Elite: Game talk

09 Jan 2022, 12:22pm
Burstar the Apparently Angry but not reallyUgh, I can't take it anymore. I hate the Colonia area. My 3k goods will have to be enough. At this point it's up to the Carriers to get us to T1. Now, decision time: Fly back taking the scenic route or suiwinder to return to civilized space?

They may be enough but with the arrival of FCs this may change. Currently, 150 CMDRs are bellow 75% and if FCs are unloaded not by the owner only but from friends, the margin can rise.

Anyway, I am getting back to Colonia to help for completion. I already ensured that I will stay in 75% x2, I have 12k in Alcor and Colonia.
Colonia CG completion is in greater risk because of the low supply. The bubble will be fine with 9k contributors and unlimited supply.

You are not correct that it is up to the FCs to complete it, local population was doing 15k per hour which is average FC load. Without local contributors that use zero amount Colonia will need 90-100 carriers to arrive. I doubt this will happen.
09 Jan 2022, 12:35pm
Episparh[quote=Burstar the Apparently Angry but not really] You are not correct that it is up to the FCs to complete it, local population was doing 15k per hour which is average FC load. Without local contributors that use zero amount Colonia will need 90-100 carriers to arrive. I doubt this will happen.

1.5 million is needed to reach Tier 1. 15k/hour means 100 hours to complete = not enough to do it. Therefore, it is up to the FC to complete.
09 Jan 2022, 12:39pm
FCs are needed to help, if local contributions stop 90-100 FCs are needed, but if local contribution remains high the shortage will be few hundred kT which means that just 10-20 FCs will be needed. The latter scenario seems more plausible.

P. S. If you want both and you haven't contributed yet at Alcor jusk skip the scenic route and add 1kT more to Colonia before you get the loaned sidewinder back. That is what I would do.
09 Jan 2022, 12:52pm
EpisparhFCs are needed to help, if local contributions stop 90-100 FCs are needed, but if local contribution remains high the shortage will be few hundred kT which means that just 10-20 FCs will be needed. The latter scenario seems more plausible.

P. S. If you want both and you haven't contributed yet at Alcor jusk skip the scenic route and add 1kT more to Colonia before you get the loaned sidewinder back. That is what I would do.

I'm pretty sure 3k is enough to assure at least 75%. Right now the bottom is 500. It would have to do an additional 5x that and we're already halfway through. Even if the # of contributors doubles it should easily still cover it.

Edit: and we're already about double what the previous Colonia FSD CG totalled...
09 Jan 2022, 1:04pm
Just saying that a FC will bring roughly 15k. That gives potential for 5 new contributors to make 3kT. If 30 FCs do that, 150 new contributors will have 3k+. And the contributions that will remain bellow 75% will be 189.

It is small chance, but if I were you, I would stay a hour or two more just to be sure.
The scenic route is usually 90+ min, loaned sidewinder is instant.

P. S. Anyway, the worst scenario will be to join the club "I told you so"

Last edit: 09 Jan 2022, 1:13pm
09 Jan 2022, 1:44pm
Burstar the Apparently Angry but not reallyUgh, I can't take it anymore. I hate the Colonia area. My 3k goods will have to be enough. At this point it's up to the Carriers to get us to T1. Now, decision time: Fly back taking the scenic route or suiwinder to return to civilized space?

Colonia won't miss you. You haven't been flying around here in an Alt by any chance have you??
09 Jan 2022, 5:16pm
Burstar the Apparently Angry but not reallyUgh, I can't take it anymore. I hate the Colonia area. My 3k goods will have to be enough. At this point it's up to the Carriers to get us to T1. Now, decision time: Fly back taking the scenic route or suiwinder to return to civilized space?

Colonia won't miss you. You haven't been flying around here in an Alt by any chance have you??

Ugh, no. I only visit Colonia for CG's.

Edit: Stinks too much like Gorilla shit.

Last edit: 09 Jan 2022, 5:24pm
09 Jan 2022, 6:28pm
EpisparhI know CZs give a false perspective of those, but in reality battlecruisers and battleships(those are just mentioned in the lore) can subjugate entire system.

Considering we face battlecruisers, and they are quite massive as is, I wonder what a battleship in ED would look like.
09 Jan 2022, 6:36pm
Iwao Kishiro To think about it, only Homeworld Cataclysm (or known under new GOG.com name, Emergence) in entire Homeworld series clearly shown that every launchable ship had two possible spots to land on Kuun-Lan* -- and as a side note, I loved the fact that, due to smaller size, Kuun-Lan constructed bigger ship via scaffolding.

*I wrote Kuun-Lan only, because I am not sure if Kushan and Taiidan Carriers did not have two approach points as well. I think also the Somtaaw carrier had this, too.

Homeworld 1 at least has a varied diet with docking entryways, but it preferred multiple entrypoints. Kushan Mothership has a typical "mailslot" for small to medium crafts on her starboard side and an entryway for capital ships on port side. Same with their carrier, resource collectors and frigates exit thru a large gateway opening whereas fightercrafts enter/exit from smaller entryways underneath the hull.

Taiidan Carrier's an oddball where it has just one entryway for all ships, which is very weird considering that Taiidan Mothership has up to 4 separate entryways a ship can enter.
09 Jan 2022, 6:53pm
Considering we face battlecruisers, and they are quite massive as is, I wonder what a battleship in ED would look like.

Usually, battleships are almost the same size as battlecruiser. The size is +5-10%, but way more armor and slightly better weaponry. They should be a lot slower though, but the capital ships in E: D are static in normal space, at least in game.

Last edit: 09 Jan 2022, 7:10pm
09 Jan 2022, 8:12pm
EpisparhUsually, battleships are almost the same size as battlecruiser. The size is +5-10%, but way more armor and slightly better weaponry. They should be a lot slower though, but the capital ships in E: D are static in normal space, at least in game.

Considering that in lore there are some privately owned Battlecruisers, it would be fun in my opinion if FDev updated the game to enable Battleships to appear in high CZ's and such (similar to how battlecruisers behave now), and allow players to acquire and pilot their own Battlecruisers. Since I don't believe there are any battleships in private hands, then it still makes sense to not let players have those. Give them a flight model but make it extremely low in maneuverability but make their caveat be that when flown with a multicrew, they are extremely strong. If flown solo, not so much. Basically the idea here being to give multicrew some sort of reason to actually be legitimately used. As is, there's usually not much of a point to utilizing multicrew.
09 Jan 2022, 8:53pm
Honestly, Frontier better fix their net code than implementing your wet dreams
09 Jan 2022, 8:57pm
CG top 10%, Trade Elite II, and another billion credits for Cutter number two.
09 Jan 2022, 10:12pm
Good, the newest E: D billionaire will complete the CG in Alcor to tier 5 - I am working hard for 3mil per hour in Colonia
09 Jan 2022, 10:30pm
The class 5 FSD booster actually turned out useful because my carrier is orbiting a star 30 Ly away from Alcor but still in jump range. The short round trip time makes up for the loss of cargo space.

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