Elite: Game talk

20 Jan 2022, 8:12am
Btw, is it still true that only one multi limpet controller can be fitted at a time? It just occurred to me that I could increase my number of collector limpets from 10 to 12 by equipping a class 3 universal mining limpet controller (and using only its collector function). If I could fit two of those, I could even replace one of the class 5 controllers with a cargo rack and still have 11 collectors available.
20 Jan 2022, 9:18am
3C multi-limpet controller have same collectors as 3C collector limpet controller.

Just reduce your lasers to 3 on python. You will not have downtown for overheating.
20 Jan 2022, 9:55am
Episparh3C multi-limpet controller have same collectors as 3C collector limpet controller.

Just reduce your lasers to 3 on python. You will not have downtown for overheating.

This. That build is bottlenecked by the lack of limpets, not the lasers. Some food for thought (FTR I'd actually be tempted to go down to 2 lasers, add a 3rd PA, and use 3 Class 6 Cargo holds - if pulling the trigger bothers you so much use an FDev sanctioned macro program like Voice Attack or your keyboards software) while you're still wrapping your head around why all the experienced miners recommend D grade collectors.
20 Jan 2022, 10:34am
MalottheadSo, when are we gettin the fsds for alcor/ colonia CG?

“Contributors will be able to collect their rewards from Jaques Station and Macdonald Settlement from the 14th of January. The proposed engineered frame shift drives for those eligible will follow at a later date.

thought it might be on the weekly tick but nada for me yet...
20 Jan 2022, 10:39am
Episparh3C multi-limpet controller have same collectors as 3C collector limpet controller.

But four instead of two. I'll give it a try.

EpisparhJust reduce your lasers to 3 on python. You will not have downtown for overheating.

I don't mind the downtime because it's also a flicker downtime. The Python's cockpit is at the front, so when I mine close to the rock, the purple flicker fills the entire screen, and in the evening also the room. I don't have PSE, but it's still annoying. Depleting the rock with two short bursts is exactly what I want. I'd add even more lasers if I could.

Btw I see A-rated collectors on your mining Cutter. Are you not an experienced miner?
20 Jan 2022, 11:13am
Mining Death Star
  • 8 lasers (308 damage per 11s burst)
  • 19 collectors (A-rated!)
  • 192 cargo
Caution: Sunglasses not included!
20 Jan 2022, 11:30am
Yuna Sakashiro Btw I see A-rated collectors on your mining Cutter. Are you not an experienced miner?

He probably used that ship last for the Guardian Artifact collection CGs... Alternatively, he engineered them back in his younger days thinking "a GrAdE iS bEtTeR" and can't be arsed to engineer D grade replacements, or he did it to be a troll. Regardless, if he used those collectors for mining within the last year he almost certainly regrets it whether he's willing to admit it or not. Nobody is perfect.

Edit: For example, my Mining Cutter has Deep Charge experimental on its FSD. I made a mistake years ago and just haven't bothered to fix it. I would never recommend using that experimental for anything other than very niche reasons. It's called learning from your mistakes.

Last edit: 20 Jan 2022, 11:42am
20 Jan 2022, 11:36am
MadBeachUSAjust got VR.. WOW Unbelievable anyone know when Odyssey will be VR ready? (guess i should say when will they get it right)

What controls are you using?

i also have oculus quest 2.. i am using the PS4 controller.. the problem im having is typing i dont touch type and i cant get the virtual keyboard to come up during play, which sucks trying to type in star system.. any ideas will be appreciated.
20 Jan 2022, 12:00pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
Yuna Sakashiro Btw I see A-rated collectors on your mining Cutter. Are you not an experienced miner?

He probably used that ship last for the Guardian Artifact collection CGs... Alternatively, he engineered them back in his younger days thinking "a GrAdE iS bEtTeR" and can't be arsed to engineer D grade replacements, or he did it to be a troll. Regardless, if he used those collectors for mining within the last year he almost certainly regrets it whether he's willing to admit it or not. Nobody is perfect.

Edit: For example, my Mining Cutter has Deep Charge experimental on its FSD. I made a mistake years ago and just haven't bothered to fix it. I would never recommend using that experimental for anything other than very niche reasons. It's called learning from your mistakes.

As you can see, I have D-rated collectors on my Python right now. I mined yesterday and did not notice any benefits. The only difference I noticed is that my collectors now expire two minutes earlier than before.
20 Jan 2022, 12:23pm
Yuna Sakashiro As you can see, I have D-rated collectors on my Python right now. I mined yesterday and did not notice any benefits. The only difference I noticed is that my collectors now expire two minutes earlier than before.

You do not notice that your ship is lighter, and consequently faster with farther jump range? What about the power demands? Pretty significant to not notice especially considering it was a primary concern while building your ship to begin with, or is your memory failing? Nah, seems to me it's not that you didn't notice. It's that you don't want to notice.

Then there's the real world problems your shorter ranged limpets will help with that you haven't encountered yet. That will come with time. In the meantime, rest assured you chose well.
20 Jan 2022, 12:33pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
Yuna Sakashiro Btw I see A-rated collectors on your mining Cutter. Are you not an experienced miner?

He probably used that ship last for the Guardian Artifact collection CGs... Alternatively, he engineered them back in his younger days thinking "a GrAdE iS bEtTeR" and can't be arsed to engineer D grade replacements, or he did it to be a troll. Regardless, if he used those collectors for mining within the last year he almost certainly regrets it whether he's willing to admit it or not. Nobody is perfect.

Edit: For example, my Mining Cutter has Deep Charge experimental on its FSD. I made a mistake years ago and just haven't bothered to fix it. I would never recommend using that experimental for anything other than very niche reasons. It's called learning from your mistakes.

They are better! Longer range and lifetime and I swap those on some other ship. You may not see advantage for laser mining but for cores and mat collectors they are fine. And indeed I have used them to collect guardian stuff from low g ruins, but they were there.

When you can apply lightweight mod the advantages of D rated is negligent and I am not a cheap CMDR to save CR and engineering materials
20 Jan 2022, 12:58pm
Episparh They are better! Longer range and lifetime and I swap those on some other ship. You may not see advantage for laser mining but for cores and mat collectors they are fine. And indeed I have used them to collect guardian stuff from low g ruins, but they were there.

When you can apply lightweight mod the advantages of D rated is negligent and I am not a cheap CMDR to save CR and engineering materials

There is a difference between 'fine' and 'ideal'. For mat collection the pros and cons to either aren't enough for me to worry about. If you have a couple engineered A grades use them why not? But for mining, especially core mining where ore getting stuck in the asteroids was always a common issue even before this latest series of fragments spawning inside the rocks bugs, D grade are the better option. At best the argument for A grades is 'I can live with and/or feel the need to justify my mistake'.

The longer duration only translates to predictably needing to bring more limpets. For the sake of argument, lets say you mine for an hour (45 min seems more the norm but > length just puts the math in your favour so meh). A grade = 5 full deployments, D grade 6. One extra full deployment is ~12 limpets depending on the ship/spec. Woopedy doo.
Saka's python gets an additional 1.5 LY jump range and 2m/s speed for less than free. Literally getting money and energy draw back in the process. Better yet, the shorter range saves time and hassle when the inevitable happens. I know what you're thinking now "muh, only 1.5 LY and 2m/s. That's nothing." No, nothing is the list of actual legit reasons to not have these higher numbers.
20 Jan 2022, 1:03pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
Yuna Sakashiro As you can see, I have D-rated collectors on my Python right now. I mined yesterday and did not notice any benefits. The only difference I noticed is that my collectors now expire two minutes earlier than before.

You do not notice that your ship is lighter, and consequently faster with farther jump range? What about the power demands? Pretty significant to not notice especially considering it was a primary concern while building your ship to begin with, or is your memory failing? Nah, seems to me it's not that you didn't notice. It's that you don't want to notice.

Then there's the real world problems your shorter ranged limpets will help with that you haven't encountered yet. That will come with time. In the meantime, rest assured you chose well.

Weight was not the reason for the change of the build. I had two grade 5 lightweight A-rated collector controllers before, and I wanted to test the D-rated ones before I engineer another two for permanent use. And as things stand now, I will stay with A-rated. The extended lifetime makes a big difference, and I simply haven't seen the alleged benefits of the shorter range. Overall the D-rated ones feel like a downgrade.

I don't remember any power issues with the Python. The previous build had a class 5 FSD booster and fuel scoop, a vehicle hangar, and three pulse lasers, i.e. it was a multipurpose build that could also do mining. Now I'm making it a dedicated miner. The ship has plenty of power to run four A-rated collector controllers along with the five lasers. No power management required.
20 Jan 2022, 1:11pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreSaka's python gets an additional 1.5 LY jump range and 2m/s speed for less than free. Literally getting money and energy draw back in the process. Better yet, the shorter range saves time and hassle when the inevitable happens. I know what you're thinking now "muh, only 1.5 LY and 2m/s. That's nothing." No, nothing is the list of actual legit reasons to not have these higher numbers.

I don't need the jump range any more, I just park the carrier near the mining site.
20 Jan 2022, 1:18pm
Burstar, Sakashiro is cheap CMDR that cannot afford grade 5 engineering.
Use her build and apply grade 5 on all modules, the advantage of D rated collectors is close to zero. Not to mention that before FC I was swapping 2 collectors for fuel scoop and guardian FSD booster at the closest station before going to sell.

To sum it up, if you gonna apply engineering to limpets - A grade is the way to go.

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