Elite: Game talk

12 Jan 2022, 10:17am
Today I heard that heatsinks fired in supercruise have a stealth effect just like in normal space. Is that true?
12 Jan 2022, 1:14pm
Short question:
Why does the game permanently break my commodity market on my FC?
It's placed there for some time, and since today morning, I'm no longer allowed to sell my TCUs.
It worked pretty well until yesterday.
12 Jan 2022, 2:48pm
Sir-DukeShort question:
Why does the game permanently break my commodity market on my FC?
It's placed there for some time, and since today morning, I'm no longer allowed to sell my TCUs.
It worked pretty well until yesterday.

Are you trying to buy and sell in the same time. I suggest you stop the sale order before opening buy order and vice-versa instead of editing current order. Inara says you have 3k supply AKA sell order. Have you docked recently to update market?
12 Jan 2022, 2:56pm
Yuna Sakashiro
SalmoneaI very well know that problem. My result was purchasing joystick. I fly FA OFF with mouse and FA ON + supercruise with joy. I am satisfied. I also have joy like alternative flight control. So I am able switch it on and off by one joy button.

Hmm, that's an interesting solution. I didn't even know it was possible to configure ED's controls for stick and KBM at the same time. What I heard is complaints that ED resets everything if a stick is connected or disconnected.

I still have a joypad lying around here. Would that work as well? Now I'm wondering how hard it is to fight interdictions with it...

Fortunately you can combine that as you wish. Interdiction is ok. I have no problem.
12 Jan 2022, 2:56pm
CupcoErm. Anyone else lose their Disembark button?

Yes. I lost it in Horizons.
12 Jan 2022, 3:14pm
Banger705has the combat rank got a bug i still at 27%. and still on 11 july 2021 @27%

done 4-5 missions 2day for inara nexus. killing 3 pirates ships / 3 mission npc / 4 assassination mission / 1 bio

Imagine then how many hundreds enemies you have to kill for move about 1% in high ranks
12 Jan 2022, 3:28pm
Its a quit weird if there is in ED one patch and on steam is about 200 MB and on epic 3 GB
12 Jan 2022, 3:30pm
Are you trying to buy and sell in the same time.

Nah,I got just the sell order;
selling the same, just like my Thagoid hearts, or the Trit.

(Both are visible / buyable ingame)

As I said, yesterday evening it worked as intended;
this morning the game stopped selling the TCUs.

Thargoid heart & Trit were still available...

You know, like what happens with illegal goods.

The game seems to filter them for reasons unknown.
12 Jan 2022, 6:30pm
Yuna Sakashiro
SalmoneaI very well know that problem. My result was purchasing joystick. I fly FA OFF with mouse and FA ON + supercruise with joy. I am satisfied. I also have joy like alternative flight control. So I am able switch it on and off by one joy button.

Hmm, that's an interesting solution. I didn't even know it was possible to configure ED's controls for stick and KBM at the same time. What I heard is complaints that ED resets everything if a stick is connected or disconnected.

I still have a joypad lying around here. Would that work as well? Now I'm wondering how hard it is to fight interdictions with it...

Fortunately you can combine that as you wish. Interdiction is ok. I have no problem.

My apologies for jumping in here with this, but hopefully someone has had the same issue as me and can assist.

I play only in VR, using a HOTAS and Razer Tartarus gamepad. Gameplay is so immersive and now that I have my key bindings set, no need to ever remove the headset. However I cannot play with FA off, it just makes me feel dizzy. I'm fine in the SRV, just turn on horizon lock, and allow the screen to go blank if/when the SRV goes belly up. But flying with FA off, i just haven't gotten the hang of.

Has anyone else run into this problem and been able to overcome it thru settings?

Again I apologize to Saka and Salmonea if my hijacking this thread is in poor form, let me know and I will not do it again.
12 Jan 2022, 7:00pm
PahlHowever I cannot play with FA off, it just makes me feel dizzy.

With a headset it feels like the real thing.

FA on always stabilizes the ship relative to some reference point, e.g. a station or a stellar body, once you let go of the controls. FA on maintains the motion and rotation that was last applied to the ship. You have to stabilize it manually by applying counter force. I can imagine this is very disorienting with a VR headset. Not sure what can be done about it. A friend of mine loves VR but easily gets motion sickness. There's some game where you have to repair a space station in zero G. He can't play it for more than a minute or so without feeling nausea.
12 Jan 2022, 7:07pm
PahlI cannot play with FA off, it just makes me feel dizzy. I'm fine in the SRV, just turn on horizon lock, and allow the screen to go blank if/when the SRV goes belly up. But flying with FA off, i just haven't gotten the hang of.

For me this happened in the beginning of using FA Off because my movements were too spastic. I would practice FA Off station keeping at a rotating Station. Find target spots at the perimeter of the station to stay lined up with and practice holding that position, emphasizing smooth controlled inputs, until your mind just gets used to the concept of movement not in the direction you're facing. This is normally the beginner strategy for learning to FA-Off in general but I found it also grounded my brain from the VR disorientation as well. It's at the point now I can't fight without VR because my aim is all off.

Alternatively, or supplementary, you could take over the counter nausea medication (Gravol, etc...) until you get used to it. I had to for SRV driving myself which was funny because I never get motion sick in vehicles IRL (land sea or air).
12 Jan 2022, 7:42pm
Yuna Sakashiro
PahlHowever I cannot play with FA off, it just makes me feel dizzy.

With a headset it feels like the real thing.

FA on always stabilizes the ship relative to some reference point, e.g. a station or a stellar body, once you let go of the controls. FA on maintains the motion and rotation that was last applied to the ship. You have to stabilize it manually by applying counter force. I can imagine this is very disorienting with a VR headset. Not sure what can be done about it. A friend of mine loves VR but easily gets motion sickness. There's some game where you have to repair a space station in zero G. He can't play it for more than a minute or so without feeling nausea.

FA OFF is correct newtons physics.
12 Jan 2022, 7:55pm
Yuna Sakashiro
PahlHowever I cannot play with FA off, it just makes me feel dizzy.

With a headset it feels like the real thing.

FA on always stabilizes the ship relative to some reference point, e.g. a station or a stellar body, once you let go of the controls. FA on maintains the motion and rotation that was last applied to the ship. You have to stabilize it manually by applying counter force. I can imagine this is very disorienting with a VR headset. Not sure what can be done about it. A friend of mine loves VR but easily gets motion sickness. There's some game where you have to repair a space station in zero G. He can't play it for more than a minute or so without feeling nausea.

Thank you Saka.
You are right, it feel s like you are actually in the ship flying. I think your friend is speaking about Lone Echo. I played it thru, it is pretty tough to get accustom to the free flight of zero G in and out of the ship but a beautifully rendered game..
12 Jan 2022, 8:00pm
SalmoneaFA OFF is correct newtons physics.

Except hitting max speed threshold instead of infinitely accelerating on full thrust
12 Jan 2022, 8:01pm
Burstar the Apparently Angry but not really
PahlI cannot play with FA off, it just makes me feel dizzy. I'm fine in the SRV, just turn on horizon lock, and allow the screen to go blank if/when the SRV goes belly up. But flying with FA off, i just haven't gotten the hang of.

For me this happened in the beginning of using FA Off because my movements were too spastic. I would practice FA Off station keeping at a rotating Station. Find target spots at the perimeter of the station to stay lined up with and practice holding that position, emphasizing smooth controlled inputs, until your mind just gets used to the concept of movement not in the direction you're facing. This is normally the beginner strategy for learning to FA-Off in general but I found it also grounded my brain from the VR disorientation as well. It's at the point now I can't fight without VR because my aim is all off.

Alternatively, or supplementary, you could take over the counter nausea medication (Gravol, etc...) until you get used to it. I had to for SRV driving myself which was funny because I never get motion sick in vehicles IRL (land sea or air).

Thank you Burstar The Apparently Angry but not really,
I will give that a go. Like you I do not get motion sickness in real life, but the first time I played a VR rally race game, or a flight game, I was instantly in a vomit comet. I have found that a few Guinness' would take the edge off.

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