Elite: Game talk

29 Jun 2024, 5:05am
I bought a dozen advanced PA from Denton before i told him to take a hike
Did the same with Cytos from Archon
im making the whole tour, only got a few left to collect
29 Jun 2024, 12:57pm
SakashiroYes, the grind restarts if you leave and pledge again later. Many players indeed do keep a backstock for that reason.

MiseriI bought a dozen advanced PA from Denton before i told him to take a hike
Did the same with Cytos from Archon
im making the whole tour, only got a few left to collect

Thank you both. That's what I thought, but I wanted to ask rather than worry and store without needing to.

Still related to Power Play, is there an ideal day to begin a pledge? "Thursday right after the tick"? "Wednesday before the tick"? "Now"?
29 Jun 2024, 6:17pm
The time to pledge is the absolute minute you get done fleecing the last sucker, just defect over with as many credits you can take with you or not
its up to you if you wanna keep working for the old guy or the new guy
BUT since it takes three weeks to wait for unlocking modules anyway i just like to jump ship asap so i can start that timer
29 Jun 2024, 9:34pm
MiseriThe time to pledge is the absolute minute you get done fleecing the last sucker, just defect over with as many credits you can take with you or not
its up to you if you wanna keep working for the old guy or the new guy
BUT since it takes three weeks to wait for unlocking modules anyway i just like to jump ship asap so i can start that timer

Noted. So, there isn't like a "best day of the week" to pledge based on the tick. I guess I'll pledge ASAP, so that timer can run while I'm away from the game for those weeks.
30 Jun 2024, 3:11am
I've been gone from the game for a very long time. Recent updates have piqued my interest, and I want to come back and try to get good at FA off flying. I'm watching the Moxen Wolf videos, which are helpful. Can anybody recommend anything else?

I'd like to get into role-play at some point as well.....though I'd like to aquire some skill first. I feel like a rookie again. LMAO

Last edit: 30 Jun 2024, 4:32am
02 Jul 2024, 11:56pm
I hear there are going to be fireworks around a Titan on a day that is quite important to the Americans. See, the Thargoids are so considerate.
03 Jul 2024, 5:32am
Kasumi GotoI hear there are going to be fireworks around a Titan on a day that is quite important to the Americans. See, the Thargoids are so considerate.

I know a movie where others held fireworks for the Americans on a very important day for them.
03 Jul 2024, 3:08pm
And there’s been a lot of puns about the upcoming Indra-pendence day.

… though whether it will start blowing up on said day is a different question. Also not something I might bring the family on unless they are all the most extreme of thrill seekers.
03 Jul 2024, 6:57pm

Important Changes to the Thargoid war balance​

Following your feedback we have implemented the following changes with the Thursday maintenance.

Thargoid War Strategy
- Titans will now directly invade populated systems, skipping the traditional probing state
- Unpopulated systems will no longer enter an alert state
- Several populated systems will still enter an alert state

Counterstrike Port AXCZs
- Following your feedback, we are enabling an option for port Anti-Xeno Combat Zones to play an offensive role against the Thargoids:
- In previously populated counterstrike systems, one port will reactivate and will have an AXCZ available
- This port will have repair/rearm available, but will not offer missions
- Planetary ports will be favored. If no suitable planetary ports are available, a space based port will reactivate instead

These systems can be identified on the Galaxy Map as stacked counterstrike and port under attack icons as below:

If this is all they're going to do with the remaining three Titans, I don't think that it'll really do anything (or not much) to stop them from being reduced to smoldering scrap heaps.
03 Jul 2024, 7:12pm
I thought they would leave one or more titans in place in order to keep the AX game mechanics. To keep the mechanics in place if all 8 titans are destroyed, they could just have a titan show up once a month and stomp on random systems before being driven off. But that seems like more work than keeping one or more titans in place and having them control a hundred systems +/- fluctuations due to AX operations.
03 Jul 2024, 7:21pm
I'd guess they're gonna keep it around in some form but they did promise (or strongly imply) 8 decals [and ship kits] for 8 destroyed Titans. So maybe the existing ones will meet the hammer, but they're probably not just going to shove it all aside into nowhere once this stage of the war ends.

Part of it also depends on if the change to unpopulated systems means "No more alerts but also no control state for Thargoids", or "Straight to control state". That could make things... a bit more interesting, but it's open to interpretation until tomorrow morning (where I will very likely not be awake yet).
03 Jul 2024, 9:14pm
Speaking of AX mechanics, I made an interactive spreadsheet with every guardian module's unlock requirements on it. Here's the link if anyone wants it.

Guardian Module Unlock Requirements
yesterday, 10:58am
... and, apparently, Frontier have decided to just make the Thargoids look idiotic for not much of a good reason. Because now they exclusively target inhabited systems.

(And we don't have a clue what good that does them because from the way they've been handling this war, it is absolutely not a strategically sound choice... I guess they want more captives for who knows what?)

Or it is just game lords giving players their invasion content because it's going to become less frequently available once Titan 8 is reduced to bits and bobs of (mostly) corrosive wreckage.
today, 12:50am

Well, this looks... frame-breakingly fun. So much so that Frontier has announced they are going to reduce the maximum number of Thargoid ships active in a Titan instance.

(Can't say if I do or don't regret not being a part of this bedlam, since I so far have not attacked any Titans nor been given enough of a reason to, on my alt.)
today, 1:49am
PoserViolinistI'd like to get into role-play at some point as well.....though I'd like to aquire some skill first. I feel like a rookie again. LMAO
Some imagination plus good old-school insanity. :p

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