Elite: Game talk

today, 7:51am
MeowersOkay, I got it, Pee Mk2 is all the buzz these days, maybe only a bit eclipsed by the Mandalay. Whatever. I'd rather keep on shreddin'.


Yeah, it's double-heatsink for 0-4-2 pips but, on the other hand, they're cheap and you can synth them on the go.

Oh the FdL is super fine for all combat tasks, don't take this the wrong way. It's just that the FdL has been engineered and loaded out to death over the years. Her "best" configuration are somewhat clear and if you know the ship (which you do expertly!), it gets the job done with precision.
The PMk2 (and the Mandalay) are just new and there's not yet a "meta" configuration for all potential jobs. This will eventually be settled and then the conversation will die down on these ships (or return to a normal volume).
today, 7:58am
Aren't those 'metas' all the same? Get maximum upgrade here, maximum upgrade there, etc. I mean, there are cases in which you can apply, to say, a different FSD effect to sacrifice a couple lightyears of jump range for a few fractions of a degree in manoeuvrability, or just leave a stump of an FSD to absolutely gimp the ship and make in unplayable anywhere except the role it was built for, and at that role, you'll get a few more fractions of degrees or m/s of speed or 0.x's of jump range for the sake of it. Or some niche builds which can, for example, stay under 20% heat at a normal flight if you don't shoot, don't touch the boost and don't fart, for mat farming or classic cold-orbiting.

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