Elite: Game talk

24 Jan 2022, 2:42am
So uh, anyone been out to Fortune's Loss lately in Horizons? There appears to be a small problem, with it being nearly 3Km off the surface, and stuck on a pillar.

Is this an issue with just my game, or are other people seeing this issue too?
24 Jan 2022, 5:28am
tobias ElliotSo uh, anyone been out to Fortune's Loss lately in Horizons? There appears to be a small problem, with it being nearly 3Km off the surface, and stuck on a pillar.

Is this an issue with just my game, or are other people seeing this issue too?

yes its something alright,
I lost my srv there few days back when I decided to go for a drive after landing, it was pitch dark so I did not see the glich, first I was sure that I am stuck and unable to move but when I saw the ground fast approaching I knew its time to prey, funny in a sense, this game keeps on giving, or in this case, taking, but in funny way,
24 Jan 2022, 12:42pm
Hello! Any big Private groups would be recommended that I could join to play? Mostly friendly wise
24 Jan 2022, 12:45pm
KatutisHello! Any big Private groups would be recommended that I could join to play? Mostly friendly wise

I don't know about "big" but Nova Navy is always open!
24 Jan 2022, 6:54pm
Double Engineered FSD rewards will be issued this week. A notification will be sent to your comms panel. Note: they F'd it up and so you won't be able to add the experimental effect until a bug is fixed, so don't freak out.

Last edit: 24 Jan 2022, 7:16pm
24 Jan 2022, 8:21pm
Burstar the Magnificently MediocreNote: they F'd it up and so you won't be able to add the experimental effect until a bug is fixed

I can sometimes only marvel about the unbelievable fantastic skills, to mess things up, that have been working already
24 Jan 2022, 9:36pm
Daddy O[quote=Shg56]Solo mode is for sissies.

Not everyone can play Open Mode due to poor internet infrastructure in their region. Also, there's another thing that needs to be taken into consideration: servers (like in case of EVE) take a lot of stress from computers/consoles due to client-server-client connections, however in P2P - such as in case of Elite: Dangerous - there is no server to compensate (even hardware-wise), so if you happen to be in a poor internet infrastructure and there is a lot of players in the single system, your ED can (or could) turn into slideshow. I used to game on Xbox One and now I play Xbox Series and the difference between both "configurations" is just extreme: Xbox One basically choked in systems where there was a lot of players in supercruise.

We also must touch another issue. And it comes from someone who never top aced in PVP in another game (enhanced with mod/fan expansion that created entire roleplaying sphere around it), also of sandbox space, warring against very skilled pilots but after learning a few ropes always went head-on in combat. I was capable to down top players quite a few times in a fighter via group fight after few months of training, but then again I found my niche: used a transport ship that wasn't really meant for direct combat but I could take on bombers meant to murder transports in seconds. And there was no engineering, just pure skill.

On Elite that's simply not doable [you can just flight than fight if you don't have two-three PVP builds] unless... there was a third option that would neither harm one side and the other side and finally bring the solution to the issue: make materials buyable with all these credits a lot of us allocated. I don't get why Frontier does not want that, because some of us REALLY want to get into Open Mode and try PVP -- but the barrier is time. I hope it is understandable that a lot of players don't do Engineering/Power module grinding meant for PVP, because they don't want to spend dozens of hours and create a build that would be used in not even 10% of their usual - and often limited - play time.

If not bounties being rebalanced in 2019(?), I would not be hitting second billion in assets right now.
24 Jan 2022, 10:08pm
Iwao Kishiro
Daddy OSolo mode is for sissies.

Resist the urge to argue with somebody, who obviously spends most of his time alone in the black.
We all know, that being a few kLy away from the bubble is pretty much safe to fly open.

But some of us (and I ain't looking at somebody special, but you might guess...)
Some uf us have again *obviously* never done a hauling CG in the bubble.
So it's easy for some people to shout out loud about their own supremacy without even ever facing the threat, they are currently laughing about...
25 Jan 2022, 3:26am
ill never understand the players that try to pirate others directly outside of stations, especially high security ones - it never results in their favour and the defendant usually survives on behalf of system security
25 Jan 2022, 5:10am
Good morning. Just recently purchased E:D Horizons and trying to make some money on trade routes now, but when I arrive I can't find the right station in the system. Can you tell me what the ploblem might be?
25 Jan 2022, 5:43am
Leo VerdenGood morning. Just recently purchased E:D Horizons and trying to make some money on trade routes now, but when I arrive I can't find the right station in the system. Can you tell me what the ploblem might be?

Check your Navigation Filters on your left-side panel. They'll be called Settlements instead of Stations and they'll be found on Landfall Planets and Moons. They might not be enabled. Hope this helps!
25 Jan 2022, 8:50am
Leo VerdenGood morning. Just recently purchased E:D Horizons and trying to make some money on trade routes now, but when I arrive I can't find the right station in the system. Can you tell me what the ploblem might be?

Check your Navigation Filters on your left-side panel. They'll be called Settlements instead of Stations and they'll be found on Landfall Planets and Moons. They might not be enabled. Hope this helps!

Couple of things:
1) Be sure you're not looking for an Odyssey Settlement. They will not be visible in Horizons clients no matter what you do.
2) Planetary Starports/Horizons Settlements may not be visible in systems where the population is <1 million. In these systems you need to scan with your Discovery scanner, and then the Full Spectrum Scanner so that the host planet no longer shows up as 'unexplored' but rather displays its actual name. Alternatively, you can visit and scan the System's NAV Beacon, or, go to the System map use the 'Points of Interest' feature to point you to the correct planet directly. When you get close enough you'll proximity scan the planet and the Starport will appear.

This 'things are there but you can't see them' mechanic appears commonly throughout the game. For example: Systems never before visited won't even have the Stars (or any other body) on your displays until you DSS or proximity scan them, and Points of Interest won't appear until you're within 1000ls of them (FSS or NAV beacon scanning can also find them farther away).
25 Jan 2022, 9:32am
Dang, I need to increase my reputation with Sirius. I am at 5% and this won't hold after Thursday if I am reading the signs right.

Can someone remind me the fastest way to rise rep with Sirius Corporation?

My guess will be:

R2R - > sell data to Sirius. (How much CR value of exploration data I will need for 95% rep gain?)
Missions in Robigo, Sothis, Ceos

I do not care for cash or mats, just need to rise rep from Unfriendly to Allied in shortest time possible. I am ready to burn even cash for this.

P. S. And before someone asks why I am Unfriendly with Sirius.
25 Jan 2022, 9:41am
It takes 8-9Mcr from neutral to allied if that helps.

Since you can't dock on their stations it would probably make sense to collect bounties by Sirius and cash them in anywhere to raise it to neutral and then sell data.
25 Jan 2022, 9:47am
Oh, I can dock. It is good that my hostile rep decayed to Unfriendly.

But if a tech chick ask you for something, you do not ask why? Especially, if you can gain few dozens power regulators in the process.

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