Elite: Game talk

19 Jan 2022, 8:06pm
DescartesQuestion, or three.... How do the Federation ships measure up to their competitors, are they worth buying, what upgrades would they need

I guess it depends on who you ask. I personally like the Fed Gunship for attacking bases. The Corvette in my opinion is a beast. Although much slower than the Cutter it will out turn and bring weapons on target much faster than the other big ships. I think it handles like a large FDL. It also has far less drift than the Cutter or Anaconda. It does however have a weaker weapon load out.
In short... The Fed ships are good for combat and nothing more. Horrible jump range and subpar cargo capacity plagues all of them IMO. The Imperial ships are better multi purpose ships as they carry more cargo and can jump further.

Last edit: 19 Jan 2022, 8:17pm
19 Jan 2022, 8:50pm
DescartesQuestion, or three.... How do the Federation ships measure up to their competitors, are they worth buying, ?

Honestly only Federal Assault Ship(FAS) and Federal Corvette worth the time.

FAS - is hull tank very similar to Alliance Chieftain. But then chieftain is slightly better.
Vette - is probably the best large PvE ship. Slightly faster than Conda with best maneuverability of the big 3. Jump range is the worst though.

FGS - is a slow hull tank turd with a lot of fire power. The L and M hardpoints are below the ship so it is good for bombing.

I couldn't find a reason to own Federal Drop Ship. It combines the worst of FAS and FGS. Perhaps it can be a niche hauler build
19 Jan 2022, 8:51pm
The vette is the go-to lazy combateer. Used for massacre stacks when you don't want to have to think too much. Not much fun but gets the job done.
FAS and Gunship are decent settlement missilers and decent hull tanks for their size but their agility is not great.
Eagle is a great ship but I've not found a role for it at the moment.

EDIT: Nice one Epi, got in a second before me
19 Jan 2022, 9:01pm
QuillmonkeyThe vette is the go-to lazy combateer. Used for massacre stacks when you don't want to have to think too much. Not much fun but gets the job done.
FAS and Gunship are decent settlement missilers and decent hull tanks for their size but their agility is not great.
Eagle is a great ship but I've not found a role for it at the moment.

EDIT: Nice one Epi, got in a second before me

FAS is a very fast and nimble ship. It have similar flight characteristics to Chieftain but faster as FDL.
19 Jan 2022, 9:27pm
5 mining lasers, 10 collector limpets, and mining still feels like watching paint dry.
19 Jan 2022, 9:33pm
Yuna Sakashiro5 mining lasers, 10 collector limpets, and mining still feels like watching paint dry.

x5 2d mining lasers on a Python. That Power Distributor will murder you when you fall asleep. I bet lasers stops to work one by one after 4-5 sec

2 collectors per 2d mining laser is slow. I strongly suggest you to try cutter with 4 lasers and 12 collectors.
19 Jan 2022, 9:35pm
Yuna Sakashiro5 mining lasers, 10 collector limpets, and mining still feels like watching paint dry.

What about 9 mining lasers? check this
I have depleted asteroid in few seconds.

Last edit: 19 Jan 2022, 9:40pm
19 Jan 2022, 9:42pm
Yuna Sakashiro5 mining lasers, 10 collector limpets, and mining still feels like watching paint dry.

What about 10 mining lasers? check this
I have depleted asteroid in few seconds.

You are depleting WEP capacitator in 3 sec...

And then you wait 30 sec for collectors to do their stuff.

2D mining laser x4 and 12 collectors = Asteroid depleted when WEP capacitator is empty and all chunks are inside cargo without waiting.
19 Jan 2022, 9:58pm
DescartesQuestion, or three.... How do the Federation ships measure up to their competitors, are they worth buying, ?

Large ship equivalent specs of the Imp Cutter and the Fed Corvette for comparison only (not necessarily recommended for use).
Note that the Cutter wins in Jump Range, Top Speed and Boost Speed, Total Optional slot capability (858 module points vs Corvette's 682), and Potential Shield strength.
The Corvette wins in Maneuverability, Potential DPS (due to better class hardpoints placed in actually useful locations, and because it gets a better distributor), and has slightly better versatility with 13 slots instead of 12.
;tldr Corvette for PVE as it's advantages and shortcomings fit well there, and Cutter for Open/everything else
19 Jan 2022, 10:48pm
Not if someone will heave easy time killing a Vette if you decide to not stay. Vette's shield is not as good as Cutter's but it is not a joke either.
20 Jan 2022, 3:02am
Yuna Sakashiro5 mining lasers, 10 collector limpets, and mining still feels like watching paint dry.

x5 2d mining lasers on a Python. That Power Distributor will murder you when you fall asleep. I bet lasers stops to work one by one after 4-5 sec

2 collectors per 2d mining laser is slow. I strongly suggest you to try cutter with 4 lasers and 12 collectors.

This is a beautiful and efficent ship for mining.
20 Jan 2022, 3:22am
Yuna Sakashiro5 mining lasers, 10 collector limpets, and mining still feels like watching paint dry.

What about 10 mining lasers? check this
I have depleted asteroid in few seconds.

You are depleting WEP capacitator in 3 sec...

And then you wait 30 sec for collectors to do their stuff.

2D mining laser x4 and 12 collectors = Asteroid depleted when WEP capacitator is empty and all chunks are inside cargo without waiting.

5 sec depleting capacitor. And its good. Without depleting you got overheat.
20 Jan 2022, 4:19am
Yuna Sakashiro5 mining lasers, 10 collector limpets, and mining still feels like watching paint dry.

x5 2d mining lasers on a Python. That Power Distributor will murder you when you fall asleep. I bet lasers stops to work one by one after 4-5 sec

According to EDSY, with four pips the WEP capacitor depletes after 9.6s, i.e. 1.4s before the ship overheats. But I usually release the button when temperature hits 90%. Doing this twice will deplete any asteroid. While the collectors finish collecting, I already launch the next prospector. I actually disliked holding the button down and having the lasers flicker on the screen all the time, so this is an improvement.

Episparh 2 collectors per 2d mining laser is slow. I strongly suggest you to try cutter with 4 lasers and 12 collectors.

I was thinking about using the Cutter, but then I remembered its lateral thrusters. So I tried the Python first.

But I'm still not convinced that D-rated collectors are a better choice than A-rated ones. I feel like I'm wasting limpets due to the shorter lifespan, and I'm hesitating to leave the asteroid and move on to the next before collection has finished, due to the shorter range.
20 Jan 2022, 5:10am
Oh, so you waiting between overheats which is same.

Laser mining do not require manoeuvering as core mining does. You just take direction and keep going in it. This is the reason why cargo and power distributor outweigh the speed and maneuverability.
20 Jan 2022, 6:31am
EpisparhLaser mining do not require manoeuvering as core mining does. You just take direction and keep going in it. This is the reason why cargo and power distributor outweigh the speed and maneuverability.

You can reduce the loss of limpets due to asteroid rotation by mining near the poles, but this requires some maneuvering. My Cutter's thrusters are not engineered yet, so any change of direction or lateral motion is extremely slow. The power distributor is not yet engineered either. The ship just isn't ready yet for anything but hauling.

Cargo space isn't a problem at all because I don't have the patience to mine more than 128t at a time anyway.

FDev has a unique talent to build grind walls around everything. Core mining could be fun but is ruined by the rarity of cores. Just like surface prospecting, you spend most of the time searching and very little time actually mining. I prefer mining in No Man's Sky. You just hit the asteroids with whatever weapons you have. The smaller ones explode, the bigger ones lose large pieces until nothing is left. The fragments get sucked into your ship, Dredger-style. No need to worry about limpets, loadouts, hotspots, ring types etc.

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