Elite: Game talk

16 Jan 2022, 1:47am
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreIt has happened, case already mentioned: Eve Online, you know, the game with one of the most famous player controlled economies out there fast approaching 2 decades of age?

So why aren't you playing EVE? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
16 Jan 2022, 1:59am
So here's where I'm coming from: Elite's galaxy does not respond much to player input, and that's a good thing for any players not seeking an unbridled power fantasy experience. Elite's lore suggests that Commanders make no noticeable difference, closest thing to noticeable being powerplay, where players make up more forces for change than anything else- and it's only fitting that the resulting changes are gradual.

Lore immersion requires allowing the lore to provide context for the gameplay, and just like enjoying any fiction, it takes a certain level of suspension of disbelief.
16 Jan 2022, 2:39am
Why not play EVE? Simple. You don't fly your own ships in EVE. You just tell them where to go. It's like how we control Fleet Carriers only much more responsive. Personally wish there was a bit of a hybrid of the two systems implemented into the game. We have a galaxy of 400 billion systems, less than 1% of which have been visited. I think it would be cool if there was like a 2k LY radius around the bubble where everything is kept the same. But outside that, it should be up to the players to explore, create, and expand, similar to EVE. I could think of a ton of different ways to implement that, or things that could go with it. I know this idea always generates nothing but hate, but I'm curious as to why people hate the idea of letting things expand beyond the bubble? Why must we be locked to this one area of space with no potential to expand or do anything outside of it other than just explore and take pretty pictures? Why is the notion of wanting to do and accomplish more with more players always seen as a terrible idea and that remaining locked in the bubble is the only right and just path for the future of ED? I feel like I'm alone in this thought process and I just don't understand why.

Last edit: 16 Jan 2022, 2:47am
16 Jan 2022, 3:39am
Player density outside the known hotspots is already very low. The DSSA is player-driven expansion beyond the bubble, but as long as there is nothing to find out there, what's the point?
16 Jan 2022, 4:48am
Yuna SakashiroPlayer density outside the known hotspots is already very low. The DSSA is player-driven expansion beyond the bubble, but as long as there is nothing to find out there, what's the point?

This is the problem. The game isn't setup in a way to encourage expanding outside the bubble. Partly because we aren't permitted to do stuff that would make it worth while. We can't stake claims on systems, buy or have stations constructed, cant trade engineering mats so all the naturally occurring mats have to be collected on your own as opposed to finding natural hotspots and setting up trade routes, etc..... the engineering grind sucks but enabling players to harvest, trade, or sell/buy them would help a lot in that regard. Even open markets to buying modules from players that they already engineered. If they ever patch the relog bugs it would become all the more beneficial. I use those as an example because there currently isn't really anything else in the game to utilize in terms of creating a player driven economy.
16 Jan 2022, 11:57am
I think that player-owned bases aren't there because Frontier does not want players to get passive revenue aside of those via Powerplay and even that is not as passive, since you need to do actions in order to keep up with Rating in the pledged power... which a lot of players use only to get fun toys to play with, buy 10x of these and then severe ties as if nothing happened.
16 Jan 2022, 12:24pm
Technically fleet carriers allow passive income through their commodity markets. The problem is that no one really needs commodities. What people need is materials, and these are still separate from any economic activity.

I'd love it if materials and engineered modules could be traded. The fact that even with billions of credits in the bank you still have to personally pick up your materials instead of just buying them is ridiculous.
16 Jan 2022, 1:40pm
Burstar, please explain why player activity in EVE does not change system security levels.
16 Jan 2022, 2:27pm
Yuna SakashiroBurstar, please explain why player activity in EVE does not change system security levels.

No. Doing your own research has been working so well for you so far, do it some more.
16 Jan 2022, 2:36pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
Yuna SakashiroBurstar, please explain why player activity in EVE does not change system security levels.

No. Doing your own research has been working so well for you so far, do it some more.

My research shows that you've been talking out of your arse again, as usual.
16 Jan 2022, 2:51pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre
Yuna SakashiroBurstar, please explain why player activity in EVE does not change system security levels.

No. Doing your own research has been working so well for you so far, do it some more.

My research shows that you've been talking out of your arse again, as usual.

Thank you for proving my point yet again...
16 Jan 2022, 4:14pm
ahhh the love is in the air again....
16 Jan 2022, 6:14pm
Not only can you not affect a system's security level in EVE, you can't even kill system authority ships (aka. CONCORD). That means every gank in a high security system is a suicide operation.

Sounds like carebear paradise. No wonder Burstar likes it...
16 Jan 2022, 6:17pm
Do you have still broken that double engeneered FSD from previous 2nd phase project bridge? Plot route is planing like stock FSD I have that feel. I have current jump range 82 and route planner calculating path wih 75 range.
16 Jan 2022, 6:39pm
Yuna SakashiroNot only can you not affect a system's security level in EVE, you can't even kill system authority ships (aka. CONCORD). That means every gank in a high security system is a suicide operation.

Sounds like carebear paradise. No wonder Burstar likes it...

Honestly that makes more sense than what we have implemented in ED. If you enter a high security area and you start going around murdering people, the authorities should be hunting you down with serious firepower. As is, the penalty for murder is practically no worse than a speeding ticket.

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