Elite: Game talk

12 Sep 2024, 12:15pm
Could anybody else confirm that thargoid fighting scripts inhibit your controls especially in the final stages of the battle or it is just subjective feelings? Thanks
12 Sep 2024, 4:56pm
Are there any other Steam Deck users here who play ED on the Deck? It's such a great machine for playing literally anything and I love to be able to play ED on the couch.
12 Sep 2024, 8:49pm
It seems like a right party is starting off in V886 Centauri next week.

What is it all about? I can't say, because neither Sirius nor Azimuth have invited me... and I'm not exactly on the best of terms with either right now.

But I have a feeling it will beat the 3310 Fesh Fest(if you don't get this joke it's ok) in extravagance... and explosiveness. Quite literally, in case of the latter, because a rescue megaship also looks set to hop over there to join it.
14 Sep 2024, 4:16pm
I wonder if the thargoids are expected to attack Shinrarta Dezhra. That will be quite a shakeup due to it being the preferred place to put together new builds. In lore it's also the heart of the pilot's federation of which we are all members. Will this have wider implications for the future of independent commanders in the elite dangerous universe?
14 Sep 2024, 5:02pm
GL9KI wonder if the thargoids are expected to attack Shinrarta Dezhra. That will be quite a shakeup due to it being the preferred place to put together new builds. In lore it's also the heart of the pilot's federation of which we are all members. Will this have wider implications for the future of independent commanders in the elite dangerous universe?

That would be so cool! I know a few people who are just ho-hum about any sort of Thargoid stuff, focusing instead on human-vs-human silliness. It would be fun to see/participate in something that would just push them into the AX conflict.
14 Sep 2024, 5:08pm
IndyThat would be so cool! I know a few people who are just ho-hum about any sort of Thargoid stuff, focusing instead on human-vs-human silliness. It would be fun to see/participate in something that would just push them into the AX conflict.
That's a videogame. Forcing players into something they don't want to do would only make them search for an alternative route or abandon the game completely.
14 Sep 2024, 6:50pm
Unless the entire Bubble is run over by Thargoids, there are hundreds of other systems in which human vs human activities could be performed easily anyway.

I wouldn't exactly mind Shin Dez getting some Thargoid visitors simply for the salt that this would create, though...
14 Sep 2024, 6:54pm
IndyThat would be so cool! I know a few people who are just ho-hum about any sort of Thargoid stuff, focusing instead on human-vs-human silliness. It would be fun to see/participate in something that would just push them into the AX conflict.

That's a videogame. Forcing players into something they don't want to do would only make them search for an alternative route or abandon the game completely.

I am not too worried about that happening. Throughout the thargoid war our AX focused player have been doing great at managing the threat allowing those of us more interested in BGS and powerplay to go about our business for the most part. My squadron did get more involved in AX conflict during the early days of the war since titan Taranis decided to squeeze in between us and the Brazilian league of Pilots, thus taking multiple systems from both of us and threatening others. I am more thinking lore implications if the pilots federation loses it's capitol. I also hear theories about how this could be related to PP 2.0 and be used to provide a capital system for thargoid powerplay (from what little we have seen of 2.0 it looks like the thargoid war was a sort of test run of the systems that will be part of it).
16 Sep 2024, 1:20pm
I pray to Randomius that if there was any time for the Eternal Vigilance to suddenly show up out of the blue, that this would be the day...

Im never gonna see that megaship am I?
16 Sep 2024, 4:06pm
Why having thargoids in Shin Dez when we have gankers there
16 Sep 2024, 5:17pm
EpisparhWhy having thargoids in Shin Dez when we have gankers there

Damn right! Forget the goids, gankers are the real deal.
16 Sep 2024, 7:27pm
MiseriI pray to Randomius that if there was any time for the Eternal Vigilance to suddenly show up out of the blue, that this would be the day...
Im never gonna see that megaship am I?

Eternal Vigilance is a name better suited to a WH40K Apocalypse Class battleship from which an inquisitor pronounces Exterminatus on a hive world infested with heretics.
16 Sep 2024, 7:39pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Eternal Vigilance is a name better suited to a WH40K Apocalypse Class battleship from which an inquisitor pronounces Exterminatus on a hive world infested with heretics.

Or a maniacal robotic mind of a madman.

Which, really, is just what Nemesis is. I doubt it would make Salvation any less insane and why would Azimuth be hiding the ship if it wasn't for something to hide on it, like a Guardian processor supposed to hold a mind.

... or they just lost it because Torben misplaced the keys and then "Artificial Idiocy" Salvation ran off with the ship in sheer disgust and disappointment at the incompetence of his underlings.

EpisparhWhy having thargoids in Shin Dez when we have gankers there

Damn right! Forget the goids, gankers are the real deal.

Inb4 they just unleash a gigantic Glaive swarm into the system, which would be equal parts pain for the gankers and anybody else present. Especially if a few Hydras are added to the mix.

If you're not aware, the Glaive is a little bundle of concentrated Thargoid rage that goes 750 m/s, has an FSD reboot seeker, shields which charge up on lightning use, and an anti-Guardian field (it also begins to spam caustic missile salvos of 4 once it takes a certain amount of damage). Apparently they were so annoying that when the Titan assaults started Frontier just removed them from being able to hyperdict or interdict players completely.
17 Sep 2024, 3:05pm
Weehee, more contrived plot to keep delaying the Winters presidency until Powerplay 2. goes back to bed
17 Sep 2024, 4:20pm
I was thinking that maybe someone could assassinate her on her way back when she assumes duty again, in a similar way someone tried to assassinate the Emperor. That would be so much fun... too bad you can't do that as a player.

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