Elite: Game talk

15 Jan 2022, 8:39am
Tomciopalec I am on Oculus 2, and yes, It is AMAZING

Did you have to do anything special to it? I swear I have tried shifting the lenses, messing with the settings, etc..... It works but everything looks to a tad off to me. Best I can describe it is that it looks like there is no anti-aliasing at all. Everyone else tells me it looks super clear.

Did you muck about with all the correct settings? Supersampling and the "HMD image quality". Those are the big ones, but also very taxing.

ATM ED:O Anti-Aliasing is broken. VR or no it doesn't work so you'll get the jaggies unless you're running extremely high resolutions (4k+). Resolutions are hardware limited with VR so will be especially bad until it gets fixed. I would stick to Horizons for VR play in the meantime.

I found this video to be helpful with optimizing the game settings for performance. Once you work out the best options for your system per this video, you can then play with the SS and HMD IQ sliders until it looks and performs as good as you can get it although I just leave them at 1 myself because the performance hit in the past was too great.

FDev have stated they are not supporting VR with ED:O. A huge disappointment but unsurprising considering the difficulty of getting FPS gameplay working in VR that doesn't immediately induce severe nausea or look stupid (ie: the teleport mechanic).
15 Jan 2022, 8:40am
Lily Flemmon
Elite isn't optimized enough as a game to have really good gameplay immersion without an absolute powerhouse of a PC. But I find Elite to be a very immersive game not because the quality of gameplay or visuals, but because of the writing and storytelling, ongoing, real-time, and each player is a small part of that story.

Elite Dangerous Horizons is very well optimized, the rushed up Odyssey is performance hogg. It is good that you find the procedurally generated empty galaxy immersive from your RP perspective but for some of us it is dead empty space and a missed potential. It is as Frontier just focused on implementing mechanics than trying to put some life and spark in it.
15 Jan 2022, 8:45am
My other half FSDs WHEN?
15 Jan 2022, 8:58am
Lily Flemmon
...I find Elite to be a very immersive game not because the quality of gameplay or visuals, but because of the writing and storytelling, ongoing, real-time, and each player is a small part of that story.

It is good that you find the procedurally generated empty galaxy immersive from your RP perspective but for some of us it is procedural generated dead empty space and a missed potential. It is as Frontier just focused on implementing mechanics than trying to put some life and spark in it.

Imagine falling for BS marketing speak this hard.

You are not a 'small part of the story' at all. Your actions are meaningless in regards to anything that happens in Elite. The BGS is a minigame unrelated to (but affected by) GalNet events. Community Goals being a player affected part of the story are an illusion. They are binary 'choices' in which both paths inevitably lead to the same future just with a different historical footnote. The only thing that truly alters the story (from the writing staff's grand vision) is the game development process. For example. We all know on foot first person encounters with Thargoids are going to happen. It's a no-brainer. Nothing you can do will prevent this. No amount of BGS work to kick out all the factions of of the nebulae (impossible anyways), nor any CG either. You can deliver a gazillion Nuke mats to Salvation in an attempt to exterminate every last Thargoid known to exist and it will still happen. Only bad code and the time it takes to fix it will delay this inevitable event.

You're (with the sound of Yamiks choking nasally voice) pErSoNaL NaRaTiVe is just that. A 'personal narrative', not a game influencing one.
15 Jan 2022, 10:56am
Lily FlemmonWhen I first started playing Elite, I was playing in VR before I even left the Pilot's Federation District. I used a Lenovo Explorer, a Windows VR headset with 1440x1440 per eye resolution and absolutely horrible hand controller tracking, but inside-out tracking onb the headset plenty good enough for Elite.
The main problem with VR is that the angular resolution (pixels per degree) is still pretty bad, even on the quest 2 (I now use one for the bit of VR gaming I still do. Gorilla Tag is absolutely inspired bullshit, I love it to bits).
But at 15 pixels per degree, that's good for CQC type play in elite, but with the sheer scale of the game, it's not that immersive. The other big limitation is if you fly with anything other than an xbox controller or similar gamepad, you're SOL because you can't see your HOTAS, and you can't see your keyboard, through the headset.

I now play on a 43" 4K TV, and I use TrackIR, a T16000M flight stick with a modded slider (I built a hall effect throttle lever and wired it in where the slider was), and to the left of my throttle lever I have an arcade-style fight pad with a 6DOF knob (set to ignore rotation) mounted to its handrest as a 3-axis maneuvering throttle.

Now, for the dramatic part:

Elite isn't optimized enough as a game to have really good gameplay immersion without an absolute powerhouse of a PC. But I find Elite to be a very immersive game not because the quality of gameplay or visuals, but because of the writing and storytelling, ongoing, real-time, and each player is a small part of that story. The Elite universe is so incredibly fleshed out and so fundamentally human, it's one of the best space operas ever written, although hard to compare because of its broad scope and real-time nature. Not even Star Citizen measures up to it, because the story of this universe, the one we all partake in, is fundamentally not a story about space, or the future, or fiction at all, it's about human nature. It's about us.
The best of all sci-fi isn't about adventure and excitement and entertainment, the best of sci-fi is the stories that make us realize the unthinkable about ourselves.
This is why I RP, I want to be part of this story. And not for recognition. I want to be a part of this story because this story is important, and I want to learn about myself, and I hope others can learn from Lily's story too.

Hear Hear! o7 :o) But let's have less grind and more gameplay to give more depth to the impressive breadth. :o)
15 Jan 2022, 11:16am
I think Lily is right. Elite Dangerous has all the elements of a tabletop RPG. FDev provides the lore, the overarching narrative, the setting, the rules, the dice, and the game master in the form of Galnet and community goals. The players choose their roles within that setting. Sure, you can play ED like a stupid incremental game, max out all the ranks, unlock all the stuff, buy all the ships, and then move on to another game. But there are player factions creating their own lore within the setting and having a lot of fun doing so. McCoy Spaceways is one of those, and there are many others. If ED didn't have that level of immersion, you wouldn't see so much fan fiction published on Inara every day. The game is a canvas, much more so than other RPGs (e.g. Bethesda's) where your character's history and purpose is handed to you, and all you can do is play through the same quests in more or less the same order towards one or several possible outcomes. It's true that personal narratives don't influence ED's bigger picture, but why would you want them to? Imagine your character is an AX pilot defending humanity against the Thargoid menace, would you actually want to win? Would you want Thargoids to disappear? My squadron is pro-xeno, but does that mean we want the 'goids to win? Of course not! Would Imperials want the Federation to disappear, or vice versa? I don't think so. The ongoing conflicts in ED's background story help you shape your own character, if that's what you want to do. That's why these conflicts must not end, regardless of our actions.
15 Jan 2022, 11:35am
EpisparhMy other half FSDs WHEN?

Same, but funnily vice versa. The FSDs are in storage in Alcor, but not in Colonia.
Edit: Oh, wait, that's probably the set from phase 2. So they'll just take their time.

Last edit: 15 Jan 2022, 11:42am
15 Jan 2022, 11:59am
Yuna SakashiroElite Dangerous has all the elements of a tabletop RPG. FDev provides the lore, the overarching narrative, the setting, the rules, the dice, and the game master in the form of Galnet and community goals. The players choose their roles within that setting... It's true that personal narratives don't influence ED's bigger picture, but why would you want them to?

I agree that Elite is immersive and an excellent setting for developing your pErSoNaL NaRaTiVe but to me it's important to make the reality clear: The players do not affect the storyline. Period. That's where I draw the line. RP? Ofc. Develop stories within your own communities? Perfect. Did you matter before joining the game, during, and after you leave? Absolutely not. My issue is with this pipedream of being a consequence in this world where that couldn't be further from the truth. Why is this important? Because for years FDev have marketed along these lines. It's a lie, one of many we're all aware of and choose to ignore to one extent or another as this entire line of dialogue shows.

Would I really want to exterminate all the Goids permanently? Actually, yes! But, only if that was a legitimate result expressly due to the combined actions of myself, friends and dedicated AX combatants (edit: and despite the efforts of Thargoid sympathizers). Why? A true accomplishment. One that could forever be branded in the game history as something we achieved despite all odds. Never happen though. Even if the Goids ever were erradicated it would be because of a stroke of a pen somewhere in Cambridge and that truth permeates everything we 'do' in this game.

So, write your fan fiction, create your own pErSoNaL NaRaTiVe as much as you want, love the Elite world however much rocks your boat. Just don't delude yourself into thinking you actually have a real effect on the official story.
15 Jan 2022, 12:58pm
But Burstar, I can put my name on things!

15 Jan 2022, 1:15pm
15 Jan 2022, 1:31pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreWould I really want to exterminate all the Goids permanently? Actually, yes! But, only if that was a legitimate result expressly due to the combined actions of myself, friends and dedicated AX combatants (edit: and despite the efforts of Thargoid sympathizers). Why? A true accomplishment. One that could forever be branded in the game history as something we achieved despite all odds. Never happen though. Even if the Goids ever were erradicated it would be because of a stroke of a pen somewhere in Cambridge and that truth permeates everything we 'do' in this game.

But this is the reality of any game. Newsflash, you'll never truly defeat the black or white pieces in chess. The next time you play, they'll be back on the board. What a scam!
15 Jan 2022, 1:33pm
SalmoneaYe, Frontier is really screwed...
Interims Results and Trading Update
Released 07:00:04 12 January 2022

1.5 mill loss compared to almost 6 mill profit for similar period a year earlier (not an economist so that's me readum numbers good). Imagine what this report would have looked like had ED:O waited to release until it was actually read 3 months from now...
15 Jan 2022, 2:16pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
EpisparhLOL, my CG FSDs from Colonia arrived ... But no FSDs from Alcor

Weird, I just checked and I got all 6 of mine...

Are you positive you got them already and you're not thinking of the one from the previous bridge cg? Just wanna know if i should have any hopes or they're not coming until monday at the least...
15 Jan 2022, 2:16pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreWould I really want to exterminate all the Goids permanently? Actually, yes! But, only if that was a legitimate result expressly due to the combined actions of myself, friends and dedicated AX combatants (edit: and despite the efforts of Thargoid sympathizers). Why? A true accomplishment. One that could forever be branded in the game history as something we achieved despite all odds. Never happen though. Even if the Goids ever were erradicated it would be because of a stroke of a pen somewhere in Cambridge and that truth permeates everything we 'do' in this game.

But this is the reality of any game. Newsflash, you'll never truly defeat the black or white pieces in chess. The next time you play, they'll be back on the board. What a scam!

I know you think you have a point, but you're wrong.
15 Jan 2022, 2:37pm
EpisparhMy other half FSDs WHEN?

Same, but funnily vice versa. The FSDs are in storage in Alcor, but not in Colonia.
Edit: Oh, wait, that's probably the set from phase 2. So they'll just take their time.

Imagine the poor sod that reads the spreadsheet line by line then manually sends the SQL query to add those FSDs

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