Elite: Game talk

29 Aug 2024, 6:28pm
Miseriis superior in its use of the SCO drive that it was designed to be used with

SCO does not contribute to combat at all. Funny thing is that it is built around SCO but PMKII does not even have fuel tank to support SCO.
29 Aug 2024, 6:34pm
Artiebut there was always a disclaimer: "work in progress, things may change" either way.

Yes, that is what exactly needs to be done. PMKII has to be redesigned or to have 2 options with SCO harness or without, or option to engineer harness to light modification with regaining of OU space.
29 Aug 2024, 6:36pm
If i can get my squadron to the action faster then yours , i can enter combat faster and turn the tide of a battle
They may have meant its going to be a strategic deployment that gives it the advantage, basically PMk2 is aimed to be the future of
the power struggle in game lore, or at least a newer version of an old hull. If you find you do better with the classic Python then that could also be a matter of skill.
You are more used to its style of combat, the Mk2 does have some trade offs for what are in a lot of respects not a big improvement, but it does have areas where it accels over other ships. I believe its hardpoints do allow it for a larger DPS overall, and we are not even considering cmdr engineering in this.
Sometimes companies , and i mean the in game lore narrative companies, also make a lot of BIG claims only to be kind of seen to be hyperbole , i cant say for sure if that is the case with the Python Mk2 , i admit it has a MUCH more limited ablilty to fill other roles and it will likely remain a combat focused ship, possibly a good pirate / bounty hunter.
29 Aug 2024, 6:47pm
Generally I don't fight with humans in game maybe with some very arrogant pirates. I don't use SCO on my PMKII. FD instead of giving us better ships provide us with different ships which segregate the game fabric into little silos.
29 Aug 2024, 8:34pm
Think we'll get ground AX content anytime soon (as in the next year)?

With the engineering update, I get a sense that Frontier is trying to do a small bit of rebalancing. I'm wondering if introducing ground AX content could be on the horizon.
29 Aug 2024, 8:36pm
AX isn't their favourite toy anymore, considering the stale 'box ticking' warfare with the Titans.
29 Aug 2024, 8:48pm
MeowersAX isn't their favourite toy anymore, considering the stale 'box ticking' warfare with the Titans.

Fair point. (I still need to get into AX. That's next on my "list" though, so soon.)
I wonder what it is that they are striving for now. With rebalanced Eng, it doesn't seem like it's daily user metrics. Adding ARX stuff brings an influx of money to the company, as does an influx of new players (due to a less grindy game), but I'm wondering what the new shiny "appeal" could be.

Any predictions/guesses, everyone?
29 Aug 2024, 8:57pm
Well, that has been written all over the walls for a few months already, Power Pissing Play 2.0, something along the lines of your basic more 'social' MMOs.

But maybe those interested could say more. Both I, myself, as a player, and my character 'RP/story-wise', don't really care about it. And FDev has a, kind of, bad record of update quality.

p.s. LOL. I hope you don't mind me using the name you gave to that thing. :p
29 Aug 2024, 8:58pm
No need for predictions or guesses. Those recent GalNets, aside from the generic Thargoid ones which excuse Frontier godhands as "Thargoid behavior [changes]", have been setup for Powerplay 2.0. Which I have also given another name to because I am not hugely interested - in part due to the way the Titan arc was just shoved aside for it rather unceremoniously - but I will leave Meowers to shed light on that one. Or we could just post at the same time.
29 Aug 2024, 9:41pm
MeowersWell, that has been written all over the walls for a few months already, Power Pissing Play 2.0, something along the lines of your basic more 'social' MMOs.

But maybe those interested could say more. Both I, myself, as a player, and my character 'RP/story-wise', don't really care about it. And FDev has a, kind of, bad record of update quality.

p.s. LOL. I hope you don't mind me using the name you gave to that thing. :p

Kasumi GotoNo need for predictions or guesses. Those recent GalNets, aside from the generic Thargoid ones which excuse Frontier godhands as "Thargoid behavior [changes]", have been setup for Powerplay 2.0. Which I have also given another name to because I am not hugely interested - in part due to the way the Titan arc was just shoved aside for it rather unceremoniously - but I will leave Meowers to shed light on that one. Or we could just post at the same time.

I appreciate the insight from both of you. And I love that you both answered the same sort of thing at the same time. I, too, am not big into Powerplay. Maybe that will change with 2.0, but it never seemed like "gameplay" to me. (I left that aspect of the game as quickly as I could, after wasting time with LYR so I could get the Packhounds. Bought 20+ of those things and said, "I'm out!")

I do hope there's more ahead that would add to actual game activity, as opposed to menu navigation.
30 Aug 2024, 5:34am
War is coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Come on down to prospects deep and... you know the bit by now,
Thargoids were all a prelude to another round of humans proving , War , War never changes.
I can only hope that we see some real shake up of the lore or heck even a bit of shake up and change would be ok.
All I can assure you of is that I will be here to reap a profit for myself.
Buy my guns.
30 Aug 2024, 5:39am
Nah, screw human wars. Whose version of slavery is better. They all suck. :p
31 Aug 2024, 12:44am
Ignoring the... not exactly favorable... abduction angle, Thargoids have also treated their prisoners of war better than humans would have even their own.

Of course, there's also the chance it is to some other end goal than to just keep captives, which has obviously not stopped us from sending Titans to oblivion (insert human life is cheap in Elite, yada yada here)... but, yeah, I doubt most human captives of another human force return with minimal or no physical injuries bar what was caused by an invasive life support system. And probably are not held in a sort of fluid which encourages cell regeneration.

(Why has nobody relevant ever commented on the fact that Thargoids, a supposedly stupid species with only instinctual intelligence, understand human organisms well enough to sustain them perfectly fine and recreate an environment in which their bodies are provided ideal conditions to regenerate from sustained wounds)
31 Aug 2024, 4:46am
Kasumi Goto(Why has nobody relevant ever commented on the fact that Thargoids, a supposedly stupid species with only instinctual intelligence, understand human organisms well enough to sustain them perfectly fine and recreate an environment in which their bodies are provided ideal conditions to regenerate from sustained wounds)

I wonder if it's less that they "sustain them" and more that they interact with space-time/hyperspace/witchspace differently and naturally, allowing a sort of stasis and/or recovery.
31 Aug 2024, 5:06am
I remember the GalNet articles from the time pretty well - what was said in them was fairly clear.

For one, a life support system delivering air/oxygen and what was referred to as “basic nutrients”(or something of the sort) was found in the pods, likely a tube inserted into the throat, as it was described as an “invasive” system either then or later on down the line when some of the rescued people displayed auto-immune reactions (which, as discussion occurred, appears to be possible due to stress factors and that ‘invasive life support system’).

The other thing mentioned was that the pods contain a substance which resembles an amniotic fluid. The same thing found in the womb in which a child grows. Aka, an environment which favors/drives cell regeneration (more than they do just by themselves to fix wounds).

But whatever the purpose of holding them captive is or was, the Thargoids aren’t telling. And we’ll probably find it out the hard way, however it happens… I’d like to think the effort required to capture and keep those humans alive on the Titans (where the native Thargoid environment would quickly kill them off, without major adaptation of the organism) is too much to just use them as disposable meat puppets, even if the Thargoid hive mentality likely puts lesser emphasis on individuality. If they are even aware of it, that humans are all individual sentient (sapient, if you want to be technically correct) creatures.

Ignoring that the intelligence of some of us makes me question if they really are.

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