives way more information than coriolis, although coriolis is easier to use

I prefer EDSY, but then I also look at Elite Dangerous Ship Anatomy to fully understand where my utility slots are placed and what is the hard points convergence, so I can optimize my weapon placement

Nerds being nerds
27 Dec 2021, 9:54pm
27 Dec 2021, 10:23pm
Same, this was actually very useful

The cutter hardpoints though
27 Dec 2021, 11:02pm
Cutter is fine apart from the m6 and m7 on the wings. This makes them unusable for mining lasers. All other are relatively tightly grouped. This is why I laught at Sakashiro's cutter build recently. For mining you kind of need to sacrifice 2 large hardpoints to have 4 well grouped mining lasers.

Clipper on other hand have L1 and L2 on wings making gimble weapons a must... Same as with Mamba.
28 Dec 2021, 12:16am
EpisparhThis is why I laught at Sakashiro's cutter build recently.

My Cutter build only exists in EDSY atm. How can you tell which medium hardpoint in their form maps to which one on the ship? And why would this even matter? The point of EDSY is to predict a build's energy requirements, damage output etc.
28 Dec 2021, 1:07am
Play the way you like. Period. Its your ship.
28 Dec 2021, 1:39am
28 Dec 2021, 2:41am
EpisparhEDSY gives way more information than coriolis, although coriolis is easier to use

I prefer EDSY, but then I also look at Elite Dangerous Ship Anatomy to fully understand where my utility slots are placed and what is the hard points convergence, so I can optimize my weapon placement

Nerds being nerds

This is GREAT. Thanks CMDR!! o7
28 Dec 2021, 3:40am
EpisparhI also look at Elite Dangerous Ship Anatomy to fully understand where my utility slots are placed and what is the hard points convergence, so I can optimize my weapon placement

Holy hell. Thank you.
28 Dec 2021, 6:59am
EpisparhCutter is fine apart from the m6 and m7 on the wings. This makes them unusable for mining lasers. All other are relatively tightly grouped. This is why I laught at Sakashiro's cutter build recently. For mining you kind of need to sacrifice 2 large hardpoints to have 4 well grouped mining lasers.

You laugh but I also run mining lasers on the wings of my Cutter and have no problem with them. Works just fine. I save the large hardpoints for weapons incase of pirates. Sure it seems weird but it works.
28 Dec 2021, 7:17am
28 Dec 2021, 7:48am
EpisparhThis is why I laught at Sakashiro's cutter build recently.

My Cutter build only exists in EDSY atm. How can you tell which medium hardpoint in their form maps to which one on the ship? And why would this even matter? The point of EDSY is to predict a build's energy requirements, damage output etc.

The hardpoints in EDSY are exactly same ordered as in game. If you put something on the last two on a cutter it means wings. FDL for example: m2 and m5 or m3 and m4 are well grouped for rails, but m2+m3 or m4+m5 are not optimal combination.

And do not even bother with the "noob trap" AKA type-10. The worst possible hardpoints placement currently in the game.

You laugh but I also run mining lasers on the wings of my Cutter and have no problem with them. Works just fine. I save the large hardpoints for weapons incase of pirates. Sure it seems weird but it works.

Are you trying to convince me it is good idea or do you not understand that those are mounted 100m away from each other on the back of a 200m long ship. That gives you operational range of 300m and the convergence is so bad that with some rocks you will miss with one of them even if the other hits top left or right side?

Last edit: 28 Dec 2021, 8:02am
28 Dec 2021, 8:27am
EpisparhAnd do not even bother with the "noob trap" AKA type-10. The worst possible hardpoints placement currently in the game.

Yeah Type-10 doesn't have a lot going for it. Other than to fly the widest ship in the game and completely block mail slots, the Type-10 works great for the AFK massacre mission credit farming method. While not the most efficient, it can actually work even if unengineered (still recommend guardian shield boosters though if not engineering anything). That said I mostly use them for extra hardpoints to store power play weapons on since module storage is limited. Unlocked packhounds, bought a Type-10 and mounted a packhound on every available hardpoint. In theory, I probably won't ever need to pledge to Li again now.

EpisparhAre you trying to convince me it is good idea or do you not understand that those are mounted 100m away from each other on the back of a 200m long ship. That gives you operational range of 300m and the convergence is so bad that with some rocks you will miss with one of them even if the other hits top left or right side?

Not trying to convince you of anything. I'm well aware of their positions. Just saying that it does actually work as it's what I have setup and I have yet to have any problems with it. When I actively went laser mining, I never found a good asteroid to mine that was too small to keep both lasers on. Maybe it's purely coincidental but any asteroid I found that was worth mining was also big enough to keep both lasers on. That being said I have not been laser mining much this past year as I have been using other methods to farm credits that are either more effective or just more consistent. Laser mining isn't a bad way to make credits but I'd rather spend time farming credits in a manner that's more consistent such as the Robigo runs or Rackham's. Back when I had all day long to mine, it was fine. When I only have an hour or two, it gets frustrating to go into a double overlap hotspot and launch limpets all over the place and keep getting asteroids with nothing in them.

Last edit: 28 Dec 2021, 8:36am
28 Dec 2021, 8:53am
There is significant difference between can work and optimal. Your personal bias against small rocks may prevent you from finding good deposits - I've seen plenty of 40-60% small rocks both platinum and painite.
28 Dec 2021, 9:22am
Light-Hawk When I actively went laser mining, I never found a good asteroid to mine that was too small to keep both lasers on. Maybe it's purely coincidental but any asteroid I found that was worth mining was also big enough to keep both lasers on.

It is purely coincidental.

When laser mining asteroid contents are independent of its size. You are making yourself travel farther by ignoring the small 67% Platinum asteroid right next to you.

On a side note, considering some of the genius posts on the last page or two, I think it needs to be made clear that nobody is telling anyone they can't play this game how they want. It's ridiculous to even think that is the case considering it would be impossible to enforce (no, you CANNOT use a docking computer, or ELSE) . We're telling you how to do what you want faster, easier, more efficiently, and conveniently. Making you aware of a flaw in your design or strategy. What you do with that information is your call. If you want to be the first person to earn $100 billion mining Silver in a Sidewinder be our guest. But guess what we're going to say when you go "muh, I think Sidewinders are teh best mining ships in teh gamez"...

Last edit: 28 Dec 2021, 9:46am

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