Elite: Game talk

04 Jan 2022, 9:54pm
Silver Taffer
Gatimũ KamauHas anybody else noticed that when fuel scooping in an Anaconda that it's just the WORST when it comes to building up heat? Or is it just me?

What size fuel scoop do you have? My Exploraconda has a maximum size FS and will fill up in seconds on the fly. Also don’t go too far into the corona, there is a sweet spot where you can slow down and scoop without going over 60o.
In my experience the Anaconda runs cool enough once you learn it’s characteristics.

6A. If you're curious, you can see the bones of my Conda build in my hanger here on Inara. I have it open to public view.
04 Jan 2022, 10:05pm
Gatimũ KamauQuick question CMDR's...

I'm starting to get back on my mat grind to max out my Conda before I seriously start to finish out my climb to Combat Elite. But it's been about a year since I focused on this. Are these two places still the best for a "quick"-ish grind or are there now better places to go?

1.) Dav's Hope for physical materials
2.) The crash site at HP 12099 1 B for scan data

Thanks for your time and verification CMDR's!


Those two are easiest for new CMDRs but not the most efficient one.
If you don't mind relog fiesta (such as in Dav's hope and Jameson crashed cobra)

For manufactured materials:
Hunting high grade emissions is the most efficient one. (relog fiesta)
Alternatively, you can get a combat ship with collector limpets and cargo and go to a RES site. Kill pirates, collect materials. The other option is running missions with high reputation factions (example Robigo passenger missions reward Exquisite Focus Crystals, Biotech Conductors) (do not require relogski)

For data materials:
I use hacking of research/science megaships. They drop a lot more stuff than Jameson's cobra (up to Modified Embedded Firmware) - you just need recon limpet controller and cargo. This is illegal action - so you either need to find right megaship in anarchy system or learn how to use silent running when limpet attaches to port and then again when hacking completes. (relog fiesta, although it can be done by simply resetting the instance )
Alternatively, you can get high grade data mats from missions (Robigo passenger missions again can give up to Modified Embedded Firmware) (do not require relogski)

After you collect some Grade 4 and 5, you can trade down or cross trade at material trader.
04 Jan 2022, 10:15pm
Gatimũ Kamau6A. If you're curious, you can see the bones of my Conda build in my hanger here on Inara. I have it open to public view.

Thanks. I see yours is a combat build, although I see no reason for it to seriously overheat on stellar refuel. But my own preference for the Anaconda is for exploration or rescue, so my build is very different
04 Jan 2022, 10:33pm
Dang, did I just saw a shielded fuel scoop on cardboard jumpaconda
04 Jan 2022, 10:34pm
Any idea about number 1) above?
1) i noticed in EDSY that putting pips to eng only alters the pitch in handling. It has no effect on roll or yaw. Is this true in game as well?

I always assumed that adding pips to engines allowed ship to be more agile as well as quicker reboost / top speed. It seems like it adds nothing to roll or yaw, but this may just be EDSY.

Anything involving a thruster is improved: top speed, boost speed, roll, pitch, yaw, lateral, vertical, etc.
04 Jan 2022, 10:40pm
Episparh I would be happy if you come back and tell us the result.

Works perfect! even better as expected!
This kill-switch method let's the Bi-Weave shields rebuild within just a few seconds! (35 seconds recharging time)

So there is not even any need to heatsink+reboot (as I feel pretty vulnerable during reboot)

I can even do this while simply boosting a bit away and still defend myself!

Once shields are back online, I can reverse-switch my utilities back to work, and fire a SCB as usual.

Many thanks to your inspiration!
04 Jan 2022, 10:45pm
04 Jan 2022, 11:47pm
EpisparhDang, did I just saw a shielded fuel scoop on cardboard jumpaconda

Nothing is forbidden and everything is possible
05 Jan 2022, 12:21am
KurakilAnything involving a thruster is improved: top speed, boost speed, roll, pitch, yaw, lateral, vertical, etc.

Thanks Kurakil.

I exported the builds into Coriolis and tho I didn’t understand which movement plane was which, changing pips did change all values.

I also experimented ingame and it did make some difference but I couldn’t quantify how much.

So, guess EDSY broken, which is a relief.
05 Jan 2022, 5:24am
Silver Taffer
EpisparhDang, did I just saw a shielded fuel scoop on cardboard jumpaconda

Nothing is forbidden and everything is possible

I am not judging I will bring you a banana next time I visit Janes Horizons
05 Jan 2022, 6:44am
Get ready for phase 3 of Colonia bridge CG series.
05 Jan 2022, 7:07am
EpisparhGet ready for phase 3 of Colonia bridge CG series.

This actually a thing? Any idea what they might be doing next?
05 Jan 2022, 7:24am
EpisparhGet ready for phase 3 of Colonia bridge CG series.

Perfect timing. I need a double-engineered class 7 FSD for my new Cutter.
05 Jan 2022, 7:38am
Hello fellow Commanders, pledged to Aisling Duval. Which starport would be best to make a home base in Aisling Duval's territory?
05 Jan 2022, 8:39am
Yuna Sakashiro
EpisparhGet ready for phase 3 of Colonia bridge CG series.

Perfect timing. I need a double-engineered class 7 FSD for my new Cutter.

What makes you believe we would get those? So far only class 3, 4 and 6 were given. At best we will get those in tech brokers for purchase such as with the 5A module.

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