Elite: Game talk

31 Dec 2021, 1:48am
EpisparhGatimu, Type-10 is called "n00b trap" for a reason. My best advice is - just sell it or stop using it.

That feels right. I never really see anyone using them outside of Thargoid combat as part of a wing and using it myself felt not unlike trying to maneuver a school bus as if it were a jet fighter. My Anaconda is honestly a great deal more responsive. But she is really useful for deep core mining and carrying large hauls, so I'll likely never make her a dedicated fighter, but I don't think I'll sell her unless FD gives us something better.
31 Dec 2021, 6:22am
Type-10 is the worst possible ship to bring in AX combat. Slow turd with scattered hardpoints.
If you insist using type-10, mining and trading are good roles for the ship but it is out performed in those by type-9 and ultimately Imperial Cutter.

About the mess:
My usual experience in Haz RES is looking for targets 60-70% of the time. Even wing of 3 anaconda or FDLs do not last more than a minute. You are killing ships way too slow with that turrets. Having cargo and provoking multiple pirates may work in low RES, but can cost you a rebuy in Haz RES. As I said, in your video I saw just weak pirates, those are usually vaporized in under 10 sec. If you had the bad roll, you would face the rebuy screen for sure.
31 Dec 2021, 6:38am
The morning boredom session...


Surprise, it is a type-6 with the role of trader

I may actually build this brick. The handling and speed looks decent on paper.
31 Dec 2021, 9:48am
Gatimũ Kamau
EpisparhGatimu, Type-10 is called "n00b trap" for a reason. My best advice is - just sell it or stop using it.

That feels right. I never really see anyone using them outside of Thargoid combat as part of a wing and using it myself felt not unlike trying to maneuver a school bus as if it were a jet fighter. My Anaconda is honestly a great deal more responsive. But she is really useful for deep core mining and carrying large hauls, so I'll likely never make her a dedicated fighter, but I don't think I'll sell her unless FD gives us something better.

Show the Python some love. It’s the best multi-role ship in the game bar none. near perfect hardpoint placement, decent turn of speed and agility when engineered and 3 large + 2 medium slots give it some serious firepower. What’s not to like?
31 Dec 2021, 3:39pm
EpisparhThe morning boredom session...


Surprise, it is a type-6 with the role of trader

I may actually build this brick. The handling and speed looks decent on paper.

Type 6 handles almost as well as a fighter class ship. If you want to use it for hauling I would lose the module and hull reinforcement. Replace those with some cargo modules to haul just a little bit more. I am newish to combat but I do a lot of hauling.

Last edit: 31 Dec 2021, 4:46pm
31 Dec 2021, 3:50pm
Sabertooth1Type 6 handles almost as well as a fighter. If you want to use it for hauling I would lose the module and hull reinforcement. Replace those with some cargo modules to haul just a little bit more. I am newish to combat but I do a lot of hauling.

Epi doesn't leave the dock without at least 40 inches of hull around him.
31 Dec 2021, 4:17pm

Epi doesn't leave the dock without at least 40 inches of hull around him.

You missed one zero

Edit: Oh, it is inches, damn imperial units. Learn to use proper SI system as all engineers.
31 Dec 2021, 4:19pm
EpisparhYou missed one zero

31 Dec 2021, 4:30pm
Obviously, 26 inches are not enough.

Last edit: 31 Dec 2021, 5:12pm
31 Dec 2021, 5:15pm
Yeah. You're not wrong about it being a mess. I thought that trying to fight/run around the asteroids would help, and it FELT like it did, but it likely just looked ridiculous to a seasoned combatant...But in my mind I thought I was in an episode of Battlestar Galactica! LOL. Also, the repairs were a bit costly: 550000-ish off the top and another 20K for structural integrity repair. But I'd just finished up another previous pirate hunt before all that which I hadn't turned in yet so the cost didn't hurt me as much as someone may believe.[/quote]

I had a T-10 a while ago gave it a go, and sold it. However, I still like collecting the different ships (good or bad) so more recently I repurchased it, added a lot of engineering for use a short distance away off a carrier (flight assist off). Actually it did vaporise a few ships very easily. My flying brick build is not perfected and I could take off the fuel scoop and switch the armour about. In a more engineered form just for fun and not necessarily a specific purpose it makes an interesting change.

Of the big ships the Cutter and Corvette are my favourites, I would suggest selling the T-10, trying to unlock the Cutter (quicker than corvette) and repurchasing the T-10 later on.

Happy flying
31 Dec 2021, 6:49pm
Houghtkj Show the Python some love. It’s the best multi-role ship in the game bar none. near perfect hardpoint placement, decent turn of speed and agility when engineered and 3 large + 2 medium slots give it some serious firepower. What’s not to like?

Well, for its class, its maneuverability is mediocre and its top speed is low. It is also ineligible for a fighter hangar. To be clear: I absolutely love the Python, but you asked...
31 Dec 2021, 7:13pm
Python would be the best ship if we could own just one ship. For combat Krait mk2 is straight better option and not because of the SLF but because speed and maneuverability gives you better control over engagement.
31 Dec 2021, 8:02pm
Guys - I did say multi-role.
31 Dec 2021, 8:14pm
HoughtkjGuys - I did say multi-role.

Multi-role means less specialization and if you add combat to the mix of multi-roles Krait mk2 is straight better.

With that being said, Python is awesome ship. I personally have more than 5. But combat is usually one of the roles I would avoid with it.
31 Dec 2021, 8:31pm
I know I'm the noob of the combat group, but I personally think that the Anaconda is the king of the heap. Engineered, it's hard to beat her maneuverability for a ship her size. The punching power given the number of hardpoints is respectable and their placement feels really good. She's got good hull stats and when paired with prismatics she's a battering ram. Fitting a fighter bay is no problem and she actually has enough of a jump range that you don't have to be stationed one jump away to make it to a fight.

Also...she's quite a looker.

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