Elite: Game talk

08 Jan 2022, 11:13am
Even in the vast open ocean ships are obliged to follow bi-directional traffic rules around other ships.
Kurakil, your idea for one way traffic will not simplify the coding task for docking computer.

In addition it will be a lot harder to return inside if you forget something or undock by mistake.
08 Jan 2022, 11:15am
KurakilI'm just saying the single mailslot is not a good idea for bidirectional traffic.

It's efficient just look at roads they have the same system and it works.

KurakilI am curious... if an NPC gets stuck do they get shot and destroyed? I always just relog when I see them stuck.

I've seen them being blown up when stuck in the airlock for a while, but not sure if I have ever seen them being blown up inside the station. I have seen them loitering much longer than the time you'd get to leave the station.

Just put additional landing pads on the habitation rings of the station and try to land your ship there
08 Jan 2022, 11:16am
We get a lot of small bridgework done where I travel and one of the more frustrating things is when they close down a lane of the 2 lane bridge so that it becomes one way at a time with a stoplight. It is a major pain to sit and wait 8 minutes for traffic to pass before you get to proceed. Bi-directional travel is a no-brainer that definitely improves things on almost every point:

Safety - nobody oncoming to collide with, ease of entry and egress during emergencies.
Speed - no downtime for people either exiting or entering.
Security 90% of the time - You can focus your efforts on scanning incoming ships (although why the stations don't have scanners installed in the mailslot to scan everyone every time is beyond me) and assume that those leaving are fine because they've already been checked.

As Epi points out, the only 'real' reason to have one main accessway is for defense. But this doesn't hold up in the Elite Universe because of the huge disparity between Station offensive and defensive capabilities and the ships that would be facing this. The cost of the loss of the aforementioned benefits is not worth the small decrease in unnecessary defensive ability.

For me, the reason they go with 1 slot is simply design requirements. Slots anywhere other than dead center on the axis of rotation are... problematic. Disable 'Rotational Correction' in the right Ship panel and try to dock to see why. This means there are 2 viable slot locations: the front and back. For Coriolis and Asteroid stations this is feasible. For all the others it isn't, and while it could be argued that 'redesign allowing for a rear slot could have been done in the first place' I justify it by saying there must be some design limitation we are not aware of which is why the larger stations are the way they are. Considering this, Coriolis station design becomes consistency for consistencies sake. It is what it is>
08 Jan 2022, 11:20am
Nice new title you got there
08 Jan 2022, 11:42am
GryphnnNice new title you got there

Yeah, it really helps to read my posts in Lewis Black's style...
08 Jan 2022, 12:14pm
Hi does anyone know how much needs to be met in CG Colonia Tier 1?
08 Jan 2022, 12:23pm
Gorby89Hi does anyone know how much needs to be met in CG Colonia Tier 1?

3 Mt total for tier 1 in Colonia. Tier 5 in Alcor is 150Mt
08 Jan 2022, 12:36pm
Gatimũ KamauSo I guess that somewhere along the way (likely with the Odyssey update) Dav's Hope got removed from the game. I KNOW that it got moved to the opposite side of the planet on PC...but for those of us on console without access to Odyssey, it's COMPLETELY gone.

So much for mat grinding there for me.

Is there any other location that has easily grindable materials?

It's still seems to be present even for Horizons-only player. To be sure, I have checked the logs and I see at least one commander with Horizons getting there and collecting the materials just today.
08 Jan 2022, 12:58pm
Gatimũ Kamau
Kurakil Let's be honest. A station with only interior docking and a single access point for all traffic is a very poor design, even for sci-fi.

THIS. I agree with this 100,000%. Even if the devs didn't want to include exterior docking on their stations for whatever reason (which is utterly ridiculous in an MMO where there are tens of thousands of players online at any given moment), they could have kept the same outer visual appeal of the stations by having two mail slots stacked on top of each other. One for incoming and one for outgoing traffic; identified by the same green and red flashing lights that they currently have on either side of the existing mail slots in the game now.

It's such a SIMPLE idea that the fact that it wasn't updated YEARS ago shows a distinct lack of focus by FD on smaller (but no less important) quality of life fixes for the game. Or maybe its a lack of caring...

Fun fact: Even the space station in the movie "2001 - A Space Odyssey" that served as inspiration for the original game "Elite" actually had two mailslots, one on each side, and the exit mailslot was lit red so that pilots would not accidentally approach from the wrong direction.

So yeah, even back in the 1960s people understood that a single mailslot design would be a recipe for disaster.
08 Jan 2022, 1:42pm
Last night I browsed my module storage and found eight A-rated shield boosters, almost fully engineered, from a discarded Anaconda build that I almost forgot about.

And they happened to be stored right there at Jensen Gateway, where I was docked because of the CG. Lucky coincidence. So my Clutter Cutter is now shielded. I replaced one of the cargo racks with a 6A generator as suggested by Aileen, and the two HRPs with SRPs. The result is 3K MJ raw shield strength, 50% more than my T-9 with fully engineered class 8 shields! Not too shabby as a starting point.

No more white-knuckled docking, yay!
08 Jan 2022, 2:05pm
ArtieIt's still seems to be present even for Horizons-only player. To be sure, I have checked the logs and I see at least one commander with Horizons getting there and collecting the materials just today.

Can confirm. Just farmed there minutes ago. You just need to launch the game in Horizons.
08 Jan 2022, 2:38pm
So, no longer ScruButter. That is sad
08 Jan 2022, 2:44pm
Gorby89Hi does anyone know how much needs to be met in CG Colonia Tier 1?

3 Mt total for tier 1 in Colonia. Tier 5 in Alcor is 150Mt

08 Jan 2022, 4:19pm
So I'm considering wiping my alt save so I can have a toon that can run around the Pleiades without getting Hyperdicted all the damn time. I haven't wiped a save before so is there anything important with this I might not be aware of?
08 Jan 2022, 4:23pm
Burstar the Apparently Angry but not reallySo I'm considering wiping my alt save so I can have a toon that can run around the Pleiades without getting Hyperdicted all the damn time. I haven't wiped a save before so is there anything important with this I might not be aware of?

I've wiped my alt a few times. It does what it says on the tin. I think the game even reserves your previous name, so you can pick it again if you don't want a new one.

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