Elite: Game talk

28 Dec 2021, 10:52pm
Capital ships in CZs are tuned down. Try attacking a FC or a capital ship that is orbiting a body and is not part of CZ scenario.

The PvE combat is fine, it scales with your combat rank. Engineering helps but at deadly and elite NPCs' ships are engineered as well. If you want a challenging PvE take a wing mission to assassinate a ship and hope you get just 2 Vultures in the wing of the target FDL. They will give you a good bang for sure. Alternatively, you can jump on the wing of spec ops in CZ as soon as they spawn... A bloody nose is imminent regardless of ship and engineering level.

Engineering, cannot solve also the Thargoid combat which is PvE as well. Even if you follow specific AX build design that won't be enough if you do not know how to fly and fight the green pest.

Sorry but afk turret/SLF in Low CZ is not PvE. Tagging targets in High CZ before cops kill them is not PvE. Haz RES with combat rank of deadly and above, Med/High CZs with spec ops are well scaled PvE. Killing Thargoid interceptors is good PvE experience and I highly recommend it (Just avoid gibbing as this is not AX combat)

I will not even talk about PvP, get your best combat ship and arrange some fights in San Tu, you will understand why good handle of ship and situation awereness are important after few fights.
29 Dec 2021, 12:47am
Iwao KishiroMeanwhile, there is me wanting a simple role for SCA: autopilot to the planetary outpost from orbit. How it is not a thing?

I'm not great at combat in this game. But I dont have to be when engineering makes me impervious to even a capital ship. Which is a sad realization since I came from spending a lot of time if aircraft combat games (WarThunder, Jane's combat simulators, Crimson Skies, Red Ace, etc...). There was a fun thrill and satisfaction to learning to be better at it. To win by flying better than your opponents. In ED, engineering throws that out the window.

hey buddy, since a few days im at HR 1183 (near Maia) and having my fun with the targoids.. so far im doing right well
if you need some variety from normal fighting i can need some help. getting a cyclops down is easy now, i can show you how im doing.. tactic and speed is the key.
the bigger ones are my next steps.. so far i get my ass beaten when i meet them, but im on my way.. getting better, teaching myself by reading, watching, handling..

29 Dec 2021, 1:44am
Anyone know how the Winking Cat Treasure Hunt coordinates work? For the sixth one, I figured out Dvorsi. But how does 2-37 translate to a planet?

Edit: Nevermind, I figured out what 2-37 is. But I still can't figure out how they got the planet. Disappointing. I won't go for the other 5 if I can't figure it out.

Last edit: 29 Dec 2021, 2:06am
29 Dec 2021, 1:55am
EpisparhIf you want a challenging PvE take a wing mission to assassinate a ship and hope you get just 2 Vultures in the wing of the target FDL. They will give you a good bang for sure.

Those are easy. Ram the target until it charges its FSD. Then start shooting.

Still works in Odyssey.
29 Dec 2021, 2:06am
29 Dec 2021, 2:23am
Thanks Smaloo. That was the part I figured out. I just can't seem to work out how they got the planet from the clue. If they wanted you to go to those coordinates on every single landable planet in a system with 32 landable planets, I am disappointed. But I will keep looking for the solve. It could still be there.
29 Dec 2021, 2:26am
CupcoThanks Smaloo. That was the part I figured out. I just can't seem to work out how they got the planet from the clue. If they wanted you to go to those coordinates on every single landable planet in a system with 32 landable planets, I am disappointed. But I will keep looking for the solve. It could still be there.

There's a few whacky theories about that! 12 lines to the poem etc! But most CMDRs scanned the planets after working out the system... I scanned the ones with most Fleet Carriers!
29 Dec 2021, 7:03am

Those are easy. Ram the target until it charges its FSD. Then start shooting.

Still works in Odyssey.

That is abuse of flawed mechanic. I wonder when frontier will fix that? If number of rams > 3 or dmg from ram > 15% (shield or hull) register ship as hostile.

Who am I fooling, they cannot fix obvious bugs, not to mention flawed game design.
29 Dec 2021, 9:30am
SakashiroThose are easy. Ram the target until it charges its FSD. Then start shooting.

Still works in Odyssey.

Flashback of this clip somebody has posted previously

29 Dec 2021, 10:33am
Never gets old.
29 Dec 2021, 5:11pm
I was bored today.

And spent time creating a Type-10 build. I do not plan to burn mats for its engineering. I am not that crazy but would like to hear your thoughts
29 Dec 2021, 5:40pm
Long range gimballed multi-cannons
obvious troll
29 Dec 2021, 5:45pm
EpisparhI was bored today.

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And spent time creating a Type-10 build. I do not plan to burn mats for its engineering. I am not that crazy but would like to hear your thoughts

I think you've been hangin with Saka for to long
29 Dec 2021, 5:54pm
GryphnnLong range gimballed multi-cannons Show more >>

Actually it is not, that slow turd needs to hit fast targets in range => long range for double speed and complete removal of damage fall off

I think you've been hangin with Saka for to long

Lies! Why you thought so? Sakashiro will never put on her ship a weapon that requires restock

Last edit: 29 Dec 2021, 6:31pm
29 Dec 2021, 6:31pm
To be fair, hitting anything with a gimbal, except for large ships, above 3km is just pure luck. With the travel time of the bullets added on top of that, it's even worse, even if you make them 2x faster.
I'd still go with short-range for the +75% damage, which will also conserve ammo, and only shoot when the target is below 1.8km. Even if you can only keep the target locked for half the time you could with your build. It would still have a better overall damage output since you basically land every shot on that distance and you get 75% more damage too.

But I understand your thought on long range.

I tell you what, this ship needs a funnel ship kit. So you can just scoop up your victims. And then spam only fragment cannons

Last edit: 29 Dec 2021, 6:48pm

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